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I am so sick of feeling sick

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    I am so sick of feeling sick

    My stomach aches, my chest feels heavy and I keep coughing. My head aches. Why do I keep picking up the wine every night when I know the consequenses? I need professional help with my anxiety, cannot wait for my health insyrance to kick in.

    hope y'all are having a better day than I am

    I am so sick of feeling sick

    Why put off your recovery because of no health insurance? If you are drinking heavily, then why not start to wean yourself down? Drink lots of water - drink water in between drinks. Get some food into you, take vitamins.... there is so much you can do today!!

    I suffer from anxiety and it was way worse when I was drinking. It was rough the first few days after I quit but trust me it got a whole lot better and manageable.

    Taking little steps can do a world of good.


      I am so sick of feeling sick

      Hi 619

      I have had many many day like you are having and they suck big time !, but if you do this programme even some of it you can have a day like i am having, which yes is much better than yours( and I don't say that smuggly I am gratfull I found this sight and the support and meds and prgramm) but i like accountable say there is so much you can do today we are here for you good luck


        I am so sick of feeling sick

        Thank you both. I needed the hope today.


          I am so sick of feeling sick

          Baby steps is right. Set a small attainable goal for today so you aren't overwhelmed. Drink glasses of water in between as suggested before me, set an earlier bed time...take a long bath and leave the wine downstairs, do the old weight watcher's trick, mix the wine with sparkling water or diet 7UP...ANYTHING to reduce your intake tonight..

          Then set another attainable goal tomorrow...add exercise, read the MWO book, add vitamins...keep improving your life day by day...
          Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)


            I am so sick of feeling sick

            miim, do you have a plan for the rest of the night? Have you had some water? Every little positive step helps. Whatever you do, don't give up. :h


              I am so sick of feeling sick

              Dear Miim619,

              I know how you feel! I have been waking every morning with headaches, and sluggish, and kept saying I will quit tomorrow. I was happy when the other day I just had 2 drinks and felt so much better. I like the advice the others gave too. Lets try water in between ( it will fill us up to!) and then nurse the drink.
              I try to do some sort of exercise before the evening to take my mind off of the craving. But, tonight I am bad because I know I will see the Doctor tomorrow and confide in him that I need help. SO.... I have had 3 glasses already as an excuse that I will quit tomorrow. I'll probably regret it in the morning. I'll stay in touch to see how you are doing. Maybe we can compare notes as we improve.

              Moonlight ( thats when the craving starts for me) therefore the name
              It is never to late!


                I am so sick of feeling sick

                Moonlight, gosh can I identify. It's always "I will quit tomorrow" Good for you admitting to the MD you need help. I think I am there too. Keep in touch


                  I am so sick of feeling sick

                  Welcome Miim,

                  Start hanging out here more and start cutting that wine in half with water OR drink one glass of water after each glass of wine. There are lots of other tricks, just hang around here and you'll find you're way out. : )

                  Lots of Love,

                  Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                  - George Jackson

