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    I posted for the first time here earlier today, saying I was going to quit.

    As I said in the other post, I had a glass of wine and a beer and then decided. Obviously, it wasn't a snap decision. But I didn't go out & buy anything else, so at least my place is AF!!

    But now I'm feeling Bored. Although I'm watching TV and reading posts, I feel like if I were drinking at the same time, I wouldn't feel bored. I know this is nutty thinking! How would having a drink (while still watching TV and playing computer) change anything?!

    I guess boredom is just another emotion that I have to find a way to deal with without resorting to alcohol. If I feel like this about a mild emotion like boredom, how am I going to react if I feel something strong like anger?

    How can I already be wondering if I can do this when it's been only a partial day AF?

    And as much as this is a great forum, it's kind of troubling to read about people on their 3-5th days with terrible cravings...

    I'm not sure what I'm even asking.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


    I have been with this site for about 3 mouths now and have good days and bad i haven't managed very many AF days but I like your thread about boredom as I drink out of habit and boredom and you have made me think, so thanks for that. May not help you at the moment but just with you and hope you get through your first day. Are you doing it alone or with help from supps or partner?
    Seashell X



      savon its not that easy for most of use we all want to quit but saying it and doing it are two differant things not sure i know what i mane either but i know what u mean if that makes snece thatsthe thing with this sight we understand each other



        saxon have you got any of the stuff from here I tkae the meds and they do wonders for me its not all about just being af you might want to try just to moderate i do the two some af days some mod days i cant deal witht he thought of never having another drink makes me want to hit the booze I have been on and off this sight for ages .



          I have been sober for nearly sixty days now. I will not tell you that becoming a non-drinker is easy and clear sailing. I will not tell you that life become perfect the moment you stop drinking. Some may fool themselves into believing that some of us quit and that it was easy for us. I assure you it was not. It takes comittment, a plan and work. But, the rewards are many and life gets better, because we are in better shape to handle whatever comes our way.

          I encourage you to read the MWO book, devise your plan and go for it!

          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007



            oh and seashell why are you sad ???? can you both tell I am bored shit less lol kids are in bed so I come on here read threads post pass a bit of time cathch up with people have a bit of a laugh get some support hopefully give some support and get through another day !



              Hi savon, hope you're doing OK.

              The concerns about boredom - the "what will I do" type feelings, are unfortunately classic drinker's thoughts - you believe that alcohol is a bigger part of your life than it needs to be, because of habitual, cyclical behaviour. I was EXACTLY the same. Your addiction is playing head-games with you, nothing more.

              I know how you feel, but please be assured that the TV show you are watching is just as funny without alcohol, and the books you read are as interesting, alcohol free.

              There is a very wise old saying, which is "Just because you think it - doesn't make it true".

              Hang in there!

              Peace & strength,




                Sad because i find it so had to kick this and it makes me mad that it has this control over me.Also the mother in law is coming to stay for 2 weeks !! Savon shell we try together cant promise anything and you have a day start on me?
                Seashell X



                  No outside help (except you guys! )...

                  And, like I said on first post, one of my main reasons to quit is $$$ since I'm unemployed... which can lead to boredom... so you see how that goes! I'm also single and have been off work MUCH longer than I expected, so add anxiety to the boredom.

                  I guess if we can realize that alcohol really doesn't help (even tho' it seems like it at the time:sigh.

                  I know I've used all sorts of excuses to drink! Maybe recognizing when I come up with a stupid excuse would be a good start.
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



                    Hi Seashell
                    I know what you mean by boredom!!! I could easily drink while watching TV but I never drink when I'm upset or angry! Go figure that one out! For me, just changing a little routine helped with the drinking. It's hard no matter what you do but just stick with it and you'll do fine. There is alot of support here on MWO and I look forward to checking in a couple of times a day. My AF days since I joined in February have not been all in a row but they have been many.....much more than ever! This place is really helping me and all the members have been great! I wish you luck and health and check in often.
                    Greenhouse1:h too!
                    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --




                      just out of interest where in the world do you live as you are on line this time of night i wonder if you are uk? just read your thread so understand more now and yes i really hope you can be strong and get your life on strack go for it. Be strong
                      Seashell X



                        OH! was a huge reason for me to drink......I honestly think it was the initial "Buzz". It kind of makes you feel alive and in touch. But, for me, the aftermath so often was over doing it and going from buzz to depressed to hungover.

                        Even TV is better sober! I can at least know what is going on and follow the show!!

                        Sometimes, I just go out and hang around Barnes and Noble.....lot's of fun stuff to do without money!
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007



                          that just what i did saxon found loads of excuses to drink anything went wrong or if i felt sorry for myslef then it was my excuse to reach for a drink and convinced myself that i deserved it . But all that did was bring was bring more problems not solve any coming on here has made me realise that so now when anything goes wrong or i get upset i try to stop and think no i dont need a drink it wont solve the problem it might make me feel better for a few hours but i will feel worse for days afterwards. Just that stopping and thinking it throuhg is working at the minute for me and the meds are helping me do that so have some faith friends it can all work and i spend ages on here too



                            I think saxon is from america or canada as he she used the $ sign a true brit would use ? sign ! god i should be a dectective lol



                              good point maybe she stays up late or gets up early as she doesn't seem to be here now lets just hope she got through her day 1 and on to day 2
                              Seashell X

