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Program Without Topamax

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    Program Without Topamax

    I really want to start the program. I have the book and have ordered the CDs. I find out today that my regular doctor will be unavailable for at least a month for personal situation. I won't be able to get a prescription for Topamax.

    I was thinking of starting the program all the way except without Topamax. Is this wise? Do I chance failing and turning this into a bad experience? Should I wait until I get the Topamax?

    I really would like to start now.


    Program Without Topamax

    Mark, there are several people here who don't use topamax myself included. I wasn't using anthing for the first few months and now was just prescribed Campral. I did great in the beginning using supps and CD's, but I started getting lax with the program not listening to CD's, not taking supps,etc and I ended up right where I started. I'm doing great again, not to say I haven't had a couple slip ups, but they aren't nearly like I was before.I'm on day 3 of abs this time and pretty much done with the booze.

    Welcome and good luck! This is a great program.


      Program Without Topamax

      Thanks Marcie.

      I think I am going to need the fullblown program with the Topamax. I have 3-4-5 drinks, sometimes more, every night. The problem is I know I need to stop, but I enjoy the escape from other problems in my life.

      Every morning I wake up so mad at myself. By evening, I am drinking again. And it goes on and on....

      I am looking forward to the hypnotherapy. Actually I used hypnotherapy to stop smoking years ago, and really believe in it. At this moment, I cannot picture coming home from work not having Vodka available.

      I work out. I eat well. I am in great shape. I take many vitamins already, and I drink too much every night.

      I am tired of worrying at 11 PM whether I have enough vodka left for the rest of the evening.

      Thanks again for your kind words.



        Program Without Topamax

        Try the Topa if you can...

        Been in the same place, know exactly what you are going thru...Do the full blown program...Everything works together.
        The supps especially help. I've read the book, am doing all of the supps, on week 3 at 75mg with the Topa.
        Also take the evening dose of Topa aroung "happy hour" (5pm) as well as emptying a capsule of L-glutamine under my tongue (gets to the brain faster) and wait an hour before trying to drink. Definetly get the Topa. I am still drinking in the evenings, but just 1 - 2 drinks, and the urge is lessoning. I tried getting the script thru my doc, but did not work out so well, so am getting them online. THe program is definitly working for me, as well as for others as you can see from the discussion board! Just hang in there and do EVERYTHING and it WILL work for you. Stay with us!!


          Program Without Topamax

          Can't see my doctor

          Thanks Smokey for the encouragement.

          Ironically, my doctor is a great guy who would understand about the need to prescribe me Topamax. Unfortunately he is out for 6 weeks having surgery himself.

          Do I dare go to a strange new doctor and explain? The CDs arrived now and I am ready to start. I will be real bummed if it is yet another practitioner who tells me to go to AA. I will not go to AA. At least not yet.

          Any way to get Topamax without a prescription? I am read to start the program now.




            Program Without Topamax

            Topa without script

            Your lucky with your doc....I had to get my Topa offshore without a doc(s) (kaiser) of the old mindset that total abstinence and need therapy. I will not go to AA either. This program is working just fine for me!
            Here is a couple of links for Topa. (NO scripts needed) I order my first batch from the first link (got it from another post here), then am waiting for my second batch of Topa to arrive from the second link (the second link seems a bit cheaper).



            You could just order 6 weeks worth until your doc comes back. The first link might bet a bit faster, seemed to take about a week and a half or a bit less.
            Good luck!

