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Topa dopa question

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    Topa dopa question

    I got my topa on Monday and all of my supps & cd's today. I want to start the program tomorrow or Sunday. I am wondering how really bad the dopa part of topa is. Because I may start some online training next week that will last for 4 weeks. If I try to take the training later, I may miss my chance for this job that I really want. But I don't want to mess it up by being stupid either. The people who know and work with me will think nothing of it if I mix up my words, I do that anyway. In fact, I told my husband that I was going to go fill my "subscription" (for the topa) the other day and he just ignored my word exchange. If I were to re-read all my stuff before I send out, would that help? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

    Topa dopa question

    I worry about that too. So far its not to bad, nothing anyone notices but me. im only on the 50mg tho. go to 75 on monday. so well see. gabby


      Topa dopa question

      I don't recall having any problems when I started with the topa. I'd cut out the Calms Forte though if you are taking it though because it will make you extra sleepy. I'm one of the "wierd" ones that the topa has a adverse effect on and makes me "more awake". Good luck on the job.



        Topa dopa question

        Topa dopa question

        Hi Gabby,

        Thanks for responding. So, I may not have too much of a problem, at least to begin with. I'll have to watch your progress and continue to read the posts of others. I wasn't sure anyone would respond as the first time I replied to a post it was suggested that I start a new thread. I thought that was a great idea but not sure how to do that - new to this type of message boards. So with this, I clicked on new topic. Just not sure how to stay on a topic posted and create a new subject? I'll figure it out at some point I guess. Thanks again for your response!


          Topa dopa question

          Re: Topa dopa question

          That's more info for me to keep in mind. I haven't taken the calm forte so will have to watch the sleepiness (or not). Thanks! It's so nice to share concerns and get feedback. I love the MWO community.


            Topa dopa question

            Re: Topa dopa question

            Breaker, I really love this place too. I find it very supportive, fun, entertaining, heartfelt, genunine and real people. From all over the world. It is helping me a super lot. Anyway ya never can tell how any of the supps or meds will effect you until you try for yourself. You could be totally different. But it is nice to bounce off others going through the same thing. I would think you would be find for the online training. Good luck, Gabby


              Topa dopa question

              Re: Topa dopa question

              Hi, Breaker and welcome. (You may want to register here, as it makes using EZBoard a little more seamless. It's free; just ignore their propositions to sign up for anything when you subscribe.)

              Regarding Topamax, if you get a chance to read through some of our earlier posts, you'll see that many individuals have been able to control craving using lower doses than the levels first reported in the Lancet study and published in the Physician's Desk Reference. We observe this back at HQ, as well. We believe this is because of the multi-faceted nature of the program (hypnotherapy, nutritional supplements, diet, exercise, etc.) And of course the support here on the boards is very important.

              This has been helpful to patients in terms of side effects, among other things, so we recommend you work with your health care provider and see how you're doing as you titrate up to the 100, 150, mg. etc. level. If you feel you've got your craving under control and you remain committed to the other aspects of the program, there may be no need to increase your dosage, particularly if you're taking the kudzu, amino acids, and other supps.

              Hope that helps and good luck to you as you get started!



                Topa dopa question

                Topa dopa question

                Hi RJ,

                Yes, I'll register as the boards are very confusing to me with so much info in so many places.

                Trying to sift thru posts re: the topa, supps, and cd's. Working w/my DO on the topa, taking all the supps (fine w/those), and trying to get in the cd's. I'll have to work with those as I got stressed just trying to figure out when to listen. It's easier for me to eek out 30 mins vs 1 hr in a day. But I realized I can fit the sublimal in at work and no one knows what I'm playing, at least I hope not.

                As far as the cravings, I really don't know what exactly I expected in this area. I am looking forward to titrating up as I still am drinking some. I am more of a habit drinker or use it to sleep. I'm looking toward moderation. I am drinking less but have noticed that the beer tastes really, really weird. It is almost kind of milky, yucky, frothy. Not sure what is causing that, but it's probably making me drink less. Also, beer is not my choice of drink - wine is.

                Thanks for your response and help! It's my 3rd day and I'm sure everything will kick in place! I just know it will!!



                  Topa dopa question

                  Topa Dopa effects

                  Here are my Topa effects...
                  In my 3rd week, and on 75 mg of Topa. Taking all my supps and doing the recommended exercising 3x a week. Am just feeling tired all the time, mostly noticed after work. If I start doing something I'm okay, but as soon as I sit down, I just want to stay sitting. I haven't started substituting words, just find myself at a lost for a word, takes me a few seconds to remember it, even when I'm looking at the object! Just keep taking all works!! Hang in there!!


                    Topa dopa question

                    Re: Topa Dopa effects

                    Oh, I like this, now that I have registered, as suggested by RJ and others. This now makes more sense. Hmmm. Thanks All!!

                    Smokey06, thanks for your support! I am also feeling tired some of the time since I started, maybe from the Calmes Forte since I didn't start the topa until a couple days later? Also, I think the CD's are really relaxing me and mellowing me out quite a bit. But, it's a gentle tired for me, and not really a "tired", maybe just a "relaxed" state - but I am enjoying it immensely.

                    It sounds like you are doing fine in your 3rd week with 75 mg of topa - so, I'll just hang in there, take everything I'm supposed to and watch it work for me as I've seen it do for you and others.

                    I do have my fun with excercising as I took up Ballroom Dancing back in January and I absolutely love it, and now I find myself with my headphones on, in front of mirrors, making up my own dance routines to fast music to "work to weight off" and stick to the program - but it's actually fun to choregraph to your own music - so I'm having some fun here too. Thanks for your support to my newbie situation.

                    Look forward to chatting with you again!



                      Topa dopa question


                      Breaker, You,re doin good. gab : )


                        Topa dopa question

                        Re: ya

                        Hey gab,

                        It seems to be a work in progress. While re-reading about the supps tonight I caught that one of the benefits of Kudzu might be reduced hot flashes. I looked at the dosage again and realized that I had misunderstood and was only taking 1200 mg/day and could take up to 3000mg/day. Well, when I read that, coupled with the reduced craving, ya gotta know I upped my dosage right then!! I've been having hot flashes the past month and been miserable! So now I'll see how that's working. It's not really that I'm craving, it's more of a habit and I think that's where the hypno cd's will help. I think I get to listen more to the clearing and hypno this weekend, while I've heard the sublimal and sleep almost every day so far. These are great message boards and I'll have to get around to posting on some others, but find it hard to just jump in - I kinda feel like I'd be interrupting someone's conversation. But I'll see, it just gets so late by the time I get up here, and's time to go to bed. So, I'll check back later. Thanks Gab!

