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Just Starting Out

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    Just Starting Out

    Hi everyone,
    My name is Sherry and I am 41 years old. I live in NC and I have a serious drinking problem. I have registered on this site looking for support and ideas that I can use to help me stop drinking once and for all....I have been a binge drinker since I was 18 years old. I can go days without drinking, but when I do, I always go overboard. Lately I have noticed that it is taking me longer and longer to get over the hangovers and I am getting physically sick every time I drink. I know that I need to quit, but after a few days I get the return craving and the next thing you know, there goes a case of beer or a box of wine. I am really sick today from my binge last night and I will be ok for a few days. I hope I can count on you guys for support. I really want to quit this time!

    Just Starting Out

    Hi Robers - welcome

    You will find all the support you need here, it is a great place to be.........if you want to PM me to hear my experience so far, please do.........

    Welcome aboard! Glad to have you here.
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      Just Starting Out

      Hi Sherry, I think you will benefit here for sure. I use Kudzu Rescue to reduce cravings you can buy on-line. People here are so very nice and will talk to you as well as numerous topics about anything and everything related to drinking. Nice to meet you. :welcome:



        Just Starting Out

        Hi Sherry, my name is Patty.

        I have 4 kids- ages 10, 12, 17, and 20, and I'm 43 years old.
        I started here on New Year's Eve and I've met all sorts of wonderful people here- stick around! You'll find people at all different places in this journey, and I hope you find your way OUT.

        There is almost ALWAYS someone on line here, because we are a virtual world wide group..... You can count on us for support, I promise..... but of course, this whole journey starts with you, doesn't it? :l

        Stay close. How CAN we help you, Sherry?

        Tampa, FL


          Just Starting Out

          Robers, welcome. Congrats on your decision to try and get some help. That's a big step.

          Your body certainly sounds like it's trying to tell you something, that's for sure. Drink a lot of water over the next few days to flush out your system. Many people here claim that Kudzu and L-glutamine really help with AL cravings, so I would recommend you purchasing some before your day 2-3 (?) cravings start hitting again. But more importantly, you can get more advice regarding meds and supps by reading the book (can be downloaded), or going to the Holistic Healing threads.

          Good luck. We are here for you.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            Just Starting Out


            Welcome Sherry
            This is a great place for information - support - love and a kick in the arse when need be! If you want to lurk around you can or if you want to jump right in and start a thread or ask a question - go for it! The most important thing is to read RJ's book and start her program asap - otherwise it's just the same ol same ol. I am 46 years old and have been trying to stop drinking for over 20 years. I have chosen to be Alcohol Free (AF) and am going on my 74th day. I would highly recommend (like Thankful did) that you STOP drinking for at least 30 days before you decide if you are going to moderate. Me --- It feels to good to be free of the wicked Beast to go back!

            Best to you Sherry!

            ps the kick in the arse -- that's debatable on this site!!
            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

            (from the Movie "Once")


              Just Starting Out

              Thanks, i appreciate your words of encouragement. I am doing okay today. Have been busy doing things around the house. Tomorrow (Friday-Weekend) may be a challenge, but I will remain strong and remember how I feel "the day after"....
              I will keep in touch.


                Just Starting Out

                Hi Sherry,
                Fridays are a b!tch for me too. I woke up this morning after a AF night and felt so good. i need to bottle that feeling so I can remember it the next time I am being tempted.
                You have acome to a wonderful place.

                : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


                  Just Starting Out

                  Welcome Sherry!
                  I am day 2 AF today and a little nervous about tonight (Friday) also.
                  Just wanted to add my good thoughts, and a hug. This is a great place for support and wisdom.

                  love and hugs,
                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                    Just Starting Out

                    Welcome Sherry...

                    I registered for the site some time ago too. I've been struggling, no doubt. I'm considering AA as a way to further find support to overcome this. I applaud you --and those of you further along than the rest-- for deciding to do something which seems to continue to elude me.

                    Thinking about you Sherry -- hope all is well and congrats on taking a small but very important first step.
                    Working on it... AF as of...[sigh]. is all that matters.


                      Just Starting Out

                      Hi Sherry--

                      Just want to say :welcome:

                      You have found a great place. I have been here about 2 years, and after many failed attempts, I am finally achieving some success!! This place was key. Read RJ's book, and try the tools available...whether it be suppliments, meds or whatever. And read the posts, and share your own.

                      I am 47, 2 teen kids...and I live in florida. Nice to meet you. OH, I am really not Lucy I am Beth lol.


                      formerly known as bak310


                        Just Starting Out

                        Hi Sherry from me in the UK, this site is like having friends next door who will always listen and do their best to help dont hesitate to post or pm when the need is there:welcome:


                          Just Starting Out

                          I am new too, and I can identify with robers2. I always binge drink. I feel awful the next day and NOTHING helps!! I have tried AA, but I don't think it is for me personally. My worst time of day that I crave alcohol is after work on a weekday. As soon as it's 5:30, I start cruising the local bars to see if my friends are there. I have tried to quit SO many times, but I keep returning to my old habits. I am about to move 800 miles away from my home to start a new job, and I've decided that when I get to my new city I'm going to quit for good. Any advice for a newbie?


                            Just Starting Out

                            Welcome Sherry
                            i have been here coming up to 2 months and words cant express how much this site has helped me...yes the strength has to be within but god its good to know i can jump on here and chat when i am not doing so well. Read the book order the supps and really take what this site has to offer. There is also a chat room if you need immediate help i used it last night...and to tell you the truth if i didnt have the chat room i would be very hungover today.
                            Maybe when it draws closer to the craving days you can come and have a chat you never know what inspiration and words of wisdom you can gain - you will only know when you try it.
                            stay strong - you are in a good place to start your journey
                            I am the author of my life.


                              Just Starting Out

                              Hi Sherry,
                              You wouldn't believe how many friends I have named either Sherry or Shirley. Some of us work together - yikes! But I welcome another person in that group.

                              I was a binge drinker. The advantage I guess is that you know you probably don't need to worry about withdrawal symptoms. The down side is, those AF days lure us into drinking again. "I'll be able to stop this time" - and it doesn't happen - again - and again - and again.... I never actually missed work on Monday am, but those hang overs really do get worse.

                              It helped me to write down all the things I hate about drinking- It surprised me how long it was. I gave my list to my husband, and asked for his support. He kind of didn't believe me because "quitting" had happened before, but only lasted a couple of weeks. But this time it worked! The support I have received here is so great. I did this without the other pieces of the MWO program - supplements, CD's and all. But they seem critical to the success of many others. Just finding this web site gave me such hope. I found many others like me, many being successful in many different ways.

                              So I do wish you well. Believe in success. We are here to support you.
                              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

