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ODAT Thursday
ODAT Thursday
Good morning everybody! I have my gym schedule and will get a call today about personal trainers so that I can make that commitment. They have yoga in the mornings, hummmm. I just need more hours in a day is all :H Don't we all! I have the perfect banana for my smoothie this AM and feel happy. Onward to the black hole! Have a wonderful day!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUTTags: None
ODAT Thursday
Thank you for starting the thread. You are up awfully early, though, my goodness!!
Good for you about the gym and keeping the doc. I think that is the wisest course.
Okay, all ODATers, tomorrow is my appt with my shrink and I am on pins and needles with excitement. It would never have occurred to me a year ago to get excited about taking a drug that will make you deathly ill if you drink. :H
However, I have finally come to the conclusion that it is what I must do and once the decision was made thanks to AFM, Det, Beth and Hippie's all relating their success on Antabuse, I feel positive I am making the right choice.
I hope all my wonderful ODAT friends have a great Thursday and attain their goals whatever they are.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
ODAT Thursday
good morning
Hi Greeneyes, great for you starting the gym w/ a trainer, you sound excited about it, good for you!!:thumbs:
Cindi, I hope you do well on the Antibuse, use whatever you need to meet your goals! The Campral is really working for me......................
I feel pretty good this morning, have an extremely busy evening but should be fun..........just gotta get through the day first, very boring here at the office, thank GOD for MWO, I will be spending alot of time here today!
Everyone else, I hope you meet your goals for this day!!
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
ODAT Thursday
Morning green, cindi and cowgal and all to come.
Cindi, I am so happy for you and your choice - I'm sure it will work for you and I am behind you all the way, I know you have had challenges in your struggle with this beast.
Cowgal, good to see you doing so well.
I am still struggling but am way better than before - mine is more of an alone problem than a social problem - talked to another member last night and decided to post my social vs alone challenge. Any suggestions, please see that thread and help me out!
Today I will not drink - this is an O in my tracker, I have decided and since i wasn't able to keep to that vow yesterday - today it shall be.
By the way - things with the BF are better than they have been in MONTHS and his new house is awesome!!!!! Finally, somethings going right! LOL
Love you gujys,
UniEvery day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
ODAT Thursday
Good morning all. I think I'm pretty much at the end of the physical withdrawal. I'm on day 7 AF. I slept well last night without benadryl and I feel GREAT this morning. I've already lost 3 pounds this last week. you think ditching those calories in 1.5-2 bottles of wine per day is having any effect? :H
I check into Schick-Shadel in 3 days. It's an AVERSION therapy program, not a traditional rehab. I think of it like a mental form of Antabuse. I'm going to get hypnotized into wanting to barf with alcohol!
I'm so happy that I went AF first. I'm glad to be only dealing with the head part of it, not the whole body part.
Cindi: I'm really looking forward to hearing how you do with the antabuse. I'm thinking of you every day.
Uni: keep up the good work. I've been white knuckling through the 'cocktail' hour of 5pm-8pm. It seems if I can get past 8, I'm fine. I don't have an answer for you...just know you're not alone in your struggle.
Cowgal and greeneyes: Have a great day!"We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen