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Back Again

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    Back Again

    Well I haven't been here for awhile, but I have to do something before I kill myself. I really need to stop this madness. I have tried to moderate, but I have just fallen back again to passing out every night. I have four kids that are missing me. I really don't want them remember me like this. Like I remember my mom. Last night was my anniversary and I passed out at 8. What a good wife and mother. I still make it to work and everything gets done in the house, but for the last four days I haven't done shit at home. My husband is laid off and he's been taking care of everything. He said to me this morning that I alleinate myself from the family and just sit back and drink. That I'm not happy unless I'm drinking. Which is true so I have to find myself again and focus on what really makes me happy. My family.

    OK so I will be here a lot.


    Back Again

    Welcome back Marisa.

    Keep reading and posting. By supporting each other I'm sure we can deal with this.


      Back Again

      Hi Marisa: We've not met before, but I'm glad you've come back. Hope you'll post often . . . there is a lot of support here. . . and I've been inspired by the folks who slip and then re-try, and then make it! I'm sure you will too! I've been with the program since January and am doing mods - so far so good, but will be interested in any warning signs you have to share.

      Hope to get to know you a bit!



        Back Again

        Marisa............welcome back!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          Back Again

          Welcome back Marisa~ your heart spoke very loudly when you said,

          I have to find myself again and focus on what really makes me happy. My family.

          That is so impactful... write it down again and again. Post your wisdom in the unexpected places- on your car visor, so when you flip it down to keep the sun out of your eyes (on the way PAST the beer store ), you'll remember.

          Place it in your wallet, so when you go to grab money for the groceries, you'll remember why
          you don't have wine in your buggy.

          Place it in your daytimer, so when you are at work, and your boss is controlling a LONG meeting and you start doodling in your notebook so you look "enchanted" by his "wise" words... you'll remember what the truly most important thought is, my friend:

          I have to find myself again and focus on what really makes me happy. My family.:l

          Much love :heart:,

          Tampa, FL


            Back Again

            Marisa, welcome back.

            If you been here before, you know the drill. Read as many posts as you can. Alot of great stuff out there. Lots of hope and inspiration.

            Good luck to you. There's no greater inspiration than your family.

            Love, Me
            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


              Back Again

              I am relatively new here, but welcome back. I have done my 30 days af (as of 3/5) and am afraid to try moderating for fear of falling back to my old ways. Good for you, in realizing that moderation wasn't working for you. I wish you the strength you need to attack this monster.



                Back Again

                Welcome back, Marisa.

                There is nothing more rewarding than to rediscover yourself then pass that on to your family.

                You can do this. You have to be bold and stand strong. Let us know how we can help and post a lot. Read as much as you can.

                We are here for you.


                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

