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ODAT Friday! (It is, I've checked!!)

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    ODAT Friday! (It is, I've checked!!)

    Morning all! After yesterday's faux pas I looked at the diary before coming on line! Really I'm not that dizzy - just a bit too busy!

    I slept my fiirst night in our barn conversion/holiday let last night. Boy I slept well. Hubby stayed here in the cottage with the piglet - only got woken by her demanding (and I mean DEMANDING) feeds 3 times! hahaha! Don't know why I'm laughing as it's my turn tonight. Think I might try and re-introduce her to mum and siblings today and get out of night nurse duties!

    I didn't manage a night AF but I did manage moderation and for that I am pleased.

    Have a good Friday all to come and for those of you for whom it is the end of the working week, I hope you have a good plan in place to get you through the weekend. Remember to take it ODAT.

    Love to all

    Bessie xx

    ODAT Friday! (It is, I've checked!!)

    Good morning Bessie, happy friday. You and hubby might be really tired, but you're good people. Have you named your little piggy yet?

    Wasn't AF last night, but also was mod. Looking forward to a weekend. Will not spend it inside. Expecting some snow or rain. AGAIN!

    Hope all have a great day.


      ODAT Friday! (It is, I've checked!!)

      Good morning ODATers,

      Bessie, I sure hope you can reintroduce the little one back to mama and sibs. Whew, waking up 3 times a night is tough!!

      Suki, spring is almost here!! Hang in there. It will come, I promise!!

      All the rest to come, please have a wonderful day.

      I see the shrink today and have finally made it. Yea!! He better prescribe me some Antabuse!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        ODAT Friday! (It is, I've checked!!)

        Suki, Bessie, Cindi and all to come.......

        Well, it's Friday. And I've had a stinker of a week in terms of AL.........haven't got rip roaring drunk like I used to but I haven't managed to put a single 0 in my tracker. I'm finding the supps alone aren't cutting it - I think I'm going to start back on the topa. I need a little push. Bessie and I have promised each other that we will do today AF and that is my solemn vow..........

        I've done this before, I can do it again. Besides, I think my poor liver needs a break after this week.
        I think I"ll give it to him.

        Love and Hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT Friday! (It is, I've checked!!)

          i made it, yeah.

          thanks all 4 being here. now i have to get through this green weekend. pretty important holiday 4 me in the past(if you know what i mean). i'm goin 4 60days, that sounds crazy. i'll be here though.:k. c you all again, and keep up the positive thinking. i goin to work. gary:thanks:


            ODAT Friday! (It is, I've checked!!)

            I am here. I seem to have AF AL AF AL days, trying to string together some af days. Lots of family stuff going on, not an excuse i know.
            thanks for being here
            love you all


              ODAT Friday! (It is, I've checked!!)


              back on day 25, not starting over at one, but had 3 beers at the reception for the Red Hills international Horse Trial last evening....................the bottle had a horse on it so I thought I would try it and it would taste bad, tasted not so good, but ran into drinking buddies (no excuse I know)and had another 2....................feel horrible this AM:upset:, but back in the saddle, I WILL make 30 days AND don't think I will want to try that little experiment again!! No thank you!!!:no:

              Not beating myself up though but not feeling as good as I was, so totally turned off from al!

              love you guys:h, thanks for your support!!!:thanks:

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                ODAT Friday! (It is, I've checked!!)

                Hello to all - we've made it to the weekend~!

                Congrats to whtwshman for making 30! :goodjob: I'm 5 days behind you.

                I'm sick with the cold/flu that has had everyone down and that has mostly taken care of any cravings. Except that my throat is so very sore that ibuprofen in large quantities isn't helping. Last night I considered doing a couple of shots as medicine - but right then my husband walked in with a frozen strawberry smoothie from coldstone creamery that hit the spot! numb + yum. thanks honey :h

                Let's keep on keeping on and here's hoping that the people who were involved in the drama can find the support that they need.
                The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                W Whitman

                90+ days yay!


                  ODAT Friday! (It is, I've checked!!)

                  Disapprovingcat, where did you get the picture of my Squeaky? Your cat and mine look like they were separated at birth! Hope you feel better. I'd get sick to get a smoothie from coldstone creamy. What a good guy for bringing one home for you!

                  Cowgal, don't you dare beat yourself up. You have done an amazing job, considering your surgery, therapy, busy life. Learn from every experience. You had a drink or two with friends, didn't enjoy it and felt lousy in the morning. It makes the AF days easier.

                  Gary, go for 60 days, you little leprechaun! You'll find gold at the end of the rainbow!

                  I live in Boston, where there is an Irish pub on every corner. I think they've started celebrating already. Could never quite see appeal in green beer!

                  Rude, hope you have a good weekend. For the most part I love my family, however on many occasions my brother would cause me to drink. He's n ot worth it though.

                  Uni, I've had a week like you. Did the BF move into his new house. Maybe next week you and I can get a few AF days under our belts.

                  Cindi, hope your appointment went well today. Has spring arrived in the south yet?

                  Bessie, get some sleep!

