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    Hi there everyone....

    I am brand new and want some feed-back on the program....I started w/ all the supplements this AM and will see my doctor today for a Topamax request. I am allergic to sulfa and have researched that it is safe for us who are allergic, so hopefully she will read all the stuff I printed out about that.

    I, of course drank a 6-pack yesterday and REALLY need to stop! I tried AA many many times and am way too embarrassed to go back and "pick up a whit chip". I just don't GET IT!!!!

    Just looking for some support, and read that this is where to come for it.....

    Thanks, any feed-back is greatly appreciated.

    Mary Anne

    new today

    Hi MaryAnn,
    I'm new too. I have a sulfa allergery and its ok to take supps and topa. This program is great I am on day 15 and no beer. Havent done that in a long time. Keep readin and postin. So many great people here to help. I am just amazed. Be sure to read the book. gabby


      new today


      Thanks Gabby for the quick reply, I have a really good feeling about this!

      Mary Anne


        new today

        Re: thanks

        Mary Ann Let us know what happens at the doc...okay?
        Be sure to take him info like the lancet artical and any of the others in the research tab on the left. You might need it.


          new today


          OK, will do.I printed that article (Lancet)and some other information on Topamax and sulfa allergies. I think she wanted to prescribe Topamax for my anxiety (imagine that, anxiety w. alcoholism??!!) but she was afraid to because of my allergy, so goave me neurontin, which doesn't work and I am having itching from that (I think, can't figure out what else it could be)

          Mary Anne


            new today

            Re: ok

            Whats a whit chip ???


              new today

              white chip

              It is a "chip" (poker chip) that in AA symbolizes "surrender" that you are HELPLESS against controlling your alcohol intake..........really hard for me to accept.....that is why I came here and feel so good about what is going to happen...(much hope!)

              Couldn't do AA, can't accept that fact.

              Gabby, my Dr. would not prescribe Topamax, so I will try and go onto the website and order it.......

              Mary Anne


                new today

                Re: white chip

                MaryAnn, Or just try for anther dr. gabby


                  new today

                  Re: white chip

                  That sucks Mary Anne,
                  Can you try another doc?



                    new today

                    Re: white chip

                    There are not many docs in this town, and it takes FOREVER to get an appt.....I could try my primary care provider(yes I belong to an HMO), but I don't know how to address it w/ him......I have told him I have a problem w/ alcohol and anxiety, that is why he referred me to this psychologist, who prescribed seroquel for me...........she thinks if I get my anxiety controlled(which is brought about by drinking), that I won't drink..........I am drinking right now, but trying to only have about 4 beers instead of 10. It is hard though......and topo is SO expensive (even generic is 129.00 for 100!)

                    I feel a little depressed, but the seroquel is supposed to make me tired, so I will turn in early and probably wake up early 3 or something in the AM!

                    Talk to you soon, and thanks for the support!!

                    Mary Anne:c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c

