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A word about the DRAMA

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    A word about the DRAMA

    As a newbie here, I just want to say how frustrating it is to see how quickly things can deteriorate into ugliness. I want to thank the members who have kept a cool head and stayed positive. I'll bet some people who start here in the middle of episodes like that don't come back.

    I am extremely grateful for the support I've received here and I know I would have never taken this step without it. If you are new here and you see tension between posters...ignore it and move on to a different post. There is an incredible wealth of wisdom here.

    Another word to the (not so) wise: Don't drink and post! I've certainly done my share of embarassing myself, but I'm hoping that chapter in my life if OVER.
    "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen

    A word about the DRAMA


    Me, too, no more embarrassing moment's in our lives from AL. (There can be other embarrassing moments, but not brought on by AL!!)

    When do you go to Schick Schadel? It is soon, right?

    I am praying it works for you. Big time!!

    I know how hard this is and you have done something really positive to make it better.

    Good on you!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      A word about the DRAMA

      Very well put.

      I've been here for awhile & have seen my fair share of drama from the quick & clean to the dragged out & dirty. Some are by accident , some are done on purpose. But that's the glory of having a place like this-I can click & choose where to go & what to read and what to ignore.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        A word about the DRAMA

        Unfortunately, many times we are drinking and posting and DON'T KNOW IT!!

        It is called "blacked out." I have done many "regular things" blacked out. AL has us in his grips then. Damn, I hate it and so does my family.

        Is there a better website for us true drunks that black out and do things? Please give me the URL.

        Sorry, guys, had to vent. Been there, done that. Nobody EVER raked me over the coals like has been done to a couple here the last couple of days.

        Jay, Lisa, I love you and care about you. I understand why RJ banned you, Lisa, you are posting really mean and ugly things and not taking any of the advice. I keep trying to call you but your phone will not answer.

        Jay, your poem's are awesome but your responses have been ugly, however, your replies from others have been ugly, too. btw, Jay, if you read this, your poems were beautiful, written drunk or sober.. beautiful. I love poetry...

        AF April 9, 2016


          A word about the DRAMA


          Why is your mood sad??? Didn't you get your prescription today? I humbly suggest you change to HOPEFUL at least. I am so hoping this works well for you.

          Yes, I check into SS very soon...Sunday afternoon. Two more cocktail hours to white knuckle through. I CAN do it. I WILL do it! And so will you!
          "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen


            A word about the DRAMA

            Lefty thanks for this ........ good luck with SS ...........

            To all newbies, please don't be put off, this place is amazing ..........


              A word about the DRAMA


              Thank you for the reminder.

              You are so awesome!!!!!!!

              We ( you and me ) are going to beat AL to the ground and under!!

              I am praying for you. Two more days!!

              I changed my mood to "hopeful." becuase I know I am. For both of us.

              Lefty, please let us know how Schick Schadel worked. Every person who goes through "rehab" needs to let us know. I want to do the "right" thing. Period.

              I, however, PRAY, the right thing was Schick Schadel, for you. Period, dot, dash. exlamation point!!

              AF April 9, 2016


                A word about the DRAMA

                I really would like to understand why some people get on a web site to help problem drinkers or drinkers in

                dire need of help, while intoxicated.

                I come here to get sober, to think and be sober. When I need a little encouragement because I feel like

                drinking and I know that it's not good for me. I also come here to support others who are in the same


                There are websites that you can go to if you want to be drunk and post about being drunk if that is how

                you are feeling at the moment. Posting drunk will just embarrass you, just like being drunk in public.

                like BB says. We are still here to support and help those who are seeking help.

                peace and light
                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                  A word about the DRAMA

                  Internet message boards and drama go hand in hand. I've seen a lot worse drama on other boards. I think the key is that we all do our best not to get sucked into it once it is clear that something bad is going down. Unfortunately since we are a community of people with a set of serious problems things can go from support and caring to negative drama before we can realize it's happening.

                  Anyway... being a newbie here, I can't say that recent events have changed my idea about how great of a place this is .


                    A word about the DRAMA


                    What a great post. More importantly, we want to be here for you no matter what.

                    And we are.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      A word about the DRAMA

                      I came here to get sober and now I come here to stay sober. Isn't that what this program is about? To try to understand the whole alcoholism thing and learn healthy ways to become a functioning sober individual?

                      I honestly think with all of the drama the focus on health and sobriety are being lost. We need to re-focus on what this website is about and start coming together as a community - and help one another maintain/strive for our goals.

                      Personally, a lot that has gone on here has brought on some triggers, and there were times when I could of drank myself. That, to me, means that we are losing focus on what this site is about.

                      Let's just let the other stuff die out and keep on supporting one another. Just like the good ol' days ;-)


                        A word about the DRAMA

                        I agree with you afm.
                        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                          A word about the DRAMA

                          I have to say that at the risk of upsetting people, this is a website for alcoholics, if we can't post drunk here and ask for help then why come here in the first place ............

                          I have posted here while drunk before as I am sure that many others have too .......


                            A word about the DRAMA

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              A word about the DRAMA

                              There is a big difference between drunk posting and angry, hateful drunk posting. That is what I think the crux of this whole issue is. To be berated and insulted for being supportive while someone else is angry and drunk is NOT what this site is about. Coming here with some drinks under your belt and reaching out for help is a whole other issue.
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

