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    Hi all I have spent a good deal of this afternoon browsing on here. I desperately want my life back and i am so frightened at the moment is there anyone on here that is based in the UK?

    new here

    hi commando

    hey u, dont be frightened. im uk based too and still quite new to the site although i have started the programme. where are you in your life? i was drinking 2 bottles of wine a night for as long as i can remember, it was messing my life up and i was so unhappy. my relationship was suffering, my job, everything!!! i stumbled upon this site one night, searching in desperation for a way out, an answer to my problems. i sat for a few days, just reading the boards. then i registered and started talking to people. then i took the plunge and ordered the topamax....i cant tell you what a difference its made, how different i feel. its amazing!!! ive been on it a week now, it hasnt been easy, ive had a few emotional problems that have set me back but the topamax, its a miracle. talk to me, im here for you and you'll find that other people are too. we all know how you're feeling. we're all there with you.


      new here

      Hi Commando,

      I am not from the UK, I am from the US, but just wanted to say welcome to MWO! This is an amazing place full of people who understand how you feel. Let us know what we can do to help you get started!



        new here

        Thanks you two. Where am I in my life? I am 45 yrs old and have been drinking heavily for more years than I would care to remember. I don't drink every day but when i do it's a real binge and it is becoming more and more frequent. I drink wine not spirits but can get through three bottles in a session. Twice so far this week. I am well aware that i am killing myself and desperately want to stop. My family have had more than enough of this abuse and they don't deserve it. I know that the only one that can do this is me but getting the right support and help has been a nightmare. I have been prescribed disulfiram but finding the will power to take it is a struggle and it does not tackle the underlaying cause. God I hope this makes sense


          new here

          Hi Again,

          I do not know what disfulifiram is. I do however know that this program works if you are ready to make a change. May I suggest you start by downloading the book. It is a quick and inspiring read! It will answer many questions and offer much hope!

          I am almost in week 12 and am feeling pretty great! I can tell you that the program works best if you do the whole thing together....supps, cds, exercise. There is plenty of support here for you and plenty of hope to be found in the stories you will read here on the boards!

          Best of luck to you as you get started!


          PS It makes more sense than you know!!


            new here


            just want to back up what donna said, she also encouraged me when i first joined, as well as many others did. this IS an amazing place. so, do you know what the underlying cause is? or are? bloody hell, mine are too many and too varied to even go into but i know first and foremost that i need to stop drinking first before i do anything else. i have 3 beautiful children they need a mother, my eldest daughter needs me as a friend, and i need to stop beating myself up. this place has really helped me to start putting 'me' into context i suppose. i dont know what it is that you've been prescibed but have a look at the research done on topamax. its incredible. i started on 25mg per day and it wasn't helping much, i came on the board and cried because the cravings for wine were killing me, i fell off the wagon after only 3 days. a couple of people advised me to up my dose if i could, so i ramped up to 50mg 3 days ago....i haven't touched a drop since, and haven't craved or even thought about it, i know it sounds like early days, but i haven't been without a drink for well over 3 years now, 2 bottles a night, every single night. there are chat rooms to go into when you're down. loads of message boards. just post a new message if you cant find what you're looking for....but you're here now and we'll be looking out for you. because of the different continents on here you can find someone to talk to any time of day, uk, usa, asia & oz. we're all here for you.



              new here

              Re: commando

              Hi commando,

              i'm newish too... just entered my 4th week of the program. Before I started I was drinking at least a bottle of wine a night - it was started to upset my son - being 13 and not silly - since then i've picked up exercise, ordered the topa and altho still drinking, it's not every night and i've cut down on the actual achohol content of the wine. It's a start hey. Oh yes, and I'm also from the UK - Welcome to the MWO family.


                new here

                Re: commando

                Help please I have just been trying to purchase the downloadable book without success has anyone got any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong or can they not be purchased from the UK.


                  new here

                  Re: commando

                  The admin guys have been teriffic and I am now reading my fully downloaded book. I have just ordered some Topamax and am about to write out a list of suppliments and order the CDs.

                  Here's to a new life


                    new here

                    Re: commando

                    Good for you Commando,

                    So glad you were able to get the book downloaded and get the other aspects of the program going! Can't wait to hear how you progress! Keep us posted!



                      new here

                      Re: commando

                      Great commando,
                      Does the name mean what I think it means?:lol

                      Welcome to MWO!



                        new here

                        Re: commando

                        Hi Commando,
                        Good for you. I'm gabby. New here too. Today is day 11 and the second weekend for me. I 'm on 50mg of topa and goin to up on monday to 75. I havent drank since I started. I was an everyday beer drinker. 5-10 (bad girl) Anyway I feel so good now. Glad you got the book. Keep readin and postin here. It will help plus you will have fun! gabby


                          new here

                          Re: commando


                          You just can't help yourself can you? :rollin



                            new here

                            Re: hi commando

                            Does your name means what I think it means? I'm waiting for mellors too. Aren't we all?


                              new here

                              Re: hi commando

                              I've been waiting for Mellors for YEARS! Sadly, to no avail.

