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sober glad

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    sober glad

    yesterday i satrted out with my usual 8% bourbon but then i felt so disgusted with myself drinking it at 10am so decided to try and have no more. Unbelievably i had no withdrawal symptoms and no alcohol in the house so once those 2 were gone i had no more all day!!! Even said to my friend not to come over as i knew wed get on it and i really didn't want to.

    So here i am this morning with a clear head bit of a tight feeling in my stomach but i am so proud that i could do it!! Had to share that although you guys on the other side of the world are probably in bed now asleep. xx

    sober glad

    You really CAN do it! It may seem like a really tough road to travel, but in the end it will be so rewarding for you and your family.

    I'm thinking of you and the emotional stress you are under presently, and the courage you have to continue to turn away from the bottle and on to a better way inspires me.

    You have more strength than you know Glad and you will use it all, and receive more from God before you fade, to care for your children who so desparately need you now. My prayers are with you from one mother's heart to another's.

    Love and many hugs,


      sober glad

      Glad, that is AWESOME!!!!! Hooray! I wish you continued successes.


        sober glad

        Good to see you Glad! Just got home from work. And checkin in...


          sober glad

          Brilliant Glad

          It is the little things. I am amazed I am where I am now. As they say, Take it a day at a time. See if you can do it again today or tomorrow, whichever it is. After a few days you do start to feel better about yourself. It is saturday today. I got out of bed at 7.45am!!! Never heard of in the past two years unless we are going on holiday. I usually lay about until at least 11am. Off to the Rocky Horror show this afternoon, should be a hoot. Last night I went to the pub and had a meal and a lemonade and lime. Huh, getting easier by the day. The other day I went shopping and did NOT buy a bottle of gin. Its those little things. Keep it up Glad.

          Thinking of you



            sober glad

            Hey Glad, I was literally falling asleep at the computer when I posted that last short one...:b Just wanted to say Hi! So good to see you back around... Been thinking a lot about about ya Sweetie...
            The support on these boards is really a healing energy...I think there's something to that "strength in numbers".
            Peace & prayers, and lots of hugs,Judie


              sober glad

              Glad, we have all been thinking about you, thanks for checking in hon.


                sober glad


                Good to see you back. Congratulations on your first step!



                  sober glad

                  Glad, you are in my are you doing?
                  Miss Layla


                    sober glad

                    Sober Glad


                    So...I'm not the only one who drinks at 10 am....SO PROUD of you that you had the strength to stop. You are an inspiration to me. I'm new to the boards and am praying I may find your strength.

                    Keep up the good, ard work! I'm rooting for you!

