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on day two and feeling SO WIERD

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    on day two and feeling SO WIERD

    Hi there, this my first time posting. I started full speed ahead yesterday and I feel so strange physically. I feel jittery and itchy yet tired. I had to stop the sleep hypo at 3am last night b/c it was bothering me. I didn't sleep well last night at all and I had 3 glasses of wine (which is actually about half of what I usually have). I'm disappointed as I was looking to do at least a week of abs.

    I guess I'm feeling like why should I be pumping all of these foreign things into my body only to still want to drink? I know I just started but I'm wondering if the topa and supps start to work "better" the longer you take them and if the anxiety subsides.

    Also, is it ok to stop the sleep hypno in the middle of the night or does it only work if you listen the whole night?

    Luck to all,

    on day two and feeling SO WIERD

    Hi, JB
    I just started too. Im on day 10. I dont know everything but mostly I gotta say since you just started your body is sayin "what the heck are you doin to me?" I so far am only doin the topa. my supps should come today. I have always liked takin supps kinda for that reason, cuz I sorta got a buzz off em. So maybe its them? I did have a bit of anxiety the first few days with topa but it went away. The topa is helping me abs a lot. Had a few moments but it passed. I say just hang in there. Keep coming here to the boards cuz everyone is soooo helpful. They are helping me more than any one of them know. You'll see, just watch. Gabby


      on day two and feeling SO WIERD

      JB, hang in there! Feeling weird (or wired) and anxious is actually a withdrawal symptom...that's one of the reasons they often give benzodiazepenes (like Valium, Ativan, etc) to people detoxing from alcohol....You're body is used to a certain amount of alcohol and suddenly it didn't get as much as it usually does. I know I was totally bouncing off the walls when I went abs a couple of months ago...but I calmed down after a few days....

      I'm not taking Topomax (I was prescribed Campral instead), so I don't know how that affects the withdrawal symptoms--I'm sure someone else can help here. To my understanding it is most likely to help with cravings...but at least some of the weird feeling should pass in a few days when your body gets more accustomed to less alcohol (and I believe that Topomax certainly helps with the anxiety, but others will know more about this than I do); any sort of wait probabably feels like a lifetime to you right now, but it's really, really worth it to persevere... and you'll find a lot of support and advice on these boards, so keep reading and posting!

      Best of luck--


        on day two and feeling SO WIERD

        Hi Jb, Sorry you're feeling wierd ... but I think that's just part of the proccess of your body adjusting to less alcohol. I know I've gone cold turkey ...quite a few times, and it's living HELL, for a few days. Unfortunately, I think you have to kinda tuff it out. A hot bath, some sleepy time tea... a good book or movie, if you're able to take time off of work, helps... But try to be patient, you will feel sooo much better in a couple of days. But it doesn't happen overnight. Hang in there, Hugs, Judie

