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Just Starting Out

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    Just Starting Out

    Hi All. Found this site yesterday while researching Topamax. I ordered the book, the CDs, and the Supps from the Health store and Anxiously await them. Also picked up the phone, called my physician, told her about MWO, and asked if she would prescribe Topo for me. She agreed to, as long as I stay in touch with my weight and see her in a month. I have had a drinking problem for about 15 years now. I only drink at night, so during the day everyone thinks I am the perfect mother and wife. I am a good mother and wife, but not when I have had 6 glasses of wine at night! I feel so desparate. I am not sure how this works. It is a bit overwheming, all the boards, but someone please help me! Thank you! Boo

    Just Starting Out

    Hi Boo and Welcome!

    You sound just like alot of us! Many of us, myself included our Mothers and Wifes....with many responsibilites yet we have a drinking problem. Keep reading and posting and you will find the help that you need. The book will help with alot of your questions, read it when you get it and until then keep reading this site!

    Best withes to you!


      Just Starting Out

      Thank you Tammie for you kind words of encourangement. I have been sitting at the computer just waiting! This really means I am not alone. Thank you, thank you! I have to go to a luncheon now, but cannot wait to get back home to see if I hear from others. Boo


        Just Starting Out

        Hi Boo! And welcome aboard, I think you'll like it here. We're a pretty friendly bunch. This program is an incredible journey back, to getting your "life back". I know mine was so out of control for so long, I was really losing sight of so many things that I love. It's a wonderful feeling to to not feel like a "wounded soul" anymore. Hugs, Judie


          Just Starting Out

          HI Boo,
          Welcome to MWO, like Tammie said, there are many here in the same situation. Its awesome your doctor agreed to prescribe topa. Many have problems getting from their doc.



            Just Starting Out

            My physician recommended I take one 25MG. Tablet twice a day. One in the morning and one at night. Can anyone tell me what the book suggest. I got the prescription filled this morning and am ready to get going on the MWO Program!


              Just Starting Out

              Hi Boo, the book recommends 25mg 1x day 1st week.
              And 25mg. 2 x a day 2 nd week


                Just Starting Out

                Welcome Boo


                  Just Starting Out

                  Thanks to Tammie, Judie, Marcie amd Miss Layla for your nice warm welcome. It is Sunday morning and I am checking in. There is so much to read on the forums. I spent hours here yesterday. Cannot wait to receive my book, cds, and supps. And hope the topp. will kick in soon.


                    Just Starting Out

                    Boo, stay with us, and let us know how you are doing. It's so scary in the beginning. E-mail me if you need extra support!


                      Just Starting Out

                      Hi Boo,

                      Welcome to MWO! So glad you found your way here and you have an understanding doctor. Hope your book and cds arrive soon. I am in week 11 of this life saving program so I can tell you that it really works!! Best of luck to you as you get started!



                        Just Starting Out

                        Wow Boo! I'm so glad you are here. I am just coming up on my first month here and I was exactly like you when I started. Sounds just like my own words when I read your post. I'm now counting more AF days than I thought I would make. I love it. The topa works great for me. I stopped at 100 mg. That is working really well for me. I will be seeing my Dr. next week for a follow up. I'm so happy. I never thought I could be happy again. Expecially this easy.

                        You'll See! It's so worth it!



                          Just Starting Out

                          Welcome Boo!!
                          Yep, like everyone has already said, you'll find lots of us just like you here! I'm not a mother, but I looked "good" on the surface--just that I was dying inside and felt totally trapped in my own misery. Now I have a lot of ABS (abstinent) days and I'm feeling like a completely new person!

                          Hang here, keep reading and posting--and it is typical to spend a lot of hours here especially at the beginning...I almost feel as though I have another addiction! :lol

                          It's all good--glad you're here!
                          best, susan


                            Just Starting Out

                            Hi all! So glad to hear from so many of you! And guess what? My box of goodies just arrived. I found this site Friday morning, ordered the Book, CDs, Supps that afternoon and the box is here! How is that for service!?! Way to take care of your people MWO! Thank you! I can't wait to get on with the program. Did not do well last night and am very low about that. But I am trying to pick myself up by the boot straps and try again. Love hearing from you. Boo


                              Just Starting Out

                              Hey Boo, how are you doing? Have you opened your box of goodies yet?
                              Miss Layla

