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Just Starting Out

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    Just Starting Out

    Welcome Boo,
    Let us know how you're doing. We're all in this together!!!!


      Just Starting Out

      Hi Janet and Layla! I did open my box of goodies, started reading the book, and joined the gym this morning. I want to finish the book today so I can get all the parts working together. Can anyone suggest what kind of cd player with headphones I should get? Drank wine again last night, but not quite as much. Hope to do better tonight. I really want to do this. Please keep your support coming. Paula


        Just Starting Out

        Hi Hope! Read the book, started the supps yesterday, started exercising moderately, and am going to start the cds this afternoon when I go purchase a player and a headset. I really did appreciate your post on the tenth and wanted you to know I am still here and actually doing better. Had only one glass of wine last night from a bottle and a half from previous times. I now am on 50 mg of topo and will increase to 75 this sat. Maybe that will help a little more. I hope so and really want this badly. I am a 52 year old female with two beautiful (20&21) daughters in college, a very respected husband in the community. My problem started years ago when my husband would work late, as he still does as a highway contractor, and I would cook dinner and pass the time with a glass of wine and two small children 12 months apart. Over 21 years the one glass turned into at least 6 at night and you know the rest of the story. I am tired of that story and trying to get my life back together in a quiet sort of way, not to embarass my family or myself. So that it! Here I am. Paula

