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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Morning all! The start of a new week for us all. Take it ODAT.

    Not AF last night but moderated well so happy enough with that. Meal out with friends so easy enough.

    Four piglets doing very well indeed but the runt has really gone downhill, got a ferocious infection in her wound - infected flesh is not a good smell!! and nothing much seems to be working. I wish she would hurry up and die or get better. Should be getting the vet out today to castrate the boar piglets so will see if there is anything he can recommend. Done antibiotics and honey. It's stressing me out quite a bit as she is so young and vulnerable but we have been trying so hard and yet it still looks like we will lose her. Nature can be hard.

    Anyway, better get on, lots to do. Hope you are all well, happy and have had great weekends. Let's take on the new week ODAT and beat Al!

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Monday

    hi bessie sry about ur runt, i hope that she can fight her infection.

    well its 17 days AF and still taking it a day at a time.

    had good day on sat went horse riding, had nothing day sunday but that was ok. today though is i have lost a friend who i thought we could of been friends but she decided that its to much work for her. so i guess just have to take it on the chin. so back to being by myself. well not totaly i do have aa meetings i go to and that. but this friend suffers from same things as me and i thought we could of helped each other. guess not. nvm.

    cant go to gym today either, but i will try tonight, be bit weird going by myself. i guess just having one of those days.

    good luck to everyone else, and remeber one day only has 24 hrs in it and if u break that down to how much u sleep of it and other things u have to do is that its only a short space in time that u wont be needing that Al.

    take care all


      ODAT - Monday

      Morning all odaters, Monday again. Woke up feeling great this morning, am going to keep my positive thoughts by telling myself how lucky I am to wake up in a warm, comfy home with all I need. Wishing you all a lovely Monday.

      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        ODAT - Monday

        Tea, love your avatar! Love your posts. thank you for reminding me to be thankful of things I take for granted.

        Bessie, sorry about your little piggie. You're right, nature can be cruel. But you and hubby have done an amazing job of trying to save your little one. Hope the vet might help.

        Barebones, sorry about your friend. Could be the friend is jealous about you're going af for 17 days? Thank you for your advice on AL.

        To Bessie, BB and Tea and all who visit here today, I hope you reach your goal for today.


          ODAT - Monday

          Bessie... poor piggie. Colloidal silver? Probiotics? Sometimes it just happens. We lost our doggie last summer. Noticed he was not feeling well and within a week was gone. I know what you mean about hurry up and go or get better. Limbo is a tough place to be. Sending you hope. :h This is Tuesday, right?
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Monday


            Greeneyes, no it is Monday! Are you just trying to mess w/ Bessie!?

            Bessie, sorry too about the piglet, hope "whatever is meant to be" happens, and soon..........

            Barebones, sometimes we just have to do this on our own, good that you use aa too, I am trying to also..........

            Suki, Tea, glad to see you here today! Today, I am going AF, had a few stumbles over the past few days, so re-doing day 26 now..................NOT starting back on day 1 (thanks Croft!!)

            Have a great day, hope everyone meets their goals!!


            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              ODAT - Monday

              Hi guys,

              Hope everyone had a great weekend - I wasn't AF but I did mod (2 drinks each day) and for that I am thankful. Started back on the topa last night and am very hopeful that it will help me to get back on track since I have had some challenges since the beginning of February.

              I had a great weekend with my boyfriend, after all of our struggles we have finally gotten to a really great place I think. I am hopeful about the future of all things today and am looking forward to a great week.

              Hope everyone else has a great day ODAT......

              Love and Hugs,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                ODAT - Monday

                Good morning all.......I have to tell you. This weekend I had a major triumph. I went to eat out at my favorite Asian restaurant and ordered a cranberry w/soda! A few of you have mentioned this as an alternative so I thought I'd try it. In case some of you weren't aware a major obstacle for me has always been dining out and socializing since i tend to look at being AF during these times as a punishment. I mourn my wine at this time.
                Anyway, I remain AF going on week 2...........feel great!


                  ODAT - Monday

                  hey everyone my friend changed her mind she was just in one of those moods. so she went to the gym with me.


                    ODAT - Monday

                    Good mid-morning all--
                    Barebones, so glad by the time I got to the bottom of my thread your day had turned around!! Sorry about the runt Bessie, I'm always interested in your posts as I grew up on a farm (still live on a farm) we raised hogs. I miss the baby pigs!
                    I myself had a great weekend and I feel really good about things today. No ciggies for over a week, no real desire either! Had a couple beers last week was all. No plans to drink green beer, although that I might miss:H
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      ODAT - Monday

                      It sounds like everyone is doing great. yay for us!

                      FinallyRN - good for you! those social things are tough!

                      We have a favorite Asian place and I always have a mai tai or two, ditto for the Mexican style and margaritas. Oh those yummy margaritas. When I quit smoking, for the first few months, I just had to avoid places that I wanted to smoke. I think that may be the case for me with eating out and drinking as well. I'm still working on the first 30 - but I'm scared that I won't be able to moderate, even though that's what I hope to do. If I'm afraid to have a drink, that's probably a good sign that I shouldn't!

                      Thankfully (?) I'm still sick as a dog and have little desire for anything but copious amounts of OJ.
                      The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                      Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                      W Whitman

                      90+ days yay!

