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New, scared, and excited

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    New, scared, and excited

    OK, well the time has come for me to make a change. I haven't totally screwed up my life with alcohol yet, but I've certainly been lucky.
    I have my Campral, cds and supps on the way, my "last bottle" of lovely brandy nearly consumed (OH, NO, what if I can't make this my "last bottle"?????)
    Having watched so much alcoholism in my family, I am disappointed and ashamed to find myself here, but also very hopeful for a way out.
    I'm not generally a whiner - but as you know, this is big and I am scared --- scared I won't make it and scared I will.
    Thanks for listening,

    New, scared, and excited

    Welcome Peggy!

    Your story is so familiar...
    I've only been here for a few weeks and I vividly remember how ambivalent I felt when I started posting here...and I, too, remember that "last bottle!" For me, it was vodka, but I was mainly a wine drinker--the vodka was just a supplement!

    Fortunately, I hadn't completely lost my life either and the motivation to keep what I had--and pursue the dreams I still had somewhere deep inside--was a big motivator for me.

    I am on Campral too and I think it must be doing what it's supposed to because I don't have any cravings at all. The biggest problem for me has been the HABIT of drinking. It's what I DID all the time.... I realized that I had to develop new and healthier ways of spending my time and dealing with lifes ongoing challenges.

    It's certainly not easy--but, guess what? It's DEFINITELY not impossible either! Follow the suggestions of all the wise and caring people on these boards--and keep reading and posting! You will find a lot of support and help here...and that can make all the difference!
    All the best--


      New, scared, and excited

      There is so much good stuff when you do make it! I have all the confidence you will make it! You have come to a great place!



        New, scared, and excited

        Welcome Peggy, Watch out for a really bad neck and back ache cuz ya get addicted to the boards. And thats a good thing. I started a week ago and I'm doin so good that its scary alright! Wish you the same. : ) gabby


          New, scared, and excited

          Hi Peggy,

          Welcome to MWO! This IS big, so being scared is very understandable! I am now in week 11 and am really no longer scared that I can make it. I have made up mind that I WILL NO LONGER allow alcohol or the circumstances that drove me to alcohol in the first place control my life. I guess once you truly make that decision and feel it deep inside the fear kind of goes away. It takes time to get to that place though, so be patient and kind with yourself!

          There is plenty of support here for you! Stick close to the boards! Best of luck to you as you get started!



            New, scared, and excited

            Hi Peggy, Welcome aboard! You've found a great place, with a lot of wonderful people & incredible support. I think you'll like it here. Hope ya stick around, Hugs, Judie


              New, scared, and excited

              Hi Peggy,
              I so know that feeling, it's like your scared this little bit of hope isn't going to work out but also scared if it does work out:
              Welcome and keep in contact. I am on campral too and have found it's great, don't have the physical cravings but you still do have to deal with the head cravings! We will support you but ultimately it's up to you, but when you want something bad enough good things happen :rollin
              Love Shas

