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Physical Affects of Alcohol

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    Physical Affects of Alcohol

    I haven't abused alcohol by my definition anyway. I do wonder however about the physical affects of 2-4 glasses of wine each day. I have always looked young for my age and although I will be 51 this year I had to show my DL the other day to buy a bottle of wine. (the clerk said if you don't look 30 you get ID'd) I am thinking though that some of the aches and pains that could be the beginning of arthritis and just the lines starting around my eyes could be alcohol related. I eat pretty healthy and am at a normal weight. I also drink a lot of water (but several cups of coffee in the mornings)
    What are your thoughts???

    Physical Affects of Alcohol

    I know doctors tell us more than one a day is too much but I am one of those that tends not to agree. I think 2-4 glasses of wine is not a bad thing if you are eating well, exercising, etc., however, the problem I have, and sounds like a lot of people on this board have, is knowing when to stop and being able to stop. Some days I can, most I cannot. My friend and I had this discussion the other night; which vice is worse; a huge hot fudge sundae every night (which she has) or 3-4 glasses of wine (which I have)? I think everyone has "their thing" that is not altogether good for them but if it is done moderately then it is fine. That is what is so appealing about this program; that moderation might be attainable for those of us who overindulge too often. I am sure the physical things you are feeling are a result of just getting older. I know I am quick to blame every little ache and pain on alcohol but not sure that is the case. Have you tried the All One? Strangely I was having aches in my hands that felt like the beginnings of arthritis and they have completely gone away since starting the All One. Weird. Anyhow, that's my two cents.....


      Physical Affects of Alcohol

      Physical Affects of Alcohol

      Thanks for the kind comments. I have not heard of All One. Is it a glucosamine product? I do take that. I do think sometime or maybe I rationalize that 2 or 3 glasses of wine couldn't be worse than all the diet coke lots of people ingest. But you are right, any little thing that happens to me (I get UTI's a lot) I think MUST be the wine.


        Physical Affects of Alcohol

        The All one is a multivitamin/amino acid powder that you take in lieu of pills. It is one of the supplements recommended in this program. I love it because I cannot choke down pills and I just throw it into a smoothie.......


          Physical Affects of Alcohol

          All One

          Thanks. I guess it is time to check out the store and not just the boards!

