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    Starting Today

    Hi there, I've been lurking for a while but am starting the program today (including the Topamax) so thought I'd say "Hi." I really hope this works ... I'm so tired and bored of the vicious cycle!!!!!

    My husband and I moved to Canada (from California) last year for his job, but also because we wanted to start fresh and try to change our lives (we drink together). Well, the past year has been horrible. His job hasn't worked out -- I mean he's still there but really unhappy -- and we really don't like it here (no offense to any Canadians out there).

    So, last week we finally got word of a job offer back at his old offices in California and I finished a huge project that has taken up all my time for the past 6 months, so now is the time to quit this life. Since New Year's we've been drinking almost every other day and the quantity has increased also. Usually we just drink white wine but lately have been including the occasional bottle of vodka ... its so gross!

    I've been ready for this for so long ... but of course I am scared. Hubby doesn't want to do the Topamax but has promised to be good and not "pick up anything" on the way home from work. For my part I am going to try and get dinner ready before he gets home because thats my trigger time, making dinner. Also of course I'm doing the tapes and supplements.

    So, here I am stating my intention! Oh, we're in our early 40's, no children (just the 4 legged kind: 4 cats and 1 dog), been married almost 10 years but together for almost 20.

    Thanks for listening!

    Starting Today

    Welcome and good luck!


      Starting Today

      Hello, spottydingo! I just started last Tuesday, and am not using any of the pharmaceuticals... posted why in another thread.

      So far, it is going pretty well. I am using the tapes/cds in the late afternoon, before making dinner. That is the witching hour for me. I have all the bottles of supplements around my computer, and the schedule taped right to the wall next to me.

      The only serious problem I have had is being unable to sleep at night, but from reading other threads, understand that this is perfectly normal the first week or two.

      I am hoping you have as much success as I have had so far. I already feel so much better!!!


        Starting Today

        Have you tried Melatonin for sleeping? I helped me a lot.


          Starting Today


          thanks for the encouragment.

          Fieldmouse, congrats on (almost) a week! Are you using the GABA for sleep? I bought some a few weeks ago and thought it helped me with sleep (took some an hour before bed). Also I take Valerian. Used to take Melatonin but it makes me feel groggy/hard to get up in the AM.

          keep up the good work!


            Starting Today

            I am taking Nature's Way "Silent Night", which has hops, Valerian, and skullcap.

            I am also taking the "TrueCalm" supplement. But, am going to head out to the "natural pharmacy" before the end of the day and get some Melatonin.

            I sometimes will take a couple of Benadryl to get to sleep, but would rather let it "come naturally". I think I depended on alcohol to get my brain to shut up, so I could get to sleep, and now my brain is trying to make up for lost time, flooding my head with ideas, projects, and things to do...

            Last night, I got it to shut up by listening to a book I downloaded from Audible. I use earphones, so I won't disturb my husband... always have to start over, of course, because I never know where I fell asleep...

            Trying to keep the TV off in the bedroom, and listen to the sleep CD. Used to use the TV to get my brain to stop yammering at me...


              Starting Today

              Spottydingo Hi & :welcome:

              You have found a wonderful place here, keep reading and posting and you will get all the help that you need!!!!

              This place really is amazing, welcome aboard .....


                Starting Today

                Hi Spottydingo, best of luck, this is my day one alc. free too- we can do it!!! Going to see my doc in the morning to try and get topa, got everything else...making dinner is definately a dangerous time so got some special natural lemonade and no cravings yet. Worrying pains from liver area made me act! Am a single Mum of a one and ten year old about to start a new job so determined to break this pattern.
                "It's amazing what you can get done just by getting on and doing it!" - (anon):new:


                  Starting Today

                  Fieldmouse, i just bought some of that "Silent Night" today ... we'll see how it works out. good for you turning off the tv in the bedroom ... reading is much better! also i find if i'm really keyed up a hot shower and / or a hot cup of herbal tea (like Sleepy Time) works well. in California we had a hot tub, which was the best ...

                  FoxyMum, good for you too! yes, lets do it! good luck on your new job and be nice to your self!

