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Stinking Thinking

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    Stinking Thinking

    Hi, Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all.
    I'm from Ireland and sober 71 days. Right now I feel like going to buy a bottle of wine and drinking it. I'm in court in the morning for drunken driving and I will prob get a three year ban.
    Lot of other problems too. Feel pretty positive most days but today is painful. Should get my ass to an aa meeting not have stinking thinking thoughts. Any suggestions? Regards, Dabbin.

    Stinking Thinking

    PLease don't

    It won't solve a thing....we all know it.

    I know its hard but do stay positive. This too will end and tomorrow you will know what he court has decided and move forward. 71 days is awesome...truly.

    Do let us know how you make out on everything. We are cheering for you.

    Erin (across the pond)


      Stinking Thinking

      You are doing so well with your 71 days! GOOD FOR YOU! Don't buy that wine no matter what the courts rule for you. You will be so much better of with out it!


        Stinking Thinking

        YES! I have only had positive things happen with AA. You have nothing to loose. Go!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Stinking Thinking

          Hi Dabbin, the very last you need is to wake up tomorrow with a 'stinking' hangover, worse than stinking thinking anyday. Phone someone, go on chat, have a long bath anything until your local shop/bar closes. Good luck for tomorrow, let us know how you get on.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            Stinking Thinking

            Hi Dabbin,

            Happy St. Patricks's Day to you too!
            I am from Ireland also. I had every intention of trying to start being AF for a month from Friday but with the weekend that was in it I did not suceed. I hope to start tomorrow for a month and then try moderation.
            Congrats on your 71 days - a great achievement - I notice this is your first post - are you doing the MYO program or going alone - how have you managed 71 days - most I have managed is 4?
            I hope you have resisted the temptation to go and get a bottle of wine, especially after achieving this length of time. Good luck with the court tomorrow - I know its bad but it is only a car after all - I hope you did not harm anyone when the drunk driving incident happened, you could be up for a lot worse. If you do lose your licence there are plenty of other fun ways to get around.
            Best Wishes,
            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


              Stinking Thinking

              Even if you buy that wine, tomorrow you will stil have "The court decission" positive or not, if you drink the wine you will hate to have lost a wonderful start on sobriety so go ahead and get to an A/A meeting and talk to someone.
              Good luck and , God bless.
              John S.


                Stinking Thinking

                Hi Dabbin,
                Don't get the bottle it wont help. Just make things know that.
                I'm in the same boat with you...I just got my 2nd DUI 11 day's ago...maybe that's what it was going take to get me to sober up because today is day 12 A/F. That's as long as I've been sober in probably 8 yrs. I'm taking the Kudzu and the supps...not the Topamax. i went out Friday night and didn't even crave a drink a little bit...I was so shocked because I didn't think it would work but it did...Ive been going to AA also and that helps. I feel like I fit in there. I'm still new at it and nervious but I just set and listen. It helps.
                Where do you live? I'm probably going to have to do some jail time over this one..I don't know but I'm scared about it.
                Be strong...youre doing great...don't give up now. We are here with you to help.
                Let us know how it goes tomorrow.


                  Stinking Thinking

                  Don't give in now you have got so would be so sad the next day...and feeling terrible physically too...just when you need to be thinking straight

                  Good Luck for Court
                  Heavenly x
                  ?We are one another's angels?
                  Sober since 29/04/2007


                    Stinking Thinking

                    I was the worst AA critic once. But have to admit these days, they have something, and their fellowship of support is undoubtedly their strong point. Use it. Get free. Try a meeting, or a call.

                    Wishing you luck

                    Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...


                      Stinking Thinking

                      Not a good thing

                      At this point in time this would not be a good carrier move.... Let see what the old judge has for you and then carry on from thier !!!! IAD


                        Stinking Thinking

                        Hi All, Thank you for all kind wise messages. Sadly I fell and fell hard. That drunk driving court case is postponed till June. Thinking of trying that Topamax. Was on Antabuse for the 71 days AF and it worked for me with no side effects. Am back on it again. Thanks Jaded for your support. I counted so many empty bottles of Vodka I tried to hide I'm ashamed to admit how many. Sober today that is more important than anything.
                        hanks Bandit about it only being a car and there are lots of other ways to get around. This is only my second post and I'm not sure how it works, only feeling my way. Really appreciated all your support. Dabbin. X


                          Stinking Thinking

                          I'm glad you're back Dabbin. Post some more, okay? And read, read, read all the posts on here. Good luck!
                          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                            Stinking Thinking

                            Court, is only as good as your lawyer. Thier all in this faternity....the good lawyers know the bad. When a good lawyer meets with the prosicutor, he knows he's got trouble ! When he meets with a pro-bono lawyer , he licks his chops. I know, because I've through enough crap to fiquire out the court system. I'm in the U.S and know that the judcial system is a little different than it might be in wher your at, but remmeber , our system was modeled after the UK.....Good Luck. Will be routing for you !
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              Stinking Thinking

                              Dabbin, 71 days, don't bother...just stay on track and get better. I think about it also and know its the worst thing to do when shit needs to be fixed. :welcome:

