I was desperately searching the internet for some way to handle my problem drinking privately and found MWO. I ordered the book. When it came I read a few pages, ordered the CD's and made an appointment with the DR. My appt. was 6 days after the book arrived. I was dreading that appointment but he was wonderful! As a high level exec. of a multi-million-$ corp, I was humiliated to admit that I wasn't the picture of success that I portrayed. He was empathetic and supportive. He took all the research material I had brought and I started on topa that day.
I am taking supps, finished the book, doing the cd's as directed, exercising taking the topa and must admit, its getting better every day. The first two days I had one drink each evening, third -2, decided to up my topa, still struggled the fourth day. Yesterday, day5 - No drinks! Today-OK so far - but still at work LOL! Anyway, this is a great improvement over half a fifth of vodka a night.
My goal is social sipping instead of closet guzzling. But right now, in the infancy of my MWO program I would like to have many days of sobriety.
I have noticed binge and craving tendancies in my adult children and it breaks my heart. Topa gives me great hope to think that there is a medication that can help individuals that have a genetic tendancy that they were born with. Just as I wouldn't hesitate to give my child the proper medication for epilepsy or diabetes I won't hesitate to make Topa and MWO known to them. But, just like each of us, we have to want to make that change!
I was ready, and I'm glad I'm here now!