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mind wanders during cds

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    mind wanders during cds

    I sometimes find myself thinking about everthing in my life while listening to the cd's. Does this happen to any one else? Does this affect the outcome?

    mind wanders during cds


    Having done a fair bit of mindfulness meditation, I can verify this is very common. It's just the nature of the mind to wander. The general teaching is to tune in when you find your thoughts and internal narrative taking over, gently acknowledge this, and then bring yourself back to the task/CD ... Above all, be kind to yourself, no judgement needed. You're in good company. Keep at it. It gets better with practise.


    Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...


      mind wanders during cds

      Thank you's good to know I'm not the only one.


        mind wanders during cds

        I find that troublesome as well at times. I think that is why RJ suggests earphones for certain CDs. If I hear doggie rooting around in crate or hubby snoring or whatever it distracts me, like work thoughts. I recall saying " shut up, I'm laying in a stream". :H I have a busy mind and must focus on deep breathing ( happy baby breathing - in the belly)and consciously tuning things out and focusing on the CD (hypnotic and clearing) with absolutely no distractions. Unfortunately I'm good at it and fall asleep. But RJ says even if you fall asleep, you get some benefit. Breathe deeply and only listen to your breath and the CD. Hope that helps. If not ... try chamomile tea, passion flower extract, Bach flower rescue sleep remendy, 5htp. warm bath. shot of tequila (just kidding) hope those suggestions help.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          mind wanders during cds

          I found it very hard to figure out how to listen to the CDs the first day or two. I wasn't sure what was going to be said next, and was eager to "hurry" him along. I also wondered how best to "concentrate", and my mind wandered.

          By the third day, I got the hang of it. I listen to what he says, and try to concentrate on trying to see the images he suggests. When my mind wanders off to something else, I just notice it, and then try to focus back on the image of the moment.

          I don't worry about my subconscious mind, for I figure that is his job. (I have enough trouble dealing with my conscious mind!)


            mind wanders during cds

            yes, my mind wanders too. keep listening. it still works and every onece in a while your mind does not wander.


              mind wanders during cds

              Thanks all for your advise!


                mind wanders during cds

                training our minds is a discipline and takes practice for sure. What's left of my mind tends to wonder during hypno as well....sometimes more than others. I try to defocus my mind and just be in an alpha state. Easier said than done but it's getting better.

                Also I'm going to treat myself to a pair of decent noise isolating earphones.

                the most annoying thing that happens to me is the mental image of myself that walks down the stairs etc cant' walk properly! my left leg keeps getting stuck behind my right leg when I "walk" in hypno and it's very distracting. arg!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  mind wanders during cds

                  I don't get it Det. Can't you imagine yourself walking okay?
                  Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                    mind wanders during cds

                    Hi Patty,
                    Ive also done mindless meditation - try and practice everyday. It is very normal for your mind to try and create mindless chatter. What happens with practice is your mind will build larger gaps of stillness - its all practice. Let the thoughts come in and out as Kayla said be kind to yourself. Try and watch the thoughts from a distance and not get tangled up in the emotion of it - you will notice as soon as you start to watch your thoughts they will disappear because you are bringing your thoughts into the now and they cant live in the present moment. What i do when my mind is really out of control is just say to myself "please excuse my thoughts" and try and refocus on the stillness. Remember WE ARE NOT OUR THOUGHTS...
                    Hope that helps you
                    I am the author of my life.


                      mind wanders during cds

                      You're all awesome...I'll try it all!
                      PS....I picture the staircase and elevators on the disney cruise (I wouldn't mind going down)

