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New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

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    New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

    Hello everyone,
    I just found this site this AM. Oddly enough, I just started topomax the AM as well. I am 55 yrs old and have had a drinking problem for years, especially the last 5-6 yrs. Alcoholism is very prevelent in my family(a sister died at the age of 42 as a result of it) Anyway, one year ago I got very ill one day and had to be taken to the hospital. I was dehidrated and my liver numbers were off the chart. I was in the hospital for only about 4 hours to get fixed up with liquids and vitamins. From that day for 6 months I did not touch a drop of liquor. I had no withdrawal, lost 30 lbs, looked wonderful, felt great and got a part time job after I had retired from the State of Ca. Then on Nov 23, 2005 I had a glass of wine with dinner at a restruant and increased from there. About 7 weeks ago I started having a terrible problem with insomnia, really bad. I missed a few days of work because of it. Bottom line, I went to Dr.. and she said it was all realted to my increased alcohol consumption (not to mention I have the menopause thing going on now) I tried to quit but the craving were too much for me. I ended up going to the hospital on June 4th with withdrawal symptoms, severe dehidration, dizzy, really shaky!!! Over the past several weeks I have not been able to work, I am now seeing a pshcholigist who really knows alot about substance abuse. She and my Dr. have just put me on topomax and given me Librium for the withdrawals, should I have them. I have had two drinks today which I know I should not have done. Does it take a while for the topomax to start to help with the cravings? I have gone on toooooo long on this but I wanted some input from anyone who may be able to give me some insite. I have been considering going to AA but I think this program may be more suited to me.

    New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

    Hi jb, and welcome! How much topa are you taking? It's very important to start out slowly with it, to avoid possible side affects. My Doc wasn't aware of this, hence, I had a very tuff start with it(complicated by other meds I'm on as well), but finally got things figured out.

    Do you have the book, or the titration schedule?


      New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

      I'll just post a copy of the schedule here just in case you don't have it...

      week 1 - 25 mg afternoon dose
      week 2- 2 x 25 mg afternoon dose
      week 3-morning dose 25mg ........2x25mg afternoon dose

      that puts @ 25 mg the first week, then 50 mg the 2nd week & 75 mg the 3rd week...


        New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

        New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

        I am taking 25mg in the AM and 25 in the PM for now. I have not gotten the book or any other part of the program as yet since I have just started discovering it. I am thinking I will download the book tomorrow to get started. I as well am on an antidepressant, Paxil, which is not supose to have any real effect on this process, or so my Dr. says. I just want to get back to where I feel normal again. I actually thought of checking myself into a rehab center but that is far to extreem at this point and I do not want to do that. I have a lovely home, family, and a good life. It is hard to believe that this has happened to me sometimes but I guess alot of folks feel the same way. By the way, does the topomax help or hinder sleep because that is a huge issue with my mood and the way I feel the next day. Thanks so much for the response.


          New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

          welcome jb

          Hi jb,

          I understand how u are feeling. I also have a huge drinking problem and this site is so helpful - everyone has been there and u are not alone. I also suffer from depression. Please keep coming here and getting support.

          Hugs to u



            New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

            New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

            are you on topo also? How long have you been using this site? What have you found helpful with the depression?


              New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

              Hey, JB,

              For most people the topa is helpful for sleeping. I used to have to use medication for sleeping--now I only use about half the amount that I used to. (Besides the drinking problem, I also have issues with anxiety and depression). Paxil should be fine with the topa. Just titrate up slowly as Judie said. YOu may only notice a slight difference at first, but as you increase the dosage, you will notice that your urge to drink will truly begin to diminish. At some point, you will be ready to let it go, because you will only be dealing with psychological/habit cravings, but not phyiscal ones!!!

              Welcome to MWO and good luck with your program!



                New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

                Get the supplements as well. They all work together to help with the cravings...they REALLY do!!. I am in my second week, up to 50 mg of the Topa now. Have been doing all the supplements religiously, read the book, ordered the cds, but have not started cds yet because we were on vacation last week. I have cut down from drinking 1 liter of wine per night (the big bottle) to 2 glasses of red (have not abstained yet). I used to black out every night...have not done that since starting the program. right around when I take the Topa, I also take a capsule of the L-glutamine, open it up and empty the contents underneath my tongue, it gets to the brain faster, and seems to also help prevent the craving to keep drinking to get the high. I just drink to get the initial fuzzy glow and can stop. Also take the 3 tablets of Calms Forte which really helps me get to sleep. Good luck!! So far have had no side effects from the Topa, might when I trirate up further though...


                  New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

                  smokey, it sounds like we are on about the same amount of days. gabby


                    New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

                    Your drinking pattern sounds very much like mine. I also drank wine every night until I passed out and/or blacked out.

                    I took my first dose of topamate yesterday afternoon & had 1 glass of wine with dinner. Didn't seem to have any problems stopping there.


                      New to topomax and this site-Looks hopeful

                      Hang in there....just made an appt with my doctor for this Thursday to talk about getting a script for the Topa. Have never seen her before so I am terrified about telling her and afraid she won't give me the script. I am trying to find articles to print out about the Lancet trial with the Topa...wish me luck... if that doesn't work, I'll have to keep getting it offshore...

