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Day one

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    Day one

    This is it, day 1. Love to read all your posts. I know after reading so many of your stories....(they sound very familiar) that I can do this too. I'm almost finished with the MYO book and have dumped the booze down the drain, I really can't see myself pulling off moderation. Just need to stop altogether
    I need to be true to myself, I have been living a sham. I'm sure some people very close to me know how bad my drinking really is, I would guess most would be surprised. I want to be a great role model to my kids and enjoy the freedom associated with not serving the master in the bottle. New to this posting biz...hope I did it right.

    Well, here goes day one!!

    on my way
    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!

    Day one

    One my way, :welcome:to MWO,

    I have been here ages trying to moderate, did OK but now I want to stop, I'm on day three and it really be done ........

    All the best, BB xx


      Day one

      Welcome On My Way, You have come the the best place, it is has been a very helpful life line for me. I am working and struggling each day but keep getting stronger. Best to you !


        Day one


        Welcome On My Way,
        I'm sure your coming here will assist you in being alcohol-free.
        Also betty boop, all the best to you too
        Wishing you all the best
        *Let noble thoughts come to us in all directions...*


          Day one


          Thanks, I feel really positive about this. Main thing for me is making it through the evening. By the time kids are fed, home work finished etc, I'm pretty stressed. Going to try and find some kind of replacement; excercise or a good movie I guess.
          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


            Day one

            On my way,
            Yep, I am right there with you.
            Day 2 for me. I have gone AF numerous times and moderated (or not!) in between.
            You sound like you have all the tools in place - go for it.

            Sober since 30/06/10


              Day one

              Welcome, On my way...

              As silly as it sounds, it would be horrifying for me to DUMP alcohol down the drain!?!?! GOOD FOR YOU~ that is a true conviction that you are serious about making an honest change.

              Stay close, especially during those bewitching hours- we all have them, I think. Get yourself prepared by drinking plenty of water, and maybe spicing it up with a twist of lemon or lime, or perhaps a splash of juice (cranberry is my favorite, and a natural detoxifier for your liver). The first week is physically the hardest, so don't freak out if your mind starts whispering for a "little drink" in the evening. I promise, it will pass~ :l

              Don't worry about deciding about moderating or a lifelong commitment to sobriety.... that decision can be made, later. For now, just try to do 30 days alcohol free, and after your system is flushed of alcohol, YOU (and not the master) can make the decision.

              :heart: Much love,

              Tampa, FL


                Day one

                Well done On MY Way,

                These first steps can be tough to do, sorry to say, harder ones are to follow.

                *Keep Busy*!!! After a long day at work my glass of vodka was my reward, kids and chores only heightened the *need* for AL. When the nerves get jumpy, find a way to get away - do what ever it takes, make things up or just disappear for a few moments. I'd start a pot of water boiling and run upstairs log on just to log on here and "connect" with my goal of staying AF (I still do it every day as needed). Giving myself "time-outs" I not only avoided giving in to the urges, I many times prevented unwarranted burst of anger that was my norm. I am still "practicing" navigating these stressful moments but keep reminding yourself of what is more important and soon it will become just that. Good luck, we are here for you - I promise! :welcome:
                Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                Watch this and find out....


                  Day one

                  on my way,
                  I just wanted to add my welcome to the others!
                  I am day 1 also.
                  This is a great place filled with supportive caring people!
                  Glad you are here.

                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                    Day one

                    On my way - you sound so committed! That is so great! Welcome to the boards, we are glad to have you here.

                    I can't wait to see your progress - come join us on the ODAT thread - we're there daily taking it one day at a time......

                    Hope to hear more from you.

                    Love and hugs,
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      Day one

                      I am with you. We have the same is my first day too.
                      We can do this together.....I have no wine in the house...and will not go to th store..
                      If I can stay out of the will help a lot.
                      I want to be AF for good. I am so tired of worrying and thinking about this issue.
                      I too want to be a good example for my children. I adopted my daughter when she was 4, now 9, is the joy of my life. However both her bio-parents where/are both alcoholics, in jail etc...
                      So since she has that back ground, I need stop for her to set a good example.
                      I am determined to do whatever it takes to put this behind me for good.
                      Thanks for posting


                        Day one

                        hi there..on my way.. welcome and very glad to meet you , it is all possible and it is up to you .
                        as long as you want to really want it . so good luck and we are here for you
                        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                          Day one

                          Thanks everyone

                          Thank you all for your words of encouragement!! Starting day two and still sober, I know from past experience the 3rd plus days will be harder. Best to you all!!

                          On my way
                          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                            Day one

                            Welcome On My Way!! Congratulations on completing your first AF day and on to Day 2. I've struggled to give up the booze entirely too. I'm determined to succeed this time becuase I'm so tired of the roller coaster.

                            In the Monthly Abs section, we have a challenge started called the Booze Busters 30 day challenge. It's about determination to be AF for 30 consecutive days, then repeat!

                            Feel free to check out that thread and join in if the theme and atmosphere suits you.

                            Either way, best wishes to you and your journey and welcome!

                            Day 6 AF
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Day one

                              Welcome OMW

                              Day 2 - Awesome! :goodjob:


