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I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

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    I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

    yes, i am at that point too. i'm not sure where the past 10 years have gone. i mean, i've done stuff, but not as much stuff, not as good stuff as i'd like. i'm 42 and still feel like i'm 10. what happened to the adult i was supposed to be??????


      I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

      Getting bigger

      Hey what do you know??? Our little group is getting bigger and bigger!!!???

      Spottedingo, stick around and join in on our (at least) 3 days!!! It will be over before we know it!!

      Hope we get through, I have a game plan today, so will be fine, leave here at 4PM, then to physical therapy, then maybe gym, then to an AA meeting....................but BOY does the hubby push those buttons!!! gotta watch out for him, you'd think if he loved me, he would be more behind me staying AF, right!?!?! NOT!!!!!!!!!

      Enough from me for now, will try to check in before I leave for the day, but may not see you all until tomorrow,


      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

        It is good you have a game plan. This was so spur of the moment, I don't have anything concrete laid out to keep me AF...especially during my personal "witching hours", when I normally crack that first beer.
        Firstly I will come here...and post....then I will need some thing to keep my mind busy and OFF of alcohol.
        I am sorry you are lacking in the hubby support area. I kind of am too.

        Keep up the good work!

        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


          I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

          [QUOTE=spottydingo;293622]its what makes our problem so difficult!!! for me that switch from "I'm not going to ..." to "What the heck ..." happens so quickly and absolutely its like night and day.

          the other comments here are right, you really have to want it, but also i think its important to indentify your triggers and avoid them.

          Great thread going here! I just had to jump in wih my .02. I think I had a "lightbulb moment" as far as triggers go, and a couple of you have said the same thing here. My witching hour also was around 4 or 5 pm. I was hungry. If I ate, the cravings went away. Duh!! Like on vacation when it's okay to drink in the morning, or noon--I was hungry. Then I had a good buzz going I didn't want to ruin with food!! Since I've been paying attention to the triggers--hunger is definately a biggy for me. Now I'm trying to get supper ready early and the supps, etc are helping with the cravings. Hunger--who would of thought!!!
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

            Hi all,
            I am with you Keeta. This is the first serious time I really know in my heart I have to stop this insane behavior. My sister in law has completely f---ked her life because of AL, ist scared me sh--tless....I don't want to be her. I was heading down the wrong path. I have been using wine in excess to "cope" with my emotions....not anymore....I don't want to wait until I completely f--ck up my life like she has done, not to mention what she is doing to her kids. I am so glad I found this site for help and support. I really need to be honest with myself outloud and take the first serious step to stop.
            Thanks for letting me join


              I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

              Me too ... the witching hour at 4 pm ... Dh is drinking his beer and juice right now. I'm posting, he's going to take me out for steak ... I won't drink. Glad to have this place to come too. Just for today, I will not drink!
              Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
              Author Unknown :h

              AF - Sept 4, 2012
              10 days - Sept 13, 2012
              2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
              Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
              AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
              Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

                GOOD job bouchard...stay strong....we are all here with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Enjoy your steak dinner, and check in later.

                I am doing ok...feeling a little anxious and emotional...just zipping off to make dinner, and will check in after...deep into my witching hour...but AF....yeah!
                How are you all feeling?...doing????

                hugs 'til later...K
                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                  I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

                  Hey All,
                  I jumped in head first, been reading the book online, reading tons of posts....
                  More determine that ever this is the right decision for me and my life.
                  I too am emotional, guilty, got this far out of hand.
                  My husband is away..just me and my 9 year old...AF none in the house...have to take her to a school function tonight. I ordered all the stuff starter kit, cd's etc....I will have to just keeping talking here to get support until they come. I am leaving it will be about 12 days until I am back home to receive them.....
                  Thanks for all the kinds word and support here


                    I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

                    Hey Ladies ... I'm doing ok, feeling alittle shakey for some reason & queasy. I do have the starter kit and did have the CD's somewhere but now I think I've misplaced them. Neither Dh or I drank with dinner and so far he's only had one drink. I guess I would say that I'm grumpy but doing ok. Drinking tea .... Hope everyone else is doing ok. G
                    Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                    Author Unknown :h

                    AF - Sept 4, 2012
                    10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                    2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                    Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                    AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                    Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                      I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

                      The CDs will help to feel more relaxed
                      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                        I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

                        follow up

                        Bouchard? How did your night go? Did you make it? I was thinking about you.


                          I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

                          Yes, want to - don't want to quit. I relate! I haven't had anything today to drink (unusual - I'm off work & tend to start early!!). But the reason is that I don't have any AL in house, and I haven't thought up excuse (yet) to go to store.

                          I want to quit for many of the usual reasons, but probably most of all right now is $$. It's just so hard to justify spending that money when I'm not working. But I somehow manage to... say things to myself like, well, I'm not spending money eating out, buying clothes, etc., so I DESERVE a cheap ($7) 1/2 liter bottle of wine. That used to last me a couple days - now it only lasts a day. Keep in mind that I start sometimes at 8:30 AM.

                          Writing that made me feel disgusted at myself!

                          On the plus side, I'm joining a gym today. I've lost so much weight from neglecting to eat (wonder why...) that my skin has begun to sag!! I'm hoping that getting into exercise routine will help that. But I also need to EAT and eat better foods than I've been eating...

                          We all know WHAT to do to make things better, but we "choose" to stay where we are... No doubt that it's hard to make changes. Guess it's just one small step at a time. Stumble from time to time. But it does feel good when we make good decisions.


                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

                            Hi all,
                            How are you all doing?
                            I have been thinking about all the AF buddies that started yesterday.
                            I love to hear from you....really hoping thing are going well or at least better
                            I am fine feeling much better about myself. Thanks to the help from wonderful people here.
                            Haven't slept at all....too in the past I use wine to get to more
                            Going out to lunch and keeping busy.


                              I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?


                              I have been busy,was looking for the thread where we all joined together to support eachother, and FINALLY found it!!! YAY!!!! :yay::wd:

                              I was AF last night, and intend to stay af again today! How is everyone else doing today??? It looks like lots of you can get on at night, not me cuz we have 1 pc and it is either being used by 2 kids for homework or hubby for his business, and besides for some reason, hubby is "Jealous" of the site, really doesn't like me going on..............?? I think it scares him when I get and stay af for any stretch of time...........Who knows????

                              Hope you all are doing ok, AF, WAY TO BE!!!!!

                              love and hugs.

                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                                I want to quit but I don't want to quit!?

                                "Writing that made me feel disgusted at myself!"

                                Savon, saying that out loud is good, it makes it real! Good for you.

                                I was going through bills yesterday and was really disgusted that every 4th charge on our debit was at the liquor store!!!

                                G, sorry you didn't sleep. Maybe tonight? Do you take herbal supplements? They do help.

                                Today is day 3 AF (well, actually I just realized day 4 as Sunday was spent hung over on the couch. Though, we did allow ourselves Saturday night as we knew Monday was starting "for REAL".)

                                Yesterday started off good but by the end of the day I felt sleepy and my blood pressure felt high and I felt dehydrated. Didn't sleep that well last night but not my worst night of insomnia. Slept in this morning and my BP still feels high. I'm 2 days on Topa (just 25 mg) and supps (and take BP meds anyway). Wondering if I should lay off today? Or is my body getting used to being sober? Its been months since I've gone 4 days. Writing that made ME feel disgusted!!!

                                Oh well, onward and upward!

                                Hope everyone has a good AF day.


