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drinking turns to cocaine use

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    drinking turns to cocaine use

    I need some advice.

    I feel as though I'm a social drinker(I think). I go out once a week with either my girlfriends or my husband.(friday or Saturday). Never two nights in a row because I'm so hungover the next day. But when I'm out drinking having fun it always turns to a few lines by the end of the night and I don't get to bed until very late. Early on it was fun, now I hate myself the next day. I don't stay home and drink by myself or do cocaine by myself. It's only when I go out socially. It seems the drinking and coke goes hand and hand. I've tried the leave the packy at home, but never fails, have to go back and get it. The next day I'm so upset at myself. I love dressing up, going out to dinner, meeting our friends and dancing to a good band. Do I need to give this up in order to stop the cocaine use. My husband and I have a great relationship. He does not do it. He Knows I do. We don't keep things from each other. And we always have fun when we go out. But this, for me, I feel needs to stop. Can anyone give some advice as what to do and think. Also, this coming friday night we have some friends playing in a band and everyone is getting together and I 'm already worried weather I should go or stay home. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    drinking turns to cocaine use

    Hi takoda!

    Welcome to the boards. I'm glad you are here.

    I have never done cocaine but i understand that it is highly addictive.

    If you don't feel you can say no to the cocaine then my advice would be to not to put yourself in that position in the first place. Get rid of it.

    If it is the "company of friends" that is your trigger you and hubby could get dressed up and dance the night away.

    Nip it now, my friend, I spent time in rehab with cocaine addicts. They were not a happy group.

    magic xxx
    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
    I am in the next seat.
    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


      drinking turns to cocaine use

      You sound like a good person who is at least aware that even a once a week bender may be the makings of much worse days ahead. My advice would be to re-read your post as I can not add much to the questions you are asking of yourself.

      Anyway I can't leave you hanging with out my usual $.02. So if you ask me, something is missing in your life to cause you to want and go out and be Ms. party girl all night long either with and especially without your husband tagging along. Also, I remember how expensive coke was 20 years ago so the cocaine today has to be setting you back some decent cash so really I would look to something else fun you could dump your money into that's not so destructive to your health and well being and definitely *not* more Champagne or booze!!! How about the health club, time share or dance lessons, something both you and your husband could set goals to go enjoy together!

      Anyway thanks for the memories, man I used to really tear it up myself and whatever you do don't let it take 20 more years like it did me to realize that not stopping was not such a good idea after all! :welcome:
      Is Addiction Really a Disease?
      Watch this and find out....


        drinking turns to cocaine use

        Hey Takoda
        Welcome!! yep i know your story very well. It was my life ritual to go out on the weekend and dance into the next day never without a little help from my white buzzy friend. I didnt really go to sleep until the following night and despite the anxiety and depression it have me for the following 3 days i would go right on and do it the following weekend. I would go out with the attention not to touch any drugs but once i had started drinking and entered the carefree, happy frame of mind everything went out the window. When drinking i always always dropped my guard and then anything was possible.
        So in that respect yes i think your right they do go hand in hand as it appears the only time you do coke is when you are drinking.
        My advice would be dont have it in the house where you can go back and get it. Stick with your husband have a few drinks and maybe get his support in helping you get through the night with having a couple of drinks and dancing.
        Hope this helps.....if you need to chat further please pm me.
        I am the author of my life.


          drinking turns to cocaine use

          I sure can't tell you what to think or what to do. I can only tell you what you should do.

          I'd read and then re-read what 4thboyz wrote. He really knows what he's talking about. Coke and alcohol seem to go together but one depresses you and the other gets you going. Your poor body!

          Not meaning to sound like an old fart but you sound like you're in your 20s I'm guessing and jeesh, you have your whole LIFE in front of you. It will be so much easier for you to kick these habits now than it will be later. Trust me on this.

          Welcome to the board and good luck to you. Read as many of the posts here as you can. Replace the word alcohol or AL for the word coke......alcohol and coke treat you exactly the you are shit.
          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


            drinking turns to cocaine use


            Welcome and I hear ya!!! I used to do coke when I drank ALOT! Lived in Miami for cripes sake, what else is there to do??? It is all over the place!!!!

            You are soooooooo young, and have your whole life ahead of you, so think about what brought you to this site...............It is the same reason we are all here, we have a problem w/ al................that always would lead me to the white stuff too........

            Lots of love,:h:l and again, welcome!!:welcome:

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              drinking turns to cocaine use


              Welcome Takota!
              first I think you have to understand addiction - Surprise - You like to get High! (We all do or we wouldn't be here finding our way out from the Alcohol Buzzerd) That was the real attraction that started us on the path. There is nothing wrong per se, with wanting to feel good - but Ah - then the abusive pattern just "arrives" unwelcome.

              All addictive substances fool our brains into changing the way we feel while they are CHANGING our brains. So when we try to stop - the brain has to go through this very wicked time of adjustment. Which is why most people don't stop.

              I have never done Cocaine either - but I do believe that all addictive substances short circuit our brains - so in a sense they can all be linked together. You sound like you wouldn't do the cocaine if you were not drinking? The drinking is going to get you in trouble - but the cocaine is going to get you there a whole lot faster. Hang here with us and we'll help you kick them both to the curb!
              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

              (from the Movie "Once")


                drinking turns to cocaine use

                Hey takoda!

                This was exactly the same problem I had when I was drinking and doing drugs. The more I drank the more I fancied taking 'e's or coke as well. I used to party hard all week-end and spend a lot of time through the week drinking as I couldn't handle the 'cold turkey' come downs. I remember plenty of times when we couldn't score and it felt like the whole night was going to be ruined because of it. There was no way I could of gone out to a rave or gig to 'freak-out' without taking something first. The more I did it though the more unnatural it felt to be at a rave/gig without it and it did become more of a psychological issue rather than a physical addiction. When I stopped drinking though I had already given up the drugs as I wasn't partying anymore due to the fact I became quite isolated in my drinking habits i.e. alone!!lol. I know exactly where you are coming from but the only way I stopped was through first: getting too smashed with booze during the days that I never found the time to buy any drugs as I was too far gone anyway and then eventually when I gave up the booze the rest kind of followed suit in a sense that I'd made up my mind I was never going to use alcohol or drugs to get wild and crazy (be that good OR bad!!). I'm a firm believer that I used certain drugs rather than abused all drugs. If YOU personally see it as a problem then why not cut out the booze so the coke has no hand to hold as it where!!

                Love and Happiness
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  drinking turns to cocaine use

                  well i can tell you from experience you are kidding yourself . it will kill you if you dont quit everything at ones .i was almost dead myself when i was doing it and selling it .the last time i did it was when i saw a very yuong girl early20's get run over by a car because she was hi on the stuff so bad she didnt know if she was coming or going . so that was the last thing for me .and yes at that tme i was still drinking and the drinking took the place of the drug and got worst. the more i wanted the drug. the more i drink to help with the craving. it is a losing battle.
                  like the other said you sound young and you got your whole life ahead of you and a man that love you and i hope will support you in getting help to help yourself.
                  sorry if i am coming on strong but hey if i wouldvt had this this site or aa meetting 9years ago i wouldnt be here now . it took me 81/2 years to see what i have done to myself and yes i have only be sober for now 5 months . but i wish i had someone to tell me something like what i am telling you . please do this for yourself and know we are here for you so please stay around and take the help that you know you need . good luck
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    drinking turns to cocaine use

                    Hi there,

                    I have never personally done cocaine but I know how addictive al can be and I have read all the other responses here from others more experiences with your question - I am only responding because you asked if you should go out this weekend - I can't tell you what to do but if you are concerned about it then that should be your answer - the fact that you are questioning yourself as to whether or not you should or can go out and not do cocaine and drink is telling you something right there.

                    My advice? I wouldn't go personally if that will be a trigger for you. It's too early in your quest for sobriety. Can you play sick that night? Something to get you out of going?

                    I'm sorry if that is bad advice, I just got the feeling from your post that you were looking for some help in whether or not you should go this weekend?

                    Hope you're doing well today,
                    Love and Hugs,
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

