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    I am truly amazed! This is my third full day since I started the topa and no beer. Doing pretty well...first day no cravings at all. I was hungover tho. Which is ususual cuz I am one of those beer drinkers that could drink at night and still get up for a workout in the am. Not usually much in the hangover dept but I guess u could say I overindulged a bit extra since I knew I was starting the topa. I hoped that if the program did what it would be the last time I would drink and enjoy. At least I hope. Anyway, I paid the price and had no cravings in the evening for my cold beverage of addiction....coors light. Yesterday, my second day nnnnn.....around 5pm the cold coors flashed through my brain a few times, but it wasnt about hurring home to have it. Instead I immediatally thought ya....your not drinking and went on with my task at hand. Enjoyed a nice steak dinner with my 13 yr old and went to bed. Today....of course I feel pretty darn good. I got the CD's and Supps ordered today. After work being Friday night and all I am just astonished how easy it was to drive past the liquor store. Even my car knew we werent stoppin there. Have it trained pretty good ya know. Practically it could drive there on auto pilot. Anyway home alone tonite which is generally when I will have 5 to 10 beers while I mull arould the house doing whatever. (a lot of people dont really know I do this)Instead I cant believe how good strawberries and bannanas are tastin. I am so excited to have a start like this. I have positive expectations for my outcome. I have always had a desire and a taste for that beer. Ever since a teenager. I have drank nearly on a daily basis for the last 25 years. Now that is excluding pregnancys. At least I can say that but my kids haave grown up with always beer in the fridge. I'm not a drunk sort of alkie but do have a dependance with a high tolerance. In the past few years of my life I noticed it started to have a mini tug on me then turned to more of a grab on to me. To lately, no matter how much I would say Im not gonna drink this week....I wouldnt skip a day. My marriage has not been good for at least half of it and I know I used alcohol to cope. Im divorced now (yipee) Time to work on me. Been in therapy for a while. Glad I found this site and ready to make some good changes in myself and change my negative habit of alcohol abuse. Big smiles.....gabby


    Brilliant Gabby, absolutely brilliant. I hope a lot of those people who feel there is just no way out read your message. Because I have also found THERE IS. And the longer you do it the better it feels. Well done. Another inspiration




      all smiles

      thanks kirky, now its the am for me and I feel so great and ready for the day. gabby



        Re: all smiles

        You know, it's so great to hear the excitement of new people coming in here. I'm new (5 mo), and still so excited to have my life back!
        I run into people I know @ work, in town, @ the market, people I know from AA, it's a real small town here.. so everyone knows everyone....I mention this site & program to people all the time. I feel like I'm a sales rep. But I just know what it's doing for me, and I want to pass it on!:lol
        I also know the "Hell" I was living in before I found this place.... talk about a "self -imposed prison"...
        And to think I'm still sending checks to that Damn re-hab center every month! What a joke!!:|

        Thanks sooo much RJ! & Everyone here!:b



          still smilin

          Well made it through yet anther day with no beer. Tomorrow will be day 5 and Sunday. Which will pretty much for sure get me a few more days at least. Its always easier at the begining of the week. Its toward the weekend that the :evil comes out. My poor little son was sick last night and it sure was easier to help him since I didnt drink. I always would anyway but I sure was more alert. Also I noticed something when I looked in the mirror at myself when we were in the face wasnt puffy. kinda made me laugh to myself. anyway....happy day and good night, gabby



            Re: still smilin

            Congrats on 5 days Gabby! Thats great! Have a good Sunday, hope your little guy is feeling better...|I ... Hugs, Judie


              ITS A BEAUTIFUL THING!

              smile fadin slightly

              thanks judie, he is much better now. and thanks for the congrats too. I was feelin much stronger this am until my X showed up. ggrrrrrrr >D think I'll hurry and go to work. gabby


                ITS A BEAUTIFUL THING!


                You are an inspiration to all of us here.

                Congratulations on your progress



                  ITS A BEAUTIFUL THING!

                  same thing

         not as easy as yesterday. I worked my retail job today and I felt a little irritable. Some X husband stuff and teenage kid stuff too. I was soooo thirsty when I got off work and I was REALLY thinkin about how easy a cold beer would go down. Scared to give in tho. I really want to break this habit. Physically I have no withdraws at all. But I know that doesnt mean I not an addict. So I got home and slammed a big ice water and out to water the flower pots. That really helps a lot. I sure look forward to gettin the cd's and kudzu. In fact tomorrow being day 6 I think I will go ahead and go to 50mg of the topa one day early. (or is it 2) Plus, I was really disappointed there werent any naked men in the other thread. Gotta go and figure out the ezcodes just in case anyone wants to e-me. gabby


                    ITS A BEAUTIFUL THING!


                    oh and thanks guys for your responses. I do kinda look for the support. gab


                      ITS A BEAUTIFUL THING!

                      Hey Gabby -
                      Your mention of how you felt when your son was sick caught my attention.
                      Shortly after I started this program, my daughter (only child) got the chicken pox. She is seven and it was NOT a happy time. THANK GOD I was sober.
                      I'd been busy with beer for a long time. I know in my heart I wouldn't have had the stamina or the patience to go through her illness and had a positive end result.
                      Now, our relationship seems stronger. I was THERE. Totally there, I think, for the first time since she was born.
                      God help me, it made me even more deteremined to stick with this the best I can.
                      So good to be doing this together, eh?


                        ITS A BEAUTIFUL THING!


                        Hi Helen, ya thanks for responding. I am so glad I found this site. Only my very very closest friend, GOD who of course brought me here and all of you guys know Im here. I'm am just so amazed at the support. I feel very determined yet know I am so vulnerable. Bringing GOD back in to my life is really the key but boy oh glad to have found here, you guys that actually talk back with so much understanding. thankyou so much. gabby


                          ITS A BEAUTIFUL THING!

                          Hey Gabby,

                          You are doing great! It is wonderful to hear. Helen I remember your struggles with "the pox" during the two week sprint. What hell that was for you!! It is amazing the suport here Gabby, and the understanding! I know I wouldn't be where I am without it! Keep up the good work!!


