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Ready to start now, anyone?

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    Ready to start now, anyone?

    I have almost everything you need to start this program-Topomax, Kudzu, Comforte, Cd's, Book, etc.
    Boutght it for a friend; friend broke promise to do it.
    Contact me about the particulars. I'll be traveling starting on June 13 for a month, so if you're ready, contact me ASAP. or 618-303-1850.
    Best of luck to all!
    PS It only works if you work it!

    Ready to start now, anyone?

    It's has worked very well for me. I'm just a new person. Just take everything you need with you and I think you will do very well

    Best of luck and keep in touch!



      Ready to start now, anyone?

      Wait--VM, you're offering the program materials to someone ELSE, right? Just clarifying...


        Ready to start now, anyone?

        Program available now.

        Yes-If someone new or continuing wants to purchase the program now, I have everything ready to ship.


          Ready to start now, anyone?

          Re: Program available now.

          Oh, Valerie,
          I sent you an ez.


            Ready to start now, anyone?

            hi val, would you be willing to ship to england? obviously id absorb the cost of shipping.


              Ready to start now, anyone?

              I would be intersested. Can you send me the info at Thanks Val...


                Ready to start now, anyone?

                i've emailed my stuff to you val.


                  Ready to start now, anyone?

                  sorry my wires crossed...


                    Ready to start now, anyone?

                    I just now saw old messages on the ez board.
                    Sorry, that I am not too savvy with this site.
                    No hard feelings toward anyone.

                    I took J back to Arkansas and I am back in Illinois.
                    I tried to get him to help himself for 4 months, but he seemed to get progressively worse. I drove 5 hours back there and left him at an emergency room. In the past 10 days he has been in and out of hospitals 5 times with a 5 day stint in the psych ward.

                    He will surely die on the street if there is no Divine intervention. There is some humanity left--it surfaces less than 4 hours a month. The rest of the time he lives like an animal on the street, messing his pants and/or passed out somewhere around town, snorts , spits, rages, unshowered, unshaven, grubbing for food and spare change--such a vast contrast with the way he keeps himself when he's sober!
                    Let's say, Dr. Jekyl is all but buried and Mr. Hyde ain't hiding.

                    I found 3 long-term (8mo) Christian facilities (he's a Christian)that are willing to help, but so far he has declined, although he has recently asked for those numbers again. Who knows when or where or even if? We can only hope and/or pray, depending on your preference.

                    In the meantime--I hate for all this stuff to go to waste, so if there are any serious takers, please email me at I will be happy to mail anywhere!

                    And please, don't let yourselves get to the point J is at right now--it may be the point of no return.

                    Best wishes to all of you.

                    I know you are all fine people.
                    Demand more research for alcoholism from your government and more humane and affordable treatment facilities, as well as help with alternative methods. With a less than 20% success rate for AA, we know they do not have all the answers. Hospitals are getting lazy handing off to them like they're the cure-all. This is not acceptable! Do not be ashamed. Shame only keeps you from viable funding to attack this problem and obtain solutions. It's a complicated issue and you should demand your rightful answers. There should be a war on drug and alcohol addiction, not those who are addicted! Attack the problem, not the people!
                    Hugs to all.


                      Ready to start now, anyone?

                      my heart goesout to you

                      IF there is a god i pray he helps your j. seems to me that god forsakes those who need him the most and turns a blind eye to the monsters of this world. But j has got you looking out for him and maybe that is a 'god send'. I sincerely wish i'd had a friend like you to help me. I think this site will probably be my only ally over the coming months. i had contacted you expressing an interest in your stuff but since then i've decided to go ahead and buy the supps and book, even though i cant really afford the lump sum...easy to buy 2 bottles of wine a night but harder to justify large lumps of cash for meds, supps, books etc...cranky isn't it how we alcoholics put things into perspective. my thoughts are with you and j.


                        Ready to start now, anyone?

                        Re: Just do it!

                        To All:

                        Ask yourself--what is your life worth?--not to mention the
                        sanity of those around you who deal with you day in and day out? You can't afford not to really. You're worth it! It seems like a lot to spend on yourself, but it will be the most giving and least selfish thing you can do.



                          Ready to start now, anyone?

                          Re: Just do it!

                          val, i just typed a huge message to you and then in my fog i managed to some how delete it. and as my memory is shot to f**k i cant remember what i wrote!!!! so to start again afresh. my life is worth the earth, i have 3 children who need me and i love them so much i have to do something about my addiction. i am a great believer in 'learned behaviour' ( i studyied psychology) and i know that if they see me drinking all the time they will think it normal and go on to develope their own problems. i will spend my money wisely to correct my problem, i will strive to be the person i know i am, i will help my children be real people, i will help them thru their darkness and i WILL be sober while i do it....


                            Ready to start now, anyone?

                            Re: Just do it!

                            The folks on here are very nice and supportive especially if you seem to really be trying. So know that this is a friendly site and keep marching toward your goal. I know at least five people who have overcome--3 with AA and 2 on their own.
                            It can be done. And it can happen for you.

                            This program seems to me to be the most balanced approach yet--a brain, mind, body recalibration--drugs, meditations, exercise and vitamins. I believe that if you don't waste time and do it all at once, the quicker your misery will be over. So why not jump in with both feet and get busy. You have everything to gain.

                            My friend couldn't think straight enough to organize the vits and meds. If that is a problem for you, don't be ashamed; find a friend and ask them for help. I found those penny envelopes worked great. I created packets, dated and labeled them. I put which week it was on there too in order to keep up with the increase in Topomax. I put them out each day. Unfortunately, we could never figure out why he seemed unable to turn his life around and commit to working the program.

                            I would like to see a discussion on here about your commonalities, if there are any, in order that these things might be addressed. What I have observed about my alcoholoc friends is that they tend to be very smart, talented likeable people, with sharp memories, but they tend to live in the past replaying old hurts as if they are making an unnecessarily deep groove in their mental/emotional record. Long past where others involved have moved on, they seem to be stuck in a rut. There is also a certain immaturity--an arrested development--where other's evolve and learn coping skills to deal with their feelings, drinkers tend to drown their feelings and bypass learning how to handle life's inevitable stresses. Also, they tend to be easily bored and need constant stimulation--perhaps to constantly distract themselves from, frankly, themselves.

                            In contrast, I have a fairly lousy memory so each day is pretty much a new day for me. I don't hold on to past transgressions, not because I'm so saintly, but because I simply can't remember what they were. LOL

                            Count me in as your friend, just know that I have no
                            first hand experience with the challenges of dealing with this problem like the others on here do. But, I am nonjudgemental and one hundred percent supportive.

                            Love and hugs to all on this journey.



                              Ready to start now, anyone?

                              Re: Just do it!

                              Just read your thoughts on your alchoholic friends being "very smart, talented likeable people, with sharp memories, but they tend to live in the past replaying old hurts as if they are making an unnecessarily deep groove in their mental/emotional record. Long past where others involved have moved on, they seem to be stuck in a rut". Boy did that hit home with me!!

                              Just before I found this site, I realized that most evening's I sat around feeling sorry for myself b/c my life hadn't turned out like my friends or my sister's or my brother's. It was a constant pity party. Regardless of the fact that I am single mom, successful in my career, raising not only my biological son but my ex's son from a previous fling. I have bought my own house and with very little financial support from the boys father I somehow manage to get by.

                              Like Mellor's said, I couldn't really afford the initial financial blow but I sucked it up and while I haven't had a completely AF day I can tell you that I have only drank three bottles of wines this week compared to 8 that would have been normal. I have remembered everthing from this week and I am feeling much better. I am still working it and hope to be successful...whatever that may end up meaning for me.

                              Thanks for your thoughts and your insights. I do hope J. get the help he needs. Thanks for sharing his/your story with the rest of us to help keep us on the right track.

                              Julie J.

