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When will I feel better?

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    When will I feel better?

    Just wondering how long it takes to detox enough to feel better, and what are the phases one goes through?

    I'm 42, overweight and have high blood pressure (which I take meds for). When I binge-drink I binge-smoke (otherwise I don't smoke) and on hangover days I can feel that my blood pressure is high from the smoking (or a combination).

    I've been AF for 4 days. Yesterday and today I've felt lethargic, especially towards the afternoon. I've had a dull headache and have been super-thirsty. On Mon & Tues I took 25 mg of topamax and the supps but started feeling a tightness in my chest, so today I just took a multivitamin. It feels a bit better but its still there. I know people will say I should go see a Dr but I was declined insurance (another reason why I dislike Canada) when we moved here last year so I don't have a regular Dr, plus I don't want to explain about my drinking issues. (Of course I will go if it gets really bad).

    I haven't felt like drinking much coffee, and I generally don't do a lot of sugar (besides AL) or junk food.

    Anyone experience something similar? I've been feeling mentally good and wanting to get going with stuff I've put off in the past few months, so its a bit frustrating to have no energy. I keep telling myself it will get better but I guess I want it to NOW.


    When will I feel better?

    Hi sd-

    Each person is different and it also depends on how long you've been drinking and how much you consume daily.

    When I started my journey (the first few times) it usually took 4-6 days to begin to feel like myself. After a week I was myself again.

    Keep drinking a lot of fluids, take a multi, and my Dr. had me taking Magnesium in the beginning to help with the repair of nerve & muscle damage from alcohol.

    Hang in'll get better.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      When will I feel better?

      Hang in there Spotty! You will feel better. Especially in the mornings. I know that I tend to drag in the afternoon so I just don't fight it. It will take a while for you to get in touch with your body/energy levels since I'm sure, like me, you were drinking instead of feeling. You are definitely on the path to better health today. Just look what stopping drinking will do you for you; you will stop smoking, your blood pressure will come down and you will loose weight. This is probably not a good time to drink coffee, or junk food. (of course I am not a doctor, but we have to take care of ourselves). Please, please be patient with your self. You said you feel good mentally and want to do stuff. That's great! You will begin to feel better as you get healthier. For some it takes two, three weeks, a month, six months (I don't really know because I haven't been AF 6 months) but I know I'll be healthier.


        When will I feel better?

        I was watching an episode of Dr Phil on tivo yesterday - he was trying to get this woman to separate herself from an alcohol and drug abusing SO. He said that it takes a year - a full year! - for the crap to exit your system. I don't believe it. Not only do I not believe it, it's pretty discouraging for those battling day to day. Many would think: A year - I'll never make that - so eff it! Right? So he shouldn't say things like that. I used to think that his shows and guests were entertaining and somewhat enlightening, I'm increasingly thinking that he needs to shut up. :H

        After reading many threads here and anecdotes from the abstainers, it appears that there are levels of clear-headedness that come with time. The initial fog seems to lift just shy of a week for many.

        Good luck!
        The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
        Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

        W Whitman

        90+ days yay!


          When will I feel better?

          Hi Spotty,
          The longest stretch I have completed is 33 days ( oct/nov ) the first 5 days were the worst for me after that, the fog seemed to lift ,and I felt much better and more positive.

          Good luck

          In life we can live out our dreams its true
          the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


            When will I feel better?

            Hi Spotty,

            Congrats on your 4 days!! I am on day 4 also....but I have gone AF a few times before with 30 days being the longest I have done.
            This time I am taking All One powder, Magnesium, B52, Vit C, Omega Oils, L-Glut and Gaba at night (with calm tablets thrown in 3 x a day). Plus 3 Kudzu 3 x a day.
            I mention in detail what I am taking, because before when I went AF, I took topamax as well.
            I too experienced tightness in the chest and felt that the topa was in some way stressing my body....don't know if that was it or not.....however I am finding it pretty easy taking what I am at the moment.

            Like Breez said, everyone is different. Just gotta keep on going Spotty. I would try to get my hands on the MWO Kudzu if you can.

            Sober since 30/06/10


              When will I feel better?

              Spotty: It took me a long, long time for the alcohol to really leave my system, & for it to regulate itself. My blood pressure did finally go down, but I must admit that my sleep cycle was harder to change. In the beginning I had many sleepless nights. Even now after 48 AF days, I still have at least 2 sleepless nights per week. It's something I've come to accept.

              Hang in there. You're in the worst of the withdrawal. Keep drinking plenty of water to purge your body. Watch out for your husband was the recipient of all my moodiness.

              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                When will I feel better?


                I am on day 32 and I certainly feel better than I did a month ago. I am a few years older than you and I know all the years of drinking has probably tore my body up good. Because I drank every day for so many years I don't know what a sober body is supposed to feel like and the effects of alcohol may have actually made me feel better overall than my body was actually supposed too feel!

                All in all I am not as tired as I remember being, I am happier overall but I also realize quitting booze is not enough. I am paying much more attention to my diet, starting to get my cardiovascular system in better shape and then I hope I start to really enjoy the fruits of my labor.

                One thing though, I do hope you are doing this under the supervision and care of your doctor. There is a whole lot more to be concerned with at our age than just stopping the booze. Good job so far, it will get much better for you and you will soon start to feel so good about what you are doing.
                Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                Watch this and find out....


                  When will I feel better?

                  Day 18

                  I'm on day 18, stopped taking supp because it was making me feel ill. I am taking milk thistle. My eyes still feel swollen in the morning, but I feel pretty good the rest of the day.

                  I too am a binge drinker, but this time I want to win the battle over alcohol.

                  Regarding the tightness in your chest, see a doctor.

                  Good luck.

                  Made it through St. Patty's day and now I have to make it through the NCAA tournament!!!


                    When will I feel better?

                    Spotty, you should start feeling better soon. Give it time. And drinks lots of water, just like your body is telling you to. Good luck!

                    Made it through St. Patty's day and now I have to make it through the NCAA tournament!!!
                    Oh, no! I didn't think about that!! And I have hockey playoffs too!! Better start planning for that, shouldn't I?
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                      When will I feel better?

                      Thank you thank you!

                      Thanks so much for all your replies, it makes me feel a lot better and realize I need to be patient.

                      Hard to admit, but AL has been a part of my life for about 24 years (yikes, more than 1/2 of my life ) in varying amounts and I've never seriously been AF for an extended period of time. Sure there were periods when I didn't drink to excess but that was usually just for the work / school week, a family visit or the flu -- 2 weeks at most. The past 6 months have been perhaps the worst: every other day or every 2 days.

                      So yes, I probably don't know what it feels like to be healthy! Can't wait.

                      Thanks so much for all your kind support.


