I was asked "how did you do it?"
Thats just it "I" didnt do it.
It was only when I stopped trying to do it that this thing called sobriety started working.
From the physicians assistant that started the ball rolling by getting me into a detox bed, To the staff and the residents of the rehab, to my case manager, to the councillor at my group every week who I see, to the people at that group TO YOU PEOPLE who are here to listen, to encourage, to open up to me to tell me how you do it.
To the many books I have read about my disease that helps me understand.
To my higher power( whoever he/she is)(I still struggle with that, but thats o.k.)
To the very people at those A/A meetings who share their experience, strength, and hope.
To the people at work who upon return accepted me and understand me.
Today is the first day of spring and I know this is cliche' but it's also the first day of the rest of my life and I will enjoy and live it "One day at a time"
I can honestly say "I am a very grateful alcoholic"
Love to you all,
John S.