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about to start
about to start
about to start the programme and i'm really quite scared. i didnt go to my GP because i dont want it on my health records. the British Government know far too much about us poor beleaguered citizens as it is...(subject for a completely different web-site probably) i'm doing it alone. i don't have anyone else to confide in and i feel a little spaced out at the thought of having know one to get feedback from. i guess that's were you guys all come in? im 39, 40 next month and by that time i want to be on the road to recovery, i dont want to end up an old soak and i so want my life back. -
about to start
I'm fairly new here also, but been here long enough to feel really good about the whole thing... You can take what you want from the program and there are lots of stories that I'm sure you're going to identify the posts on the various boards and jump in! You might want to get registered (it's free and stays anonymous on the site) and then you can join in the "live chat" as well as send private emails to other people here should you wish. The more you keep reading here, the more you'll discover what works best for you...
There is GREAT support here! We all know where you're coming from in terms of wanting to change your life! And congratulations on having the courage to make a beginning...
Keep on reading/posting! And good luck!
Best, susan (nyc)
about to start
Welcome "Waiting"! Are you doing the supplements, and do you have the book? That's a great way to start. I actually didn't have the book for the first mo. because of financesand being F****d up for the first mo!) But it does help get you going on the right track! It's very important if you're taking topa to follow the titration schedule by the book. In any case stick around & keep reading & posting. Hugs, Judie
about to start
bit on the short side financialy as well. it's ironic isn't it when you think of all the money spent on booze and being unable to afford the lifeline. it cost me quite a lot to get the topamax and ive just got a good deal on the book but the sups will have to wait till payday. i suppose thats why im so scared. i worry constantly that the topa will have a bad effect on me or worse, it wont work. but i think all this is happening to me because deep down im scared of coming off the booze. that i wont have anything in my life once i haven't got drink to fill the gaps and that i'll have to face up to the reasons that i do drink. sorry, i'm rambling now.
about to start
hi susan, thanks for replying. have you got the whole kit? i feel like i have so many questions to ask, like with the titration for topamax, do you know if it's the same as the schedule printed in the lancet article? how are you finding it so far? and how do i register? god i feel like im standing on the edge of a very deep dark precipice.....
about to start
Hi Waiting,
I am wondering if there is a way you can download the book? It is very important to follow the the dosing schedule for the topa. I am going to be here for about another 1/2 hour.
This is the Dosing Schedule for the first Four Weeks:
Week 1:
Afternoon Dose: 1x25 mg tablet
Week 2:
Afternoon Dose: 2x25 mg tablets
Week 3:
Morning Dose: 1x25 mg tablet
Afternoon Dose: 2x25 mg tablets
Week 4:
Morning Dose: 2x25 mg tablets
Afternoon Dose 2x25 mg tablets
On the homepage you will find a link called "Important Program Updates". There you will find all the current info on all the supps used in the program.
The supps used for cravings are kudzu and l-glutamine. Clams forte will help with your nerves and help you sleep at night. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and to help flush the toxins from your body. You may also want to get some chamomile tea.
I hope this helps. You can find this schedule on page 119 in the book when your book arrives.
Oh as far as registering, I am not quite sure I have no idea how I was even lucky enough to find this place to begin with. I think you just go back to the hompage....can someone help out here?
about to start
topa doses
thanks so much donna. all i need to do now is wait for the book to arrive. it seems that everybody feels its important to only start when you have all the kit. are the supps as important as i've read, i really want to start as soon as possible as i can feel my resolve weakening, the old 'im okay i don't have a real problem' voice nagging away at me. i do have a problem there's no 2 ways about it. if anyone has any suggestions about what to do in the evenings to stop the urge to drink i'd be very grateful, or does topa help with that?
about to start
Re: topa doses
Hi Waiting,
Certainly it is ideal to start the program with all of your ducks in a row however, how often in life do we find ourselves in ideal situations. Many people have started the topa without having everything else in place. I would get the supps as soon as possible because yes, I do believe them to be a very important part of this program! Did you find that link I was talking about?
Make sure you are following the dosing schedule I posted and keep track as to how you are feeling. Drink plenty of water!! Also, if you could swing getting at least the kudzu and the calms forte for now I think you would find those two to be of great help to you!
Make sure you have on hand other things to drink like soda and lime, craberry juice..I don't know, chamomile tea...other things that appeal to you.
When are you expecting your book to arrive? Hang in there!
Oh, I see you got registered! Great!
about to start
Re: topa doses
hi donna, amazon tells me the book will be dispatched on friday, ive got the topa already but gotta wait for payday before i can afford the supps. i have to say the anticpation is killing me, it's sort of part fear and part excitement. i know that i'll have a load of issues to deal with as i start to sober up. i dont think my relationship will last as the drink is the only thing that stops me from blowing up in my fellas face and telling him to leave. i find it a little ironic that my marriage broke down because of my husbands alcoholism (and his liking for other men), ive ended up drink dependant but my relationship will fail through being sober...things all seem a little weird for me right now. it's kind of comforting to see so many mothers on this site...i beat myself up daily for being like this, and knowing i need help, i first realised this when i started hidng my drinking from my kids a few times a week so they wouldn't think i was drinking every sad is that!!! poor little darlings deserve so much more from me.
about to start
Re: topa doses
Hey Waiting,
Even if you don't have supps yet, start doing the other aspects of the program. I know you don't have the book yet, but you should drink Water, Water, Water. and lots of it! Also get in exercise 3-4 days a week. Just walk with your kids or something like that if you don't have another route to exercise. You will start feeling better and drinking less!
about to start
Re: topa doses
It is time to stop beating yourself up. I know how it is, I have been there! Sometimes the guilt is so overwhelming that you feel you could just die, am I right? You are taking all the right steps now to get your life back on track. Your children will get the mother they deserve, and you will be the person you can be happy with looking in the mirrior at every night.
Stay close to the boards here. Read and post often. You are right, there are alot of us mothers here so you are among good company and people who understand just how you are feeling! You certainly do have alot on your plate!! Take some deap breaths, you are not alone any more!
about to start
Re: topa doses
thanks marcie, ive started doing sit ups when i get home from work and ive got a step machine in the corner of my bedroom daring me to climb you think its a general consensus that i should start the topa now and wait for the book to arrive on saturday or monday? oh and i drink 2litres of water a day anyway at the moment, should i drink more when i start the programme?
about to start
Re: topa doses
I don't remember what the suggested water intake is, but 2L a day, sounds like you're doing good with that. You know you feel better when you exercise, so break out the stepper! Take the laundry off of it and use it, :lol . I'm not sure what to tell you on the topa. I don't think it would hurt to start it now, but I don't take it, maybe someone else has a suggestion.
about to start
hi donna, i think im going to be living on these boards from now on. i'm just finishing work now so i'm off home to an empty with their father tonight...topas at home but no book, maybe marcies right and i should jump in and start now. i'm going to log in when i get home too, every message ive had has been wonderful!!! so full of understanding and not at all judgemental...and i cant wait to be able to look in the mirror again without wanting to cry...oh how alcohol ages your face!!!