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about to start

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    about to start

    Re: boards

    I agree, that is what I said too, go ahead and get started! You will just be that much further ahead of the game!!



      about to start

      Re: boards

      Hi Waitin, I started taking the topa before getting the book, just make sure & follow the titration schedule like Donna posted ... Print it out if you have printer, or just copy it down by hand, & keep it w/ your meds as the topa can make you spacey! :rolleyes Good luck, I think you'll like it here. This is an amazing program! I can't tell you, how wonderful it is to have my life back! Hugs, Judie


        about to start


        hi judie! er just how spacey??


          about to start

          Re: spacey????

          Hey Waiting!
          Yes, this definitely can be scary because you're right we DO have a lot of issues that surface when we get sober...that said, the upside of all that is that we find we are better able to cope with them all when we have a clear head.... I also discovered that a good percentage of my problems were actually the result of downing gallons of wine! I was having terrible anxiety and panic attacks and so I would drink to try to deal with them...when I quit drinking much of my anxiety went away and no more panic attacks! Amazing, huh?

          This is SO worth doing because you're worth it! And there is just so much wisdom and support on these boards....I absolutely LOVE this--far better than any AA/NA type support group I ever went to!

          Hang in there/here--
          best, susan


            about to start

            Re: spacey????

            Hi waiting

            Just to let you know, I have been on here 10 days. I am 11 days into abs. Apart from supps and meds which I am not taking, I agree with everything these great people have been saying to you. You CAN do it, why, because you are here on these boards and your enthusisam exudes. I have been on the bottle for years and within a short period, 10 days, I feel as like judie has said in the past, that I have opened a whole new life. I cant wait for what the next ten years holds for me. I went to brief somebody at a old office of my yesterday, and met a few old colleahues. They all said ' Hey whats happening, you look good, you look ten years younger' One said, Have you benn going to body building classes? And I knew I did not smell of alcohol. It was great. These little things that ewill no doubt happen to you will make you feel good about yourself. GO FOR IT. What have you got to lose

            good luck



              about to start

              thank you all

              to donna, susan, marcie, kirky & judie ....thank you all so very very much!!!! your care and genuine concern have touched this little old english girl's heart...i have found more compassion in 24 hours on this board than i've felt in my entire life. i feel inspired, invigorated and confident that i will succeed because i know that in my hours of darkness i can come here and let it all out. when i got home yesterday i went out with my chap and all i did was talk about you all. sadly his only comment was 'i'm scared you won't want me when you're sober''s a beatiful sunny day here in blighty and ive decided to start today...i'll be taking my 1st topa this afternoon and hopefully the book will arrive soon. i have nothing to lose and evrything to gain and yes, i have taken the washing off of my stepper marcie...its still glaring at me like some kind of evil creature but i will be using it from now on, wether it likes me or not. im so so relieved to have found you all, bless you all.........



                about to start

                Re: thank you all

                You Go Girl!



                  about to start

                  Re: thank you all

                  Hi Waiting ?

                  I'm new here too, but like others I love the program and find it's already working really well. All the best to you.

                  I'm not taking the topa, only the supps, and I think they really make a difference. The updated dosing schedule for the supps is in the FAQ.

                  I know what you mean about how much money we spend (spent!) on booze ? I've been abstinent for a week, and I'm astonished at how little money I've had to withdraw! I started calculating how much I would have saved over the last few years if I hadn't been drinking so much, but ? trust me; don't go there... (After a few months of abs you can go to the Carribean instead.)



                    about to start

                    Re: thank you all

                    hi andrew, thank you for your welcome & well done to you too for starting the programme. i haven't yet, im starting this afternoon with my first topamax...and im bricking it i can tell you. i have on occasion worked out my weekly booze budget to try and scare my pants off but it usually only worked for a week and then id just buy cheaper wine, not good coz the hangovers are 10x as bad as drinking classy wine...i have a wedding to go to tomorrow which im dead worried about but i guess as long as ive started the programme im 1 step closer to being well again.


