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starting out

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    starting out

    Hi all:

    Found this board a couple of days ago. So many stories and issues I read about resonated with my own I felt like a member even while I was just lurking...

    This is the first time I've confessed to anyone but myself that I've got a problem with drinking. Feels strange, but good in a way.

    I'm hoping to start with abstinence for a month, and take it from there. I'm terribly short on cash at the moment (I really am a painter; need I say more?) and I ran out of money after picking up the supplements. I'll have to get the book when I can, but for the time being please bear with my lack of knowledge.

    I'm starting this a.m. Feels strange to ask a group of strangers to wish me luck, but... please wish me luck.

    starting out

    Welcome, Painter!
    Glad you were able to get the supps. Did you find the chart with the dosage? Since you do not have the book yet, you can find a lot of the information regarding supplements right here. Look under "HOME", then to the left "important program updates".
    Read, and post, and tell us more about yourself. There is a new abstinance event starting for June, so you will have excellent support!


      starting out

      Hi Painter,

      Welcome! Glad to hear you were able to get the supps. They are very helpful! You can download the book and save some money that way. Also, under the June abs event, starting tomorrow, there will be a post outlining all the basics of the program for you. You can find the event on the discussion board under "Surf Into Suumer Abs Event"...I am pretty sure that's what it is under. Don't hesitate to ask questions, we are here to help each other! Welome aboard, and best of luck to you.



        starting out

        Hey Painter, I'm a painter/waitress. Just recently gone back to waiting tables after painting all winter. With the summer tourist season, it's a nice change to go run circles & throw food @ people!:lol Welcome aboard! The supps do make a big diff. Are you going to try Meds too?


          starting out


          Thanks for the welcomes and info!

          I can't download the book yet (credit card is at limit), but I should be able to in the next few days. That'll be a help. The June abstinence event sounds good, too. Thanks for the pointers.

          I'm going to try without the meds at first. If I find it's too difficult to stick to the program without then I'll give them a go.

          Hope you have a good summer throwing food, saint jude! I'll be throwing paint - shows coming up - but I do occasionally throw food when a painting's going badly....


            starting out

            Oh, my type of painting is "finish & trim painting" not quite as creative as what you're doing!:lol


              starting out


              Good luck, and welcome to MWO. I look forward to your future posts.



                starting out

                thanks Brandy, Kate, and all. nice to have such a warm welcome.



                  starting out

                  pdf book


                  I have both the pdf and the book if you would like me to email it to you Painter..... I'm in my 2nd week - this place is a great find.


                    starting out

                    Re: pdf book

                    thanks so much, hadenuf ? i got the book already, thanks also to the kindness of a stranger.

                    i agree: this place is a great find.


                      starting out

                      just starting

                      Hi all - I just ordered my cd's and herbs. I am excited and nervous. This is my first time w/any type of program. Tried to "slow down" on my own - to no avail. I love to drink - red wine is my favorite but I know that I cannot drink it or anything else without getting hammered. Once I start drinking, wine or beer, I don't stop till it's time for bed. It is starting to interfere w/my marriage. I'm going on 12 years married - I am only 36. I have been drinking my whole adult life. Only quit when I was pregnant (twice). I am hoping to be a moderate drinker but right now it is total abstinence. I am 13 days w/o alcohol - strange for me. It isn't easy but I am so thankful that my friend lent me the book. I will be buying my own copy that's for sure! I am really happy that there is this whole community that knows what I am going through! Believe me I will need all the support I can get.


                        starting out

                        Re: just starting

                        Hey anewmaggie (maggie??)
                        Welcome!!! 13 days??? holy smokes... nice job sista. Can you get registered? Keep it up, and looking forward to talking with you more.


                          starting out

                          Re: just starting

                          Welcome anewmaggie and painter.
                          We're all rowing in the same direction.
                          All aboard.


                            starting out

                            Re: just starting

                            Welcome Maggie and Painter!


                              starting out

                              Re: just starting

                              Hi Maggie,

                              Welcome! Sounds like you are pretty much all set and ready to go! Good for you on 13 days, that is just awsome! Way to go! We just started a June abs group called "Surf Into Summer". We would love to have you join us. Also, there is a June Moderation group that just started when you are done with abs. You can find both groups by going back to the Discussion Area.

                              You will find plenty of support here. Best of luck to you as you get on your way! Again welome!


