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starting out

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    starting out

    Re: just starting

    Hi Maggie, and welcome!



      starting out

      Re: pdf book

      More than welcome Painter...

      ...and welcome to all the other newbies... this site is growing and growing. Wonder how longer before it hits the 1,000 mark?


        starting out

        just starting out

        Hi all - thanks for the welcome! I was "anewmaggie" now I am registered as "thenewmaggie" Having a really hard day w/everything today. Found out I need surgery (precancerous cells) and my husband and I are really on thin ice. If I ever needed a drink, right now is it. I just keep telling myself that alcohol isn't important to me - my girls are. I am so relieved that this is available to me and us. I can't wait to start the supps and hypnotherapy. This is such a new way of life for me w/o any alcohol - I am almost lost. Thank you to all for listening and I look forward to a lasting relationship w/you all....


          starting out

          Re: just starting out

          Hey thenewmaggie ...

          she's looking pretty good, don't you think?



            starting out

            Re: just starting out

            hi NWMaggie, and welcome aboard, i must say, you are looking marvelous! The new name suits you! How's it going today?


              starting out

              Re: just starting out

              thanks to all for the wonderful welcome! I must say this is not an easy path for me. I did good this weekend w/o alcohol. Thank goodness for St. Pauli Girl NA - that stuff isn't bad! It's nice to have somewhat of a clear head especially w/all the stuff I am going through right now. I don't know which direction my life is headed so I need to be thinking clearly. Still waiting for my supps and hypnotherapy cd's. Today is day 15 w/o alcohol..hard to believe.


                starting out

                15 days! Way to go Maggie!

                Beck's makes a good 0 alcohol beer too....



                  starting out

                  starting out

                  Hey Andrew - thanks for the support - I know you are going through this as a "newbie" also. I must say - my record, on my own no pregnancy excuse, without alcohol would've been 16 days today. But I broke down today. I am having my second glass of wine right now - not really because I want to (must be the supps and clearing cd) but I feel I need to get to a place right now where I don't have to really think about reality. My hus and I had the "divorce" talk. What to do about what....just in case that is the path we take. I am at an all time low so I am just using the wine to make it a little easier. I know this. It really isn't making it any easier. I don't even know how to think right now. Sorry about the rambling...I'm just really lost right now. All of this territory is so new to me. I am just overwhelmed.


                    starting out

                    Hey Maggie,
                    It CAN be overwhelming, but don't let it sink you into a hole. You come right back here and pick up where you left off. You went 15 days alcohol free, right? Great job! I don't know if ALL of the troubles you and hubby are facing are because of the alcohol issues or other issues or both, and you certainly do not have to share this, but I can say I have BEEN THERE. Him blaming most everything on my drinking when really, there were much deeper issues. We both got into therapy, and worked things out. Still working... and I'm still here , but things are SO much better. We have 2 children as well.
                    Just wanted to share that. Want you to feel hopeful and know you are doing the right thing by tackling this problem.
                    I'm thinking about you and your health issues as well. Sounds like they caught it in an early stage.
                    Keep at it, Maggie. Tell us how we can help.


                      starting out


                      I'm really sorry to hear you're having a hard time! I know what you mean about getting to a place where you don't have to think about reality. Don't be hard on yourself about it, though. 'One bad abs day don't spoil the whole bunch girrrrl...' *imitates a very young Michael Jackson* Remember that you've spent a long time developing your drinking patterns; you can't expect yourself to turn that around instantly, especially with the stress your under. Have faith in yourself; be as strong as you can but don't expect yourself to be superhuman; think about the days you succeeded and keep building on them. Dierdre made some good suggestions in her abs day 7 pep talk, too ? check them out if you haven't already.

                      Also, like Rebecca, I've gotten counselling with my spouse. Is this a possibility for you? It doesn't help everyone, but we found a good counsellor (after a couple of tries) and it worked really well for us. An impartial third party can really help with thinking things through.

                      Take care. We're with you.



                        starting out

                        Re: just starting out

                        hi maggie, im new to this site too , but now i,ve found it im not going to lose it. i only really registered yesterday and already i've had a life times worth of caring advice. i got my boxs of topa last week and im waiting for the book to arrive. i just ordered all my supps too, would you believe ive had to order them from the states becoz it worked out cheaper than UK prices...including shipping...god bless tony blair, NOT!!! i really think this is going to work for me and i pray it does for you, hold that thought about your girls, i think it about mine 3 kids all the time, try not to worry too much about your relationship, easy for me to say i know, husbands come and go (thank god for small mercies!) but you and your girls are bonded together. keep your spirits up maggie.


