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Cravings, what time is your roughest during the day?
Cravings, what time is your roughest during the day?
Miss layla
Much the same with me, I had become a habit soon as the six o clock news came on I was heading for the bottles until getting into a stupor for bed. I am so tired now, having not had much sleep for the past 8 days, i am taking nytol and at last last night got a reasonable nights sleep
Cravings, what time is your roughest during the day?
Miss Layla
Nightime for me too about 5pm I start getting antsy and then until I eat! On campral at the moment and its working well
Never drank at lunchtime because "whats the point!"unless I was on holidays and didn't have to stop.:
Now just trying to relax and forget that I am not drinking (easier said than done as I am OBSESSED at the moment.)
Love Shas
Cravings, what time is your roughest during the day?
Excellent Shas, glad to know Campral is working for you. It did work for me, until I drank on it, then it stopped working. Wish I hadn't had that first drink on Campral. Keep us informed on your progress.
Cravings, what time is your roughest during the day?
This is going to sound awful, but my worst time is the minute I get up! Not only did I drink all the time (and I mean I actually would get up in the night and have glasses of wine), but I started first thing...obviously, I don't have a regular 9-5 job, but I often had a few before heading out--even if I was getting to a 10am class or appt.... So, now when I get up I know I won't be having a drink all day (or night!)--and sometimes I feel a little mixed about that...
Cravings, what time is your roughest during the day?
Oh Susan,
My heart goes out to you. I could handle during the day because I didn't feel like it ................but to feel like I do from 5pm on.... you really are a strong woman!
Read your abs post and you sound like your kicking a*se
Love Shas
Cravings, what time is your roughest during the day?
I find my worst time is when I'm in the kitchen, cooking a meal and the wine glass just seems like an extra limb. Of course, this scenario occurs every night so, this is my problem time.
It's a tough one to beat but what I have been doing this week (my Back on Track Week!) is having a glass of water there instead. Seems to be working but, although, physically I don't seem so bothered about having the wine, mentally, I feel as if I'm missing out on my ritual.:
Cravings, what time is your roughest during the day?
My roughest time is in the evening when everything is done, kids in bed, dishwasher on, everything ready for the morning. Hubby likes to sit and relax with a glass of wine and watch tv. He can stop at 2 or 3 whereas I have to keep going. I was ironing at 11 p.m. last night!! During the week its not too bad but Friday nights are still very hard.
Cravings, what time is your roughest during the day?
Used to be 5:00 p.m. every day. Now I've gotten in the habit of pushing that to around 6:00, and now and am trying to "extend" my day of working, even if it is to finish the day with a jog at 5:30 so that I can stay busy longer. But yeah.... my little "reminder" voice starts reminding me "Its time to relax now..." at about 5:30 to 6. I have find it is pretty easy now to get through it, and that it does go away for the most part if I can hold off until 7 or 8 p.m. By then I realize that I dont want it as bad, and "hey".... I think I can just sail on through and go to bed early instead!
I am moderating, so I have found that if I treat myself a bit like a mother talking to her child, I have found that telling myself I am only aloud to "play" or have some wine between 8 and 9:30 p.m, and that's my end time, I will nurse two glasses slowly, usually, and feel satisfied. Sometimes I cram a third one in there, but as long as I stop by 9:30, I feel great the next day, like I havent drank at all.
Weekends are much harder as my hubby always takes the kids to breakfast and stays gone for several hours, so I am free to sleep in.... have a headache, and so I botch it too much still on weekends. Never think about it or desire it during the day... hope I never do!!
Cravings, what time is your roughest during the day?
The witching hour for me is 5-9. It is worst when I am making dinner. But I am learning (slowly) not to drink while making dinner bec/ too often I have made some really weird stuff or burned it or just been too bombed to care about eating. Not a nice thing to do to husband when he comes home from a long day at office........:eek