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    Just wanted to say hello to everyone. I typed alcohol into google and up came this board and I have been reading for a while and find it inspirational. I want to completely stop drinking. Last night was my final straw. I have two beautiful children and I want to do this for me and for them. My vice is wine, since my second baby was born 5 months ago I have been drinking at least a bottle of wine a night. I suffer from post natal depression and started drinking to relieve my anxiety, but of course it has only made things worse. I am scared, I know I can't stop at 1 drink and have to drink the whole bottle and sometimes sneak out to buy more. I want to get better and healthy. Is it okay to just stop or will I have bad side effects. Not sure where to start but I know I won't be having a drink tonight. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks X


    Hi seto123, :welcome: I am in a bit of a struggle so I really can't say. Off hand, I think you'd be fine. A bottle of wine I don't think will cause you many withdrawal symptoms. Take supplements. Come here for support.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



      Hi there Seto and :welcome:
      Youve stumbled across a good place to be.
      Please read and read old posts, there is
      so much knowledge on these boards
      courtesy of people who have simply
      been there before. Sometimes it
      really helps to be with people who
      understand just what you are going
      through. I'm sure others will be along
      soon to give you some good advice.



        Welcome Seto
        Keep reading, I think you will find many stories similar to yours, download the book if you can, some find the CD's very helpful, but do drink lots of water and take supplements. We have all been there and I am sure you will find lots of support here.
        sobriety date 11-04-07



          Hi Seto-I'm sorry to hear about your postnatal depression. I haven't had children but I had a dear friend who went through it and it is really hard. Do you have a doctor who can help? Lots of research has been done on this and I think they could help you.

          As for the drinking, this place has been very helpful to me. Especially if I post and get involved. I also take Kudzu and L-Glutamine along with the other supplements mentioned in the book and they've really helped curb my urge to drink.

          Hope to see you around the board alot! Welcome!



            Hi Seto and welcome. You have stumbled across a place that will change your life, there will be someone, somewhere on the site who will relate with what you are going through and hold their hand out to you. Welcome again.

            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......



              Hello seto, I too have wonderful children and like you I relieve my stress and anxiety by drinking, which leads to dreadful guilt as well as the physical crap you feel too. I like many others know exactly where you are coming from! You're in the right place.Thanks to this site, I have an appointment booked with my Dr after easter and I feel really positive! Hope to be seeing your threads often. Elsie17

