:goodjob: on stay sober this long! By my count you should be on day 4? WOW! Way to go!
Yes, spouses can be a trigger, no doubt. Mine is all in favor of my being sober, she has put up with the drunk me for way too long. She is however, very supportive, and when we go out someplace she always asks before if it will bother me if she drinks. I really truely don't care, and have told her that, however, I am not drinking.
Jinja, I really believe this is something you have to do for you. Not for kids, spouse, whoever, but for you. No one ever forced me to drink, I always lifted those glasses of wine by myself, but now I need to force myself not to lift them.
It does get a lot easier, and your sleep patterns will get better. I sleep better now than I have done for years!
Please come back very often, let us know how you are doing. If you slip, ok, talk about it, maybe one of us can help you find out what the trigger was, so you can avoid it next time. This is a GREAT site, lots of support, as you have already found out. Plus, no lectures, no shame.
:welcome: I look forward to hearing more about your succces!
Enjoy Life!