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Day 10

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    Day 10

    Well, here it is, Day 10. I am doing great - but have had some slips in the past couple of days. The won't get into why, because it really doesn't matter. I am over the blame game in this - it is about me and how I handle certain stresses in my life. So, after 10 days, I will be going back to Day 1 tomorrow. No, I am not rip roaring drunk, but I did have more than two glasses of wine, which I was determined not to do. I wil have to go back to abstinance again - maybe for a very long time. The pain that I am carrying around is like a sponge when alcohol comes into the picture. Better to leave alcohol alone. I should feel guilty, but somewhere in my heart I knew I would have to revisit this and be convinced that abstinance was the only way. I am not able to drink one or two - once alcohol is in my system, I just want to slide into numbness.
    Blessings to you all and here's to Day 1, again.

    Day 10

    Yes, I think we are identical, Kate.
    Thank you for your kind and insightful words.


      Day 10

      Well, I'm no where near day ten, heck not even day one, but I relate to what you are saying. This board has been great for me (except for some techno-computer probs complicated by my drinking while trying to register). The folks here are really great. I cannot wait to get my CDs and I'll start reading my downloaded book tonight.

      Best wishes


        Day 10

        wellseasoned, I don't think you should consider yourself at day 1. You are at day 11 in the program just like me. You just learned that you won't be able to drink in moderation. We are all learning together here. None of us know when we are going to slip. I need you to hang in there with me at day 11 and keep sharing with me how you are doing. How about the rest of you day eleveners? Eliziby


          Day 10

          I have to be honest. Tomorrow will be Day 1 or Day 12. There is a part of me that just wants to self destruct. I fight it every day. MWO is the first ray of hope I have had in a while. When I am feeling really vulnerable, I come here. Thanks to all of you for your support.
          God bless


            Day 10

            So Wellseasoned, ...1 day in 10: is still just 1 day... you still have the other 9 to proud of! And who's to say that day 10 wasn't a worthwhile learning experiance? We are all "Works in Progress" here!!:
            Maybe just consider it growing pains- whatever! You're still here... To me, that's progress!
            I've not met too many perfect humans on this planet yet...:lol ( and I have a feeling I probably wouldn't care too much for em if I did!:rolleyes
            So, here's to tomorro, we've got something to look forward to! Hugs, Judie


              Day 10

              Day 10

              Hey wellseasoned

              Give yourself a break. I am on Day 3 and this morning my head was splitting with lack of sleep. Well I hope that is what it was. I cannot at the moment even think about getting to Day 10 let alone anything else. But I must do it for my wife and kid. And most importantly for MEEEE! Because if I go horribly off the rails which I have been getting towards, I may as wel say Hellavista, or whatever is. Then I wont be able to go over to the states and frighten myself %@&less on all those fantastic rides you have there. I wish you luck, but keep on in there.



                Day 10

                Thanks! I am getting in five or six days and then having trouble. Today, I am starting the June Ab - one month! We'll see. I take the supps every day and exercise. Also listen to the CD's. It is an upward battle, but I feel I am getting there, slow but sure. Keep up the fight, ok? You are WORTH IT!!


                  Day 10

                  wellseasoned, It's me again. I have certainly had my ups and downs. There are breezy days, and then there are those I call Calms Forte Days, If you know what I mean. Those are the days I don't dare have anything to drink. Thank goodness, there haven't been too many of those in my 4 weeks of the program. I joined the June 30 day abs as well as the June 30 mods so if I don't suceed with the abs, I will still qualify for the mods. I came into the program for moderation anyway and so far have been sucessful at it. Sure hope it continues. My Dr. doesn't like the idea of moderation. He thinks it's too risky, so I guess we'll see what happens. Sounds like you're doing good. Don't get discouraged on hard days (Calms Forte Days). If you have the Calms Forte, use them to help you through your tough times. They sure help me and that's what we have them for. If you don't have them, you should get them, they aren't expensive at all. I got mine at a health food store for $7.00 something for 100 tablets and after 4 weeks I still have 1/3 bottle. I take them to help with cravings, uneasiness, and sleep. They work. Hugs, Eliziby


                    Day 10

                    Thanks for the kind words and the advice. I have had great success at night (getting to sleep) with the Calms Forte. I have back problems (scoliosis) and use a therapeutic pillow my chiropractor recommended. I don't have a sore back or neck when I wake up, but I also toss and turn a bit. The Calms Fotre has worked wonders at night. I will try it at a higher does during the day (guess I thought it might make me sleepy at a higher dose and that's why I have not tired it during the day). I am definitely struggling with ABS, but am trying harder than ever. It will probably always be an uphill struggle for me. I love wine - it's that simple. It is my biggest nutritional shortcoming. I would take wine over fries - even chocolate at times! I have to admit, though, that chocolate runs a very close second! Funny, because as a youngster I was never crazy about chocolate. I ate the jelly beans in my Easter basket before I ate the foil covered chocolate eggs and almost never ate the big chocolate bunnies! Too funny, haven't thought about that in years.
                    Anyway, it is a comfort to be among such great folks. I think those of us who are alcohol challenged tend to be a very kind and sensitive bunch!
                    Thank you again and blessings for Day 3!


                      Day 10

                      Hi wellseasoned
                      just wondered how you were getting on. The last time I spoke i said I could not imagine getting to day 10. Today is the day and I am stil there. Last night was the first really good night I slept and my wife managed to stay in the bed, so I must not have been as fidgety as usual. I have a bit of a dilemma now as this morning I was invited to a leaving do on Friday. The guy who is leaving to go for promotion is somebody I helped get through his exams, so will probably want to buy me a bog drink. Booze really flows at these functions. Just musing as to whether not to go, go and drink a couple of pints or go and drink tomato juice, would not like to jeopardise what I have done so far. Hope all is well with you




                        Day 10

                        Hey Kirky
                        sounds like quite a challenge coming up. I'd say go if you think you can drink soda. If not, stay home. Great job on 10 days!



                          Day 10

                          Kirky -

                          Dont risk it, mate. Just think, if you can get through the weekend it will be 14 days. That's a FORTNIGHT!!!!

                          Would'nt that make you feel fan-bloody-tastic?



                            Day 10

                            Hey, I am agreement with Twany and Memarcie. Don't risk it! Try to get past day 10 and keep going.
                            I am doing ok - still struggling. Ordered the Topamax yesterday as I think I need the extra help.


                              Day 10

                              Hey Wellseasoned--I SO know what you mean about loving wine--me too! BUT the game's up and I know I can't keep going like I was...even the best wine isn't worth my life!

                              Kirky--I'd skip the Friday do, if I were you! (hey, a poem!) Why risk it? I'm sure you'll be missed, but they'll manage without you--and look how well you're doing! I'm sure there will be lots of events where you can challenge yourself when you've got some "time" under your belt...

                              Not that I'm telling you what to do or anything! :lol

                              best, susan

