memarcie, wellseasoned, tawny and sujul,
thank you for your input and concern. I think you are all right, i dont want to risk it, it was probably only an afterthought anyway, because I happened to be in the building, (I work away from it a lot now) and my sister in law saw me and told the person I was there and then he rang me. You are right, they probably would not notice if I was there, particularly after the third or fourth drink! Tawny, it definitely show you are fromBrit in the way you talk (You are from Brit arent you?) Thanks again. Seems trivial, but it could mean a great deal. I agree with what you say about a good wine, but is it worth your life. It will be interesting to see after 30 days whether I want to risk taking a glass of wine. Scary
thanks again. must get to work