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Not feeling this typical?

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    Not feeling this typical?

    OK, so I've been doing the supplements for almost two weeks now. Honestly, it's been going great so far. When I started, I was coming off of drinking 750 ml of vodka a day. After starting on meds and supps, I had NO problem just having one or at MOST two glasses of wine a night, or none at all. Then on Tuesday night I had three glasses of red wine. I felt like crap all day on Wednesday, and not much better yesterday. I haven't drank since Tuesday but I still have a constant, low-grade headache.

    What's up? Was my body adapting to less alcohol, and then when I drank more (3 glasses on Tuesday night), did my body rebel? I haven't had a single drink since then but I'm still feeling so icky.


    I'm also super tired and am ready for a nap about 3 hours after waking up in the a.m.

    I'm taking all of my supps religiously.

    Any ideas are appreciated! --Jess

    Not feeling this typical?

    Hmmm. Not really sure. It sounds like your body is ridding itself of the nasty AL. This can be very tiring. I would suggest extra B vitamins. What are you taking for supps? Some of the 'mood' amino acids and supps make me very tired, especially L-Glut.
    Or...maybe you are sick. Sometimes for us drinkers it is hard to tell when we are actually coming down with something.
    But I would have to say, if you are tired and you have the opportunity to nap, do it. You're body is obviosuly telling you something. And there is noothing wrong with good, ol-fashioned sleep to help us heal.
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow


      Not feeling this typical?

      The supps I'm taking are all the ones in the "starter" kit in MWO's health store. B-50, Super Evening Primrose, Kudzu, etc. No amino acids or GABA....just the basics for now. Should I maybe up the b-50?


        Not feeling this typical?

        Jess, I'm on day 6 with all supps and for the last 3 days i have a had a nagging headache and felt really lethargic ........

        I am convinced that it will pass ...........

        Keep us informed .......

        BB xx


          Not feeling this typical?

          I would check to see how much is in it and what is considered safe. You're probably ok to take more. I usually just boost my B1 (Thiamine). Also the Evening Primrose might be knocking your socks off. If you are not having trouble sleeping at night (I am guessing you are not) you might want to delete taking that tonight and see if that makes a difference in the morning.
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            Not feeling this typical?

            FYI- I have heard others say that Kudzu gives them a headache. The only time I have noticed that is if I had AL while taking it.
            Goal 1: Today
            Goal 2: Tomorrow


              Not feeling this typical?

              Why would Evening Primrose "knock her socks off"?

              I am taking this as well (just starting out this week on this program).

              lukalee33;295663 wrote: I would check to see how much is in it and what is considered safe. You're probably ok to take more. I usually just boost my B1 (Thiamine). Also the Evening Primrose might be knocking your socks off. If you are not having trouble sleeping at night (I am guessing you are not) you might want to delete taking that tonight and see if that makes a difference in the morning.


                Not feeling this typical?

                I say this because I am the type of person that cannot take much of anything. Evening Primrose makes me sleepy and a mild headache, but so do a lot of other things.
                We are all very different, and I have found that when I started taking a bunch of things at the same time, it was difficult to pinpoint exactly what was causing a certain side effect. Sometimes it is even a combination of things. Even when we are taking herbal remedies, these can still have adverse reactions with other prescribed medications. Evening Primrose appears to be one of those:

                Who should not take evening primrose?
                Do not take evening primrose without first talking to your doctor if you
                have epilepsy or another seizure disorder;

                have schizophrenia; or

                are taking a phenothiazine medication including chlorpromazine (Thorazine), fluphenazine (Prolixin, Permitil), mesoridazine (Serentil), perphenazine (Trilafon), prochlorperazine (Compazine), promethazine (Phenergan, Promethegan), thioridazine (Mellaril), trifluoperazine (Stelazine), or triflupromazine.

                There may be an increased risk of seizures while taking evening primrose if you have either or the conditions, or are taking any of the medications listed above.

                Talk to your doctor before taking evening primrose if you have any other medical conditions, allergies (especially to plants), or if you take other medicines or herbal/health supplements. Evening primrose may not be recommended in some situations.

                Do not take evening primrose without first talking to your doctor if you are pregnant or could become pregnant. It is not known whether evening primrose will harm an unborn baby. Do not take evening primrose without first talking to your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. It is also not known whether evening primrose will harm a nursing infant. There is no information available regarding the use of evening primrose by children. Do not give any herbal/health supplement to a child without first talking to the child's doctor.
                Goal 1: Today
                Goal 2: Tomorrow


                  Not feeling this typical?

                  Jessica, I've been experiencing the same symptoms, although I've been mostly AF for the last few weeks. Constant low grade headache and sleepiness. I even stopped the kudzu for a few day, but no change. I'm hoping it's just temporary. Perhaps you have a sensitivity to red wine which is worsened by one of the supplements. Try switching to white and see what happens - just a thought.
                  With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts (Eleanor Roosevelt)


                    Not feeling this typical?

                    Red wine has nitrates which will cause headaches and lethargy.


                      Not feeling this typical?

                      jessicalacey;295652 wrote: The supps I'm taking are all the ones in the "starter" kit in MWO's health store. B-50, Super Evening Primrose, Kudzu, etc. No amino acids or GABA....just the basics for now. Should I maybe up the b-50?
                      Jess personally I would speak to your doctor if this causing you to worry too much. Your GP may not have all the answers but he/she should be able to give you a better picture of how the body intakes such supplements.

                      i have just started to change my diet and kick start my body metabolism again after such a long time and I was taking B-100 once a day. I was also taking Omega 3, 500mg of vitC, and a milk thistle tablet 3 times a day to help with my liver function. I started taking them on Monday and about 2 days in I started getting stabbing headaches around mid afternoon. i decided to cut back on the B-100 and take them every other day as I thought the dosage may of been a bit high. In between I just take a normal multi vitamin pill and the headaches have receded slightly. My understanding is the body does need time to adapt to what it sees as 'foreign' bodies. Ask your GP questions that are worrying you though. The more you are worrying about this the more psychologically challenging you are going to find it using the supps in the long run.

                      Love and Happiness
                      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                        Not feeling this typical?

                        Good point Hippie. I just got my blood work done this week and everything is fine, but you never know. Shame on me for not remembering who, but someone on this site was told they had too much calcium in their system and that was what was making her tired. Imagine that. As women we are encouraged to take calcium, but something good can also harm us.
                        Goal 1: Today
                        Goal 2: Tomorrow


                          Not feeling this typical?

                          Last week I was AF (4 days) for the first time in ages, was taking all the supps, and felt like you described: dull headache, tired enough to need a nap in the afternoon. I posted a thread about it and most people said the same things as here.

                          I also find the B vitamins help: I'm a fan of food-based vitamins (less complex, easier to digest) with no added starches, sugars, etc. I take one called New Chapter Oranics Coenzyme B Food Complex, but I live in Canada and thats the best I could find. In the States a brand called Rainbow Light was my favorite.

                          Also I just allowed myself to take it easy, figuring you can only do what you can do and each day it will get better.

                          As for red wine, I can't drink it. It makes my BP skyrocket and I can't sleep. As much as I love the taste, tanins are nasty.

                          Good luck and keep up the good work!

