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Hiding alchohol

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    Hiding alchohol

    I would hide beer outside the back door. When I went outside for smoke breaks so I would have beer at the same time. When hubby and I are home at night together, I am usually upstairs on the computer and he is watching TV, so we are in seperate parts of the house alot. It didn't work as well in the summer when it was warm out. I would also hide wine and just get cups of ice and soda and put the wine over ice. Many times he found my stash of alcohol though. Glad that's over

    Somtimes he would know I was drinking, sometimes not, it depends upon how much I had that night.

    Funny story - last night he was out for a bit. I opened a bottle of sparkling rasperry/apple juice during the evening. It had a bottle cap on top of it and he saw that on the counter and went looking for alcohol I was hiding. He did find 2 empty beer cans with mold growing on them, so obviously they'd been there a while.


    Hiding alchohol

    Hiding alcohol

    Hmmmm....I have heard this from others too and wondered -- how do they do it? I don't know what I am really hiding, but sometimes I have strategies to minimize or mask what I am doing. If there are 2 different kinds of beer in the fridge and I drink all (or most) of them one night, I will go out the next day and buy the same brand, so it doesn't look 'missing.' Same with bottle of wine. Or, if we are at a party and I get a second (or 4th..) drink, I might stick with the same beer so it looks like it's the same bottle and not a fresh one. On the other hand, I'm sure my husband must notice. How could he not? Then there is always the shopping around at different beverage/grocery stores so no one really knows how much you are buying. I guess I don't really slip drinks, but I almost always start before he gets home from work. You're right, Nina, this is difficult to put into words.


      Hiding alchohol


      That sounds alot like me. He usually always knew if I had been drinking, just not how much or if I still was when he got home.

      And like you, my husband usually found my stash a beer can hidden here or there. So embarrassing! Oh well, glad that part of my life is over also.

      Nina, The hiding part is hard to explain. I guess it goes along with the guilt and shame.



        Hiding alchohol

        Re: Hiding alcohol

        CS, I forgot about that part, drinking the beer in the fridge and then buying the same kind and putting it in there so he won't miss it. Also the wine. I would by the boxes of wine and stuff things inside the box behind the bag so it wouldn't feel lighter.


          Hiding alchohol

          hiding alcohol

          I was a big time sneak about my drinking. I had to be since I went to rehab and everyone knew my secret. I'd pour vodka in water bottles and keep them in my gym bag. Same w/ wine. I'd stash stuff in high cupboards, behind the giant laundry detergent in the garage, in my sewing basket, and the list goes on and on....oh and the giant tampon box from Costco....I'm sure he never found that one!!! It became a pathetic game for me. He'd only catch me if I had a blackout/ or grayout when I just couldn't remember leaving that purple plastic cup out in the open, or under my bed. Insanity!! gina


            Hiding alchohol

            Re: hiding alcohol

            There were many times he would find my stash and I'd ask where he found it because I couldn't remember where I hid it!


              Hiding alchohol

              Hiding alchohol

              Hi Tammie and others,

              I have heard this from many of you and it really breaks my heart. Maybe talking about it will help you and in someways myself.

              How do you hide alchohol? Didn't anyone ever wonder how you were getting drunk without "drinking" ?

              I guess as a drinker myself it would be so obvious that someone was slipping drinks.

              I know it might be painful, but if anyone cares to share their experience, it might be helpful to all.



                Hiding alchohol

                Re: hiding alcohol

                Wow, all of your stories really help. When Nina first brought this up following one of my previous postings I was worried that I was the only wacko out there hiding my beer. I can relate and laugh with everyones stories because I have done the same. Gina, I had red plastic cups hidden all over, plus have found empty cans all over thinking when did I put that there. Well we can only move forward and use what we now know to help us in the days, weeks to come.

                Thanks for brightening my day.


                  Hiding alchohol

                  Re: hiding alcohol

                  Everyone is wondering what the hell I am laughing at. GIANT TAMPON BOX!!!!!

                  That slays me Gina!

                  I am glad I asked this question.



                    Hiding alchohol

                    Let's see, where did I hide it?

                    Under the bathroom sink behind the tampons (Gina?Gina?)
                    In the backyard behind the large hydrangea bush
                    Down cellar in a box of old clothes.
                    Down cellar in a box of old books
                    Down cellar in a box.....well, you get the picture
                    In the china closet behind the stack of "good" dishes.
                    Front hallway closet behind...oh God, I could be here all night.

                    Its SO nice not to have to hide any more. In more ways than one.

                    Best to all,



                      Hiding alchohol

                      hiding alcohol

                      Ha, you too Kate?!?! I thought I was so ingenious. Only, I hid them in the near empty box with a dozen or so thrown on top. What desperate measures we will take to protect our drinking!!! It's been fun....gina


                        Hiding alchohol

                        Hi Nina;

                        For me I would drink hours when my child was in school, and then when he came home I would say I needed something from the grocery store, which is next to the LIQUOR STORE. So my child new I drank after he came home not knowing I had already been drinking earlier. And by 5-6 pm hubby was on his way home from work and call and ask did I need anything from the store. I would always make up something for him to pick up, and of course he had to go to the grocery store which is next to the LIQUOR STORE...So of course I would ask him to pick me up some beer. That would be trip 3 for beer. My family didn't see all the beer I had consumed already earlier in the day.

                        I didn't drink everyday, but my days off were Wed and Thurs, and I had the house to myself, so I drank. 2/22oz Bottles of Heiniken beer, that turned into 3 to 5 22oz. bottles of beer in one night. Also I almost forgot, typical Friday and Saturday on my way home from work stopped to buy 3-5 bottles of beer.

                        I got laid off in June, started attending school on Saturday, and decided not to start looking for a job yet...So camp started and my child picked up by 7:30, and I would start and be drunk by 12 noon. Lay down for a couple of hours, get up clean and start dinner by 6:00 pm and ask hubby pick up beer for me. Of course that pretty much covers my whole summer.

                        Thanks for asking, I am able to admit the things I am not proud of. It helps that I can say it here. I'm so glad I found this board.



                          Hiding alchohol

                          Hi Ladies,

                          You ladies crack me up!!!
                          I loved the tampon box.
                          Where did I hide the beer?
                          In the trunk of my car.



                            Hiding alchohol

                            Another thing,
                            I never considered myself a closet drinker
                            because I stored the booze in the trunk and the
                            empties under the kitchen sink in a black garbage bag.

                            There was no closet involved. How sick!



                              Hiding alchohol

                              I would take the box of wine with me in my car to work the next day so hubby wouldn't find where I hid it. He was usually at work when I got home in the afternoon so I could break it out for a couple hours. I always thought he didn't have a clue, who was I kidding? I was the one without a clue!!


