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Hiding alchohol

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    Hiding alchohol

    Re: hiding alcohol

    I have heard of people giving pets alcohol at parties and such just for fun...but never cigarettes! How in the heck to you get a dog to inhale? Or MAYBE they didn't INHALE! :rollin

    That is a good one Allie!



      Hiding alchohol

      Re: hiding alcohol

      Allie, that has got to be one of the funniest stories I have ever heard, I literally burst out laughing. I can just picture your mom looking completely bewildered as the lady explains that when the other doggies go out to "potty" - hers needs a smoke break too. That is just too funny.
      Thanks so much, you made my day!


        Hiding alchohol

        hiding alcohol

        One of our dogs is a total lush, & a very quick, crafty one at that! If you're sitting on the couch, & have a beer in your hand, have to keep an eye on him, cause he'll come up and help himself, if it's within reach . Same thing if you're out in the yard working, and set a beer down... he'll knock it over so he can drink it.
        I definately didn't teach him that! Less for me! Damn dog, doesn't work, won't even buy his own beer...what'r ya gonna do? Hugs Judie


          Hiding alchohol

          Re: hiding alcohol

          OMG Allie that story is about the funniest thing I've heard!!!:rollin :rollin

          My little green parrot Bobby has a thing for beer too, Judie. If he sees me drinking beer from a glass he'll land on my shoulder and wait until I lift the glass and then leeeaaan way over and grab the edge of the glass and pull it to himself. He won't let go to drink, either, hangs onto the glass with his top bill while that little tongue just laps it up until I stop him!

          What can I say, like mother like son!!!


            Hiding alchohol

            A half pint of vodka fits nicely in the back of the toilet tank. it also keeps it chilled..... So SAD!!!!!


              Hiding alchohol

              hiding alcohol

              Yeh, I used to hide my "hard" stuff out in the snow when I lived in Colorado. Come Springtime,... you just never know what might pop out ! Thank God I had no neighbors! It used to piss me off when I'd forget & leave beer in my'd freeze, & usually break open, ...what a waste! Not to mention the mess!
              Good Ol Daze! Judie


                Hiding alchohol

                hidin' it

                Well, here's a new twist. I was just getting ready to do a load of laundry, and gathered up a bunch of clothes on my Honey's side of the bed(he's not "hamper train-able), And what did I find under that pair of jeans? part of a 6pk, he forgot he'd hidden, this weekend!
                What a rookie! Not only would I not forget where I hid it...I wouldn't hide it where he might find it(if the shoe were on the other foot). Besides that, I probably would've drank it, just to simplify the situation. He said it's been there since Sat.!
                If I where'nt doing this March Mad..., it'd be in the fridge, but since I am, he's the one hiding it now! Kinda funny in a sick sorta way! He's just not nearly as creative as most of "us"!
                God forbid he reads anymore of these boards!
                Hugs Judie

                PS If it were 2 wks ago, I wouldn't have said a word about finding it(to him), I just would've waited for the right time & re-hid it,for enjoy later!


                  Hiding alchohol


                  Ok So I don't have to hide the wine bottle...which in fact is really sad. My husband and 2 daughters have no clue that I am basically drunk ALL of the time.....So How do I cope? Life is so hard and each day seems more difficult than the rest......

                  Love, BUZZED MOMMY


                    Hiding alchohol


                    Hi Super, Welcome, If you're not already, ...check out some other posts, you might just feel "right @ home"!
                    And your Hubby might know your buzzed(more than you think he does), unless, he is too! My Hubby usually wouldn't say anything, but he knew... just not(thankfully) the confrontational "type"(or we'd have never made it this far w/my evil twin around!....usually in his face!) not cute or pretty... just thinks she is! Ha!
                    Anyway welcome, & Hugs Judie


                      Hiding alchohol

                      Re: alcohol

                      I'm laughing and crying all at the same time. You guys are too funny!

                      But the crying is for me ... I'm another hider. I'm still hiding it though -- or so I think. I'm sure the family is fully aware but they don't realize the extent of my problem.

                      I found this website yesterday after doing a google search on "how to stop drinking beer". I read everything, thought about it last night, and even went to GNC and bought some l-Glutamine which I read could possible help with cravings. I came back today and saw that there was a forum section, so when I started reading, I just knew I had to stay.

                      Since this is my first post, I'm going to wrap it up and get back to reading, but just wanted to add my 2 cents' worth about hiding. I'm so tired of buying and replacing beer in the fridge to make it look like I haven't had so much!

                      And how does everyone handle the trash? I had a bag under my computer desk and waited until my husband left home (or got in the shower) then I would take it out to my car so I could throw it away when I went out next time. Pathetic, huh?


                        Hiding alchohol

                        Re: hiding alcohol


                        This story got past me...I am laughing so hard! Wow, not only are the adults addicted, but now the animals?

                        Thanks for the laugh...


                          Hiding alchohol

                          frign critters!

                          Oh! the animals are the worst! They refuse to work, won't take out the trash, or hide their empties, forget about them ever buying "their own"!...
                          They just give you that blank stare... like "what's for dinner? and where's my beer?" Actually, all three of my dogs are male... Hmmmm Think there's a connection w/the gender thing?
                          Better hope my Honey doesn't get on the computer & get curious tonite!! ....Hugs Judie

                          Ps back to work... painting project (almost from hell), it's early yet... OK later..xoxo


                            Hiding alchohol

                            frign critters!

                            Hey Michelle! I just lost a post into cyber space... so who knows, this might end up as a repeat... Just wondering how the Ol litter box is holding up these days. Have'nt seen your posts in a while. My critters are still being bums, & not workin! They're good @ it tho!
                            Hugs, Judie


                              Hiding alchohol

                              Re: hiding alcohol

                              oh my gosh it is like you are me. I have a bag in my closet, that I wait til my husband is in the shower and take out to my car. I also have a stash that I replenish the refrigerator so he doesnt know how many I have drank. The problem is , when I have had to many, I sometimes forget where I stash the empties. I have found them in my crock pot in under the sink, Up in closets, in drawers, you name it. It is pitiful.
                              I was at the mall a few weeks ago, and I came home, and went upstairs, and there they were. All of my empty beer cans stacked one on top of the other for me to see. My husband had found them, and displayed them. My heart sank, and began pounding so fast. How was I going to explain this. Fast talking got me out of that. Um, oh that was from a year ago when I did spring cleaning, and um I um , well you know the routine. I wanted to die.
                              The sad part is , that he loves me and just wants to help. He wasnt trying to be a jerk, he knows me, and knows that if he is too nice about it, I wont do anything about it. He is a wonderful man, and deserves better. I love him with all of my heart, and feel like I disappoint him and my daughter every day. If anyone has ever seen the movie "When a man loves a woman", that could be my husband. Loves me to death, but turns his head to the entire problem, and if I am hung over, takes care of the house hold and kids, but makes jokes about mommies headache. I swear they were peeking in my window when they made that movie. I am NOT that bad as that women in the movie, i really am not, but if I keep going i will be. My husband used to drink, and then one day just gave it up. He would hav 4 beers and get full and not want any more. How does that happen? HE would switch to MILK? I would always wonder HOW?
                              ANd recently we went out of town to a funeral, and stayed in a hotel. 3 days in a dry kentucky city. OMG.
                              I had to get clever, what was I going to do. I am NOT a liquor drinker, but I stashed a vodka bottle in the suitcase, and then would fill water bottles half & half. Isnt that pathetic. My daughter once went for my water bottle and I leaped across the room knocking over the ironing board and scraming no, thats mommies and I have a sore throat. So close. I cannot wait for the day that I do not have to worry about my child taking a drink from my glass.
                              You guys are too great, I have only been here a week but feel so connected to you.
                              thank you from the bottom of my heart.


                                Hiding alchohol

                                hiding it

                                Yeh, my Hubby's the real "Saint" of our household.... He's so patient w/me. I know, that he knows, most of the time when I'm hiding it... but he doesn't usualy say anything. We just got back from a vacation recently. Of course, for the flight(it lasted a whole dayyyy!!), I had vodka in my pump hairspray bottle in my carry on. It's amazing how flying dehydrates you!... I just have to keep going to the bathroom! (w/my carry on) Humm.... Those flight attendents are just too damn slow for some of us! And they're too expensive! As well as the airports! I do too know how to travel "first class"! Judie

