Re: hiding it
Sydney, that's so sad about your daughter and the water bottle. I know what you mean though. My kids are grown but they still live here. I didn't drink when they were little so it wasn't an issue then. But my husband can stop anytime he wants to and has stopped for Lent. I don't understand how he can turn it off and on like that, but I guess that's how people who aren't addicted can do.
This place has helped me more than I could have ever thought. It is such a boost to know that I'm not the only one out there like this. For too long I thought I was.
I'm on day five without having had anything at all. I like going to bed at night and not waking up with a headache, being able to remember everything that I've said and done and not feeling guilty about anything. Also, at $6.47 per day (what I was paying each and every day for my six-pack) times 5 days, I've saved some money. What a good feeling to know I'm no longer flushing nearly $200 a month down the toilet. This will more than pay for my supplements and then some!