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Hiding alchohol

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    Hiding alchohol

    Laugh, Laugh, Laugh...

    Me, I was the total Closet drinker, we have his and her walk in closets...I totally would hide my beer in mine. He would of couse find it because he could tell I had been drinking. (Then he just stopped looking....But since then he has been wonderful, found this program for me... )I also tried the basement in boxes, linen closet, trunk of car, under pop in the cases.... Oh the shame, the shame! The best has to be hiding the beer in the Halloween boxes in March, X-mas in July, you get the picture.

    Thanks for the pick me up today all, laugh is good! Lets keep this up!


      Hiding alchohol


      I am so like you. I am a stay at home Mom, (love it). all my drinking alone during the day when kids in school and hubby at work. Try to sober up by the time they get home, sometimes successful, most not. I have put my Family through crap, I hope I can make it up to them!

      Any way sorry All for the downer on this fun site.

      Lets see, Where else did I hide it??? Lets see, the washer and dryer (dah, kids 13 &10 and hubby) who is going to find it there! Me! Oh yeah the pot and pan area in the large roaster. Never thought of the tampon box, dang wish I would of thought of that one. lol

      Oh well only coffee, juice and hopefully diet dew (if my topa allows me to drink canned) for me.



        Hiding alchohol

        I'm still laughing :lol


          Hiding alchohol

          Still laughing.

          I can't believe it but, I actually added water to the vodka bottle to hide the difference.

          Sometimes, I would buy a new bottle of vodka and pour it into the older dusty bottle. I thought this would convince my former boyfriend I could be trusted not to drink the guest bottle.

          "See, that old bottle of vodka has been there forever.
          I would never drink it."



            Hiding alchohol

            This topic really has me reminiscing.

            I use to "bury" (hide) beer in the snow near the front door bushes.
            I needed the bushes as a landmark so I could find the bottles.
            My excuse to keep coming in and out was, I needed to warm up from shoveling.



              Hiding alchohol

              One more.... I zipped the beer/wine up in a suitcase in the closet.


                Hiding alchohol


                Talk about a suitcase of beer to go!

                If the beer froze - I would still drink it.
                Beer slush.



                  Hiding alchohol

                  I wasn't too keen on the beer slush. Summer was another challenge though, how to hide it AND keep it cold.


                    Hiding alchohol

                    When the car trunk was no longer an option due to the heat, I'd switch to vodka with diet soda and ice.

                    We are so resourceful!


                      Hiding alchohol

                      Does that give you a clue how desperate we were? Anything and everything to have alcohol. How are you doing on the program moovin?



                        Hiding alchohol


                        I've substantially cut back.
                        Campral stopped the cravings.
                        The cravings made me feel like an addict.
                        It's the "habit" or routine of drinking after work that I'm trying to break.
                        The times I did drink, I tried not to feel like a loser the next morning. I'd keep telling myself, I'm a work in progress.

                        I really had a good laugh tonight reading these posts.

                        How are you doing?



                          Hiding alchohol

                          Wtg Moovinon....

                          We tried to get you into chat, it just wasn't letting you speak, hopefully you could see, read us...

                          Anyway wtg, the habit is what i am having the hardest time with also. How can we let go of the "best friend"...she has been here for us, me anyway, forever seems like....15+ years!

                          I have times during the day when I can't even breathe thinking I need a beer so bad. My back hurts when I quit, get cold/hot and the shakes...I am waiting on the supps and Cd's. Can't wait...

                          Wish I could think of another hiding place but the suit case was going to be my next confession. Okay memory coming back... All right here is a bad one... under the dogs blanket in the dog kennel...poor thing, lumpy and all!

                          Have a good night all!


                            Hiding alchohol

                            Hiding Alcohol

                            This is the funniest thread I have ever read!:rollin


                              Hiding alchohol

                              9 days sober today, doing pretty good. I've been drinking NA wine and sparkling grape/apple/rasperry juice in wine glasses at night to try to fill the void of the "real" alcohol I used to drink at night. The cravings are not too bad so I'm doing ok.

                              Moovin are you going for moderation or abstinance? Do you have the cd's and the supps?

                              Tammie, someone said taking the kudu is supposed to help shakes/sweats when first starting(going through the withdrawl stage). I also read vitamin C is supposed to help. the first couple days I was very shaky at night, but it passed after a couple nights.



                                Hiding alchohol

                                Hi all, thanks for the info... I do have the kudzu and calms forte on the way... I live in a very small town so ordered it from the internet... Hope it gets here soon, can't take much more of this.. Anyway

                                Sorry all but this is suppose to be a laugh thread so... I guess I have to confess 1 more hiding place...(really, this is fun and should be a rule with writing in this thread) okay here it goes, I do love my dog by the way, see a few notes up, she is my very best friend, and still loves me no matter what..

                                Okay here it goes, where is the last place your hubby would look? In the garbage can, wrapped up good. Oh gosh I am pathetic.

                                Night all.

