Re: crumpled cans and find the bottles
Tell me more about the peanut butter? I am craving it tonight. I really do think I could either elminate my desire for alchol or at least make it the least of the treats for me. I LOVE to cook, and eat really good food. But I hae to watch my weight. Never did most of my life, but now that I'm in mid thirties with three kids, it is so much harder. I stay really physially fit with lots of excerise and almost vegetarrian diet, but we do grill salmon or some other mild fish several nightes per week. Like right now, I could SO GO for a refig raid with crackers and pimento cheese... with a little dollop of diced jalepeno peppers on top....ummmh. Okay, I'm weird. But that is another addiction I could choose, but I would fat as the side of the house, and that "picture" alone is enough to keep me on track, always has. I just wish the battle with alcohol were as easy as my willpower with diet and exercise. Diet and exercise is like a switch that I flip on and off. So is food. But this is so much stronger. I look forward to the day that I gain more satisfaction in the body that I have with hard work and discipline, than ever giving into every desire to eat. Now If I could only transfer that same wisdom to MY weakness. Seems so simple, so why so hard?