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Hiding alchohol

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    Hiding alchohol

    Re: Hiding!

    We were talking about this on chat, so bump up to top


      Hiding alchohol

      Re: Hiding!

      OMG!! I just started reading this forum this morning. I guess I'm not the only one hiding. Refilling the beers I drank with water and leaving in fridge until I could replace them. Outside, inside, in my truck. tonic bottles filled with vodka, up in the ceiling, under the wood pile. don't have anything hidden now. Hope I never will again. I felt like such a loser but couldn't chance running out of booze.


        Hiding alchohol

        Well ? I don't think I can add any tricks to this list, but I can confess to using a good many.

        I once watered down the vodka we kept in the freezer for martinis (after having a few serious ones) ? pulled it out at a party and it was half crystallized; confusion and people saying 'that's not supposed to happen!' and I mumble something about a really cold freezer ? like minus 70 degrees? Ha! Busted!


          Hiding alchohol

          Wow...ROTL, rolling on the floor to see that I am not the only one who has been "sneaking"....I didn't real ALL the posts but about half of them and didn't see MY favorite....I do a lot of travelling for my job and Lord knows I can't get to my hotel and not be able to have a drink so I would fill water bottles with vodka or some other drink of works well in water bottles as long as someone doesn't open it up on ya!!....
          My wife and I did a cruise last year and I know the price of the drinks would drive me to bankruptcy...and they don't let you bring alcohol onboard...SO.......I put my drink of choice (tequela) into plastic iced tea bottles and stashed them in my suitcase...worked like a charm....
          I've also been known to hide alcohol in my trunk....just a quick trip to the garage with a glass....pour some of my stash into a glass/cup....covertly make my way back into the house....actually...I've been caught a time or two with that one so I stopped... .....
          Yes....I have been known to sneak....try not to let everyone know how much I am drinking...If I am alone in the house I can drink and no one will know...."You need to go to the store honey????"


            Hiding alchohol

            Wow Painter....just read your post...that is a kick...."Really cold freezer.....":rollin


              Hiding alchohol

              We are sooo creative though, aren't we?:lol My Hubby thought he knew all my tricks till he read some of these posts!:rollin


                Hiding alchohol

       weren't supposed to let your hubby read these!....he'll tell everyone and the truth will be out.


                  Hiding alchohol

                  This thread is hilarious! In a sort of gallows humor sort of way, that is....

                  Painter, I had the opposite problem--the container in the freezer labeled "chicken broth" never actually froze! Anyone who used it as the base for soup would have quickly discovered that it was 80 proof vodka! Fortunately, I do most of the cooking.... The rest of the time I was forever dashing into the kitchen, ripping open the freezer and pouring some "chicken broth" into my wine glass--if anybody wandered in, then I just looked as though I was cleaning up after cooking and drinking a glass of wine.... Didn't get caught, but finally confessed (on the phone, from rehab). I just couldn't live the lie anymore...I felt as though I were cheating on my honey--and I was!! Just not with another person....

                  Aren't we a creative bunch, though??!!

                  best, susan


                    Hiding alchohol

                    Chicken broth! In a wine glass! I can't stop laughing....


                      Hiding alchohol

                      That's funny! :lol chix broth... So, the wine was OK... Just not the vodka?:rolleyes

                      My Hubby found bottles & cans in some really strange places, while I was in re-hab for 3 weeks...:eek Still don't know who "snuck" into our house & put em there!!:rollin

                      Those damn dogs!:lol :hat


                        Hiding alchohol

                        Hey Judie!

                        In our house it was the CATS that did it! :rollin

                        Yep, the wine was okay... i had been sober for 11 years when I started drinking again 10 years ago--and then I promised I would ONLY drank beer/wine.... And most of the time I did...of course, i eventually drank it ALL THE TIME! Nothing normal or moderate about it! :eek

                        And, inevitably, the vodka made a reappearance...but no one knew about it! Thus, the "chicken broth" ruse....jeez! I'm so glad it's a funny memory, as opposed to a ghastly reality!

                        best, susan


                          Hiding alchohol

                          Not very creative, but I used the coffee cup filled up with wine. Very good cover, when the kids had their friends over.


                            Hiding alchohol

                            I always had a cup of "coffee" when I was bartending... from morning till night...:lol Funny , I never got "wired" from too much caffeine!:lol :rollin

