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Waiting for the other shoe to drop...

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    Waiting for the other shoe to drop...

    I offered a friend a glass of wine last night. I still had an open bottle from when I last drank on Monday. She was dropping her son off for a sleepover with my boys. I sat and drank my Dr. Pepper and was content. It was my witching hour so I was frankly astonished that I could do it.
    I watched a little bit of The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with Jim Cary (could hardly stand it - too arts and weird - probably not smart enough) with my husband. The characters had their memories erased to remove the memories of previous relationship. I sort of feel like something has shifted in me that is trying to erase the memory of the draw of AL.
    I just wonder, it has been not as hard as it has been when I tried in the past. Is the other shoe going to drop when life hits the fan...? Does it get easier or is it always an issue?
    Thanks for any thoughts on this. I am loving this board.

    Waiting for the other shoe to drop...

    Welcome, Shasha.... well, if you are Amelda Marcos, and are waiting for the "other shoe" to drop,hide in a bomb shelter!

    Congratulations on your success, because being new at AF, and watching a friend drink without succumbing to the internal peer pressure (peer referring to AL).... is an awesome accomplishment.

    From reading your first post, I'd guess that your heart is in the right place, determined to succeed. Yes, it does get easier, and when it is no longer an issue- you know you've kicked that demon right out of your brain.

    My only caution would be to stay the AF course, for at least 30 days. One of the infamous tricks that alcohol plays on one's brain is to rationalize that since the last (i.e.) week has been "easy", you obviously over-reacted and never really had a problem
    .... so go ahead, you can have "just one".... and eventually, you'll find yourself back to where you were, with all of your hard work lost in the alcoholic fog....

    There may come a time when you can moderate, but for now, I'd suggest to continue to enjoy the time with hubby and Jim Carey (I think Jim Carey's movies may be better when you are loopy....??).

    Much love, :heart:

    Tampa, FL


      Waiting for the other shoe to drop...

      Welcome Sasha,

      I've always loved that name!

      Caution: The Beast, Demon, or what ever you wish to call "IT" ALWAYS lurking, right around the next corner. "IT" is in the bushes, the shadows, the dark, the light.

      "IT" hides, tucked away, snuggly stored in a synapse of your brain waiting to pounce (watch his tail), beware.

      Yes, it does get easier, with sobreity and time. 30 days is a terrific beginning but, alas, a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things.

      Should you choose to go AF or to moderate you must keep an eye on that tail. As friendly as it may seem there is a growling jaw with very sharp teeth on the other end.

      m. xxx
      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
      I am in the next seat.
      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


        Waiting for the other shoe to drop...

        The other shoe will eventually drop!!!!! The thing is what will you do when it happens. Your here, so you ovialous want help. Read & heed...Roberta has some good info. Read her book, follow her thing & stick to this web-site ! I'm always here to help ! IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Waiting for the other shoe to drop...

          It was way easier for me quitting with the support of this forum. I also wrote down my list of reasons why I hate drinking, and gave it to my husband. I didn't use meds, supplements, CD's or anything else.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            Waiting for the other shoe to drop...

            All great advice here - just wanted to say congrats on the 30 days! I am just approaching 90 and I am "just" starting to feel like a human again - so lucky you! Don't let your guard down!
            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

            (from the Movie "Once")

