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Time to face the music..

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    Time to face the music..

    :new: Day one for me..

    I got up thinking, today is it..

    I see people around me who don't have to worry if they drank too much last night, who just get up and do whatever they need to do.. go to work, paint the house.. whatever. I have been living and doing things depending on how much I had to drink the night before. I'm starting to let my family down because of alcohol.

    I also Have to stop smoking soon and drinking will not allow that. I can't quit both at the same time, so I'll start with the drinking. My thing has been drinking 3.2% beer at night. I'm looking for a job and am finding it harder to control how much I drink at night, even nights before interviews. Not good.

    There is a gas station right next door that sells both. Way too easy to walk over and get my fix.

    Tonight, when I get that craving, I'll check in here and read your posts of success and support...
    P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

    As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
    - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago

    Time to face the music..

    Welcome, Palatia~
    Starting here is a good place. Come on back in the evening, because there is a chat board here, too.... it can get crazy in there, but I think if you find someone you want to chat with, they can tell you how to do private chats.

    Good luck... you can do this. It's not the easiest thing to do, but it's one of the MOST rewarding things I've ever done. For me. For my hubby. For my kids. :heart:

    Tampa, FL


      Time to face the music..

      You can do it!! Thank God I don't have a store next to me. Good luck!


        Time to face the music..

        hi there..palatia..welcome . so very glad to meet you .this a great place to learn ways to stop or just to slow down.only you can really do it for yourself . and you sound like you really want it and you can and will be able to do this and like you said one thing at a time it goes the same. one day at a time take it easy. try going to aa meeting if you have to. they do help just to learn as much as you can to help yourself and your family. good luck and god bless you for taking the first step to change yourself
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Time to face the music..

          Welcome! I didn't have a store next door, but everything in this town is just a short walk or bike ride away! The group here is great. Let us know how we can help you.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            Time to face the music..

            Been their, done that ! Yes the white picket fench and the finally cut just a medefore ! Life is so much more...Keep in thouch, Let's get back to basics. Stop drinking
            & start thinking ! We're here to help. MWO etc. We're here to help ! IAD:welcome:
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              Time to face the music..

              Welcome Palita
              I too used to envy all those who would ..just do whatever, life was ruled by the clock, just waiting to start my evening routine....mornings, I was just thankful I could get myself to work even though most of the day was spent feeling like crap from the night before...
              I now have become one of those whatever, whenever people. It is doable if you are truly willing to commit. You will find by reading, posting, and chatting the support is amazing......Good luck!!
              sobriety date 11-04-07


                Time to face the music..

                Thank you for the warm words, everyone. I've been reading through the entries today.. I can see it is a great support system..
                P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                  Time to face the music..

                  I sit here tonight after my boyfriend drove away before dawn because I was drunk when he showed up last night. We live two hours apart thanks to my job transfer and he showed up, I was a jackass and he left. I am resistant to AA but I need HELP. I am a professional person, get up for work on time, but can knock back major amounts of hard liquor at night. I'm worried about my health. I do not want to lose my man. I want my life back. I n eed to know that someone else out there has the same problem and has recovered or going through something similar and needs a friend to talk to online. I HATE what I am doing to myself. I am 100lbs overweight, due to the drinking and I just have to make this change. Is anyone out there?


                    Time to face the music..

                    soberchallenge;296499 wrote: I sit here tonight after my boyfriend drove away before dawn because I was drunk when he showed up last night. We live two hours apart thanks to my job transfer and he showed up, I was a jackass and he left. I am resistant to AA but I need HELP. I am a professional person, get up for work on time, but can knock back major amounts of hard liquor at night. I'm worried about my health. I do not want to lose my man. I want my life back. I n eed to know that someone else out there has the same problem and has recovered or going through something similar and needs a friend to talk to online. I HATE what I am doing to myself. I am 100lbs overweight, due to the drinking and I just have to make this change. Is anyone out there?
                    hi soberchallenge,

                    I can relate to the relationship problems that drinking has caused me in the past. Sometimes I wonder how I'm still alive after some scenarios. I have seen many who have been successful in this forum. Today is Day One for me.. but maybe part of the key is also helping and supporting others, too... Reading the success stories makes me hopeful.

                    P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                    As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                    - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                      Time to face the music..



                        Time to face the music..

                        Welcome,Pal;atia and Soberchallenge :huggy...I am not one of the people her e who have this disease 'Licked',but there are so many here who are,and they are incredible...listen to them:they are a wealth of knowledge!I am starting ot myself,one thing that is VERY helpful to me is L-glutamine (3000 mg aday) and GABA (%)) MG,3 times aday),as well as the All-one formula,whining on here everynow and then ,but mostly LISTENING to the INCREDIBLY WISE WORDS of these amazing people that for some reason want to take the time to help us,24-7,even though they could probably move beyond this site at this point!Try to be really open and see what of the tools suggested here may work for you!You just never know what your most effective "tool box" may hold!I didnt do so well w/ a couple of things that were a godsend for a lot of people,yet some other things have been key in getting me to slow down in my chasing that grey goose down!(I can still catch that stupid goose if I want to most of the timel,ha ha!!!)so don't get down if something doesn't work for you-MOVE ON TO THE NEXT!!!I know i had a bit of a depressed week or so because i thought "oh,no!!!My way out is not MY way out!OH CRAP!It is not working!", was just because i had to tweak things abit,(in fact,still am!) as far as supplements,cds,exercise,when to take what,etc...

                        Again,I AM NOT speaking to you as a sober,got it together senior member who you should be PM'ing for advice!Just my 2 cents as a somewhat newbie as yourselves,just a few weeeks ahead of you,thats all......and,um,obviously,not quite "with the program",all the way either,lololo!!!Am trying .
                        YOU CAN DO IT!!!the fact that you are here says you are SICK of it!that is step # 1!!!Now,let go of your guilt,you are not a bad person,you are a GOOD person for caring enough about yourselves and your families to want to come here and seek help.So give yourself a little hug (yes,I AM a dork,GIVE YOURSELF A HUG!!!) and look at yourself in the mirror and feel good about you knowing that you are trying,that you are reaching out and not just sitting on your ass doing nothing about it,okay!I am so glad you are both here,I hope to see more of you guys!

                        love and hugs


                          Time to face the music..

                          Day One wasn't so bad

                          It's good to hear from fellow 'newbs' too, lilly. :thanks:

                          Day One wasn't so bad. I was watching my granddaughter until about 8 pm, so that helped. I drank a cup of Daily Detox tea which is supposed to cleanse the liver, then went to another herbal tea I had around for the rest of the evening.

                          I guess for now I'm focusing on feeling better, looking better over time and am picturing that. I went AF for a few months about 6 years ago, but had no support other than my BF at the time. I had gotten a DUI, so I was kind of scared straight, plus I thought I would lose that BF if I didn't quit drinking. My motivation is a little different this time. But I remember how I eventually could sleep well, looked a million times better and felt great.

                          At least I have that memory to fall back on...
                          P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                          As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                          - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                            Time to face the music..

                            Welcome Palatia and Soberchallenge (and Trisha B.?)! Y'all have found a great place to be!

                            I drank a cup of Daily Detox tea which is supposed to cleanse the liver,
                            Palatia, where did you get this tea? I'd sure like to have some of that!
                            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                              Time to face the music..

                              I got it at the grocery store actually.. in the tea aisle..
                              P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                              As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                              - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago

