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Time to face the music..

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    Time to face the music..

    Palatia, soberchallenge!
    :welcome: I'm not a real "old timer" on here, just a couple of months, but I can tell you this site is GREAT if you really want to do this and get sober! (And it sounds like you both do, good for you!) Lots and Lots of support, go back and read some of the older threads, you will find that most if not all of us here have been where you are and we are more than willing to help you get where you want to be. As was previously mentioned, if evenings are a problem, get on the chat room and enjoy yourself. As you start to go AF, if you are like most of us, you will have questions, concerns, etc. Bring them here! Someone will have had similar feelings., concerns, problems, and will be more than willing to help you out. It also helps greatly to talk to others and find ought you are not alone (at least it was a good thing for me!
    OK, I've rambled enough!
    Enjoy Life!
    PS Palatia, Arvada? I grew up down by Pueblo.
    War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


      Time to face the music..

      Hi Palatia, welcome.... This site really does help, any questions just ask. With me, changing the routine helped, try to keep busy when you would normally drink.... Easy said than done, I know... Good luck, keep reading and posting.
      TIGGER1 :l

      Formerly Mr Boop


        Time to face the music..

        Hey bald..

        Yes. Arvada.. You're still kind of in the neighborhood... SLC, Utah.. :bigwink:

        Last night I might have gotten into chat, but the tea was doing it for me.. and I was planning to go to church this morning with my son.. Haven't been in years. Glad I did.

        It took about an hour and a half to go to sleep.. (alcohol was always my sleep remedy) and woke many times during the night. I expected that though.. so no biggie. I did have the craving early evening last night and hoped I could get through the evening.. once I started on tea.. I was fine. Played games in Pogo.. (my other addiction lol..) .. went to bed.. tough to sleep. But.. I'm sure you all know how that goes...
        P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

        As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
        - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


          Time to face the music..

          The sleep thing does get better, I promise! Been there, stayed awake! LOL! Seriously, if you have a dr you can confide in, go ask her/him for something to help with the sleep. There are a lot of medicines that can help without causing any addiction. Glad you heare you are staying strong. Please keep us posted!
          Enjoy Life!
          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


            Time to face the music..

            Thanks guys.. OBHG, I'm Really not into medications of any kind.. so I'll just know it's normal to not sleep well at first and after Day 2.. it was slightly better (still woke several times during the night). I drank some herbal tea last night called tension tamer.. sounds good in theory anyway lol. The thing is the DREAMING that is coming back, after alcohol had subdued that part of sleep for so long.. wow. It's kinda weird.
            P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

            As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
            - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


              Time to face the music..

              Hi Palatia~ the weird dreams won't be forever, but they can get crazy! I haven't had nightmares, but if Brad Pitt realized what he did in MY dreams.... HE might have nightmares! :H (just kidding!)....

              My nightly remedy is reading- sometimes novels, sometimes self-help books. The best part of sobriety is waking up without the horrid leftover beer breath & nagging headaches.

              Glad you are here! :heart:

              Tampa, FL

