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Glad is ok

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    Glad is ok

    Thankyou for your concern saintjude and happycamper. I only had 5 drinks I just found it a too rough last night but I have worked out a plan.

    Im going to have no more than 6 drinks a day which is a third or quarter of what i drink now, and Im going to not drink unless the withdrawals get too bad. I feel bad about sucumbing yesterday but I was going out of my mind.

    Today I am taking the kids to the pool with a friend and then a walk in the country. No drinks unless absolutely needed.

    Once my dependance has lowered il start detox. what do you think does that plan sound ok

    Glad is ok

    this sounds like you've made an awesome start! It may be too hard to cut it all out cold turkey based on the amount you are used to drinking, but cutting back according to your plan sounds really good. Try to fight through those withdrawals as long as you can and drink LOTS of water.. Your body will thank you the more you get out of your system, and I know your children will thank you too! I love the part about the pool.... that will make their day! Dont forget to love on them extra much when you can... they are suffering too. They need to know that you are living for THEM too, and not just for yourself or your one child who is sick. I enjoyed talking to you in chat, and have thought about your so much. You hang in there... one day at a time!

    Keep us posted...


      Glad is ok

      Hey Glad, we keep just missing each other here & there.. : sounds like a good idea to take things a bit slower. Youv'e got a lot going on from what little bit I've been able to chat with you... Hang in there. I admire your strength. You & you're family are in my thoughts and prayers... Hugs, Judie


        Glad is ok

        Hi Glad,
        I am 'so glad' that you are ok -- no pun intended. I was in chat late Sat night with you. I was thinking in fact, I am not a professional, but I would like to suggest thinking about calling & going to a professional, say an addiction counselor or doc. Addiction counselor may be a lot easier to talk to & more accessable. And going over a 3-4 day detox plan with them. I was thinking you should really ask them about tranquilzers for those first few days of withdrawal, in addition to the supplements. Alcohol withdrawal is nothing to fool with -- I have read & have friends in hospital say it is one of the most serious & dangerous withdrawals. Doesn't mean you cannot still do it at home. But I really would consider getting some medicine to help & some good professional advice. I admire you greatly for doing this!. Oh -- & having a good addiction counselor at the end of a phone line when you are sick could be a real blessing!!! There are some wonderful & understanding ones out there. Where do you live?? Also have feeling though that some on the MWO board may have gone through some heavy serious physical withdrawal at some point also & give or already given advice. Oh -- another quick thought -- addiction counselors are sometimes hooked into clinics where they can get meds prescribed. Chrysa


          Glad is ok

          Your plan sounds excellent. But, I feel Chrysa has given you very good advice. Some professional assistance getting you thru detox, might be needed in your case. You have a ton of love and concern from this group. We all want to see you achieve your goals. Have a great day with the kids. Hope you have nice weather.
          Hugs, Layla


            Glad is ok

            I'm happy to hear your still here glad. Please accept help from someone nearby you. gab

